tutorial system

[tuˈtɔriəl ˈsɪstəm][tu:ˈtɔ:ri:əl ˈsistəm]


  • The tutorial system is an effective guarantee to implement credit system .

    导师 是学分制实施的有效保障。

  • Analysis on the Pilot Project of Carrying out the Tutorial System in Application-oriented Universities of Undergraduate Education

    应用型本科院校实施 导师 试点探析

  • Trial and Reflections of Implementation of the Undergraduate Tutorial System at Clinical Medical Colleges

    临床医学院实行本科生 导师 的初步尝试和思考

  • Application of tutorial system to the histology and embryology course during basic medicine learning of 8-year program

    八年制医学生组织学与胚胎学教学的 导师 尝试

  • Progress on application of undergraduate tutorial system nursing teaching method

    本科生 导师 护理教学方法的应用进展

  • The tutorial system and the construction of tutor contingent play pivotal roles in the postgraduate education system in Belgium .

    在研究生培养体系中, 导师 制度及导师队伍建设发挥着举足轻重的作用。

  • The implementation of undergraduate s tutorial system is exactly a very essential action of university s educational reform at present .

    本科生 导师 的推行,正是目前高校教育改革的一项举措。

  • The developmental dilemma of the tutorial system for undergraduates is studied with the methods of literature research comparison and interviews .

    通过文献法、访谈法和比较法对本科生 导师 的实施困境进行调查分析。

  • On Ideal State and Realization Forms of Undergraduate Tutorial System

    论本科生 导师 的理想状态及其实现

  • According to the students applied set different training professional and tutorial system .

    根据学员的应用性,设定了不同的培训专业及 教程 体系

  • Undergraduate tutorial system construction for physics speciality

    构建物理教育专业 完善的本科生 导师

  • The Exploration and Practice to The Tutorial System of The Vocational College Students ′ Specialized Study Crossing Grades

    高职院校学生跨年级专业学习 导师 的探索与实践

  • The undergraduate tutorial system has been tried out as a particular training pattern in many colleges and universities .

    本科生 导师 制作为一种独特的育人模式在我国高校多有试行。

  • Model of the Oxford University Tutors & An Analysis of Jowett 's Tutorial System Idea

    牛津大学导师的典范&乔义特 导师 思想研究

  • The Practice and Study of the Program Specialty Tutorial System in Computer Specialty

    计算机专业专业 导师 项目的实践研究 十进位)计算机

  • Undergraduate Tutorial System : A New Carrier of Imparting Knowledge & Educating People in University

    本科生 导师 :高校教书育人的新载体

  • Practices and reflections on the cultivation pattern of the tutorial system ;

    本科生 导师 是高等教育 大众化背景下的制度创新。

  • Research on the Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge Strategy for Graduates Based on Tutorial System

    基于 导师 的研究生隐性知识获取策略研究

  • Lectures have replaced the old tutorial system .

    讲座代替了旧的 辅导 制度

  • Training mode of tutorial system of one position with three responsibilities for postgraduates of TCM basic theory specialty

    导师一岗三责 培养中医药基础专业研究生模式的 创建与实践

  • The Developing History of Modern Tutorial System in University of Oxford and Its Enlightenments

    牛津大学现代 导师 的发展史及启示

  • The Tutorial System Exploration and Thinking of Undergraduate Students on the Implementation of Musicology of Normal Universities

    关于高师音乐学专业实行本科生 导师 的研究

  • Cultivating Baccalaureate Nursing Students ' Scientific Research Abilities by Problem-based Learning ( PBL ) and Tutorial System

    PBL与 导师 教学对本科护生科研能力的培养

  • Because of tutorial system and individual training graduate students have a strong professional sense of belonging but lack of group sense of belonging .

    一直以来由于 导师 负责 的影响及研究生个体化培养的特点,研究生有强烈的专业归属感,却缺乏群体归属感。

  • The Roles of Tutorial System in the Construction of University Dormitory Culture

    试析 导师 在宿舍文化建设中的作用

  • Undergraduate Tutorial System and Mechanism Innovation of University Study Style

    本科生 导师 与高校学风建设机制创新

  • Based on entire credit system flexible educational system gathered all merits of elective system tutorial system and grade point system it is an elastic educational management system and talents nurturing mode .

    弹性学制是一种以完全学分制为基础,集选课制、 、分绩点制 三位一体,是具有较大灵活性的教学管理制度和人才培养模式。

  • Implementation of tutorial system for undergraduates to promote development of medical education for nationalities

    实施本科生 导师 促进民族医学教育发展

  • This article probes into the construction of tutorial system the significance of the tutorial system under the credit system weakness present in the tutorial system and the countermeasures .

    文章主要探讨如何构建 导师 ,阐明了导师制在学分制管理制度下的重要性和导师制存在的问题,提出了推行和完善导师制的对策。