



  • Synthesis and NMR Studies of Tweezer Molecule ( 2S 8S ) - Bis ( 2 - naphthoyl aminomethyl ) - 1 - triazabicyclo 4.4.0 w_1208 dec - 5 - ene Chloride


  • Tweezer arrays with dozens of beams could manipulate particles to create defects in an ordered colloidal crystal .


  • Thus single cell laser tweezer Raman spectroscopy may be a nondestructive rapid and good method to measure and analyze different pathological specimens from liver cancer .

    上述 初步 研究 结果 表明:单细胞激光 拉曼光谱可以 区分肝癌的不同病变部位,将是检测和分析肝癌组织标本的一种很好的方法。

  • Single Crystal of Thiourea Derivatives Based Tweezer Receptors and Its Selective Recognition of Fluoride Ion by hydrogen bonding

    基于硫脲衍生物的氢键 钳形 分子受体的晶体结构及其对F~-离子的选择性识别

  • You would need a tweezer to tease out the hairs on one side .

    你需要一 镊子来把头发 到一边。

  • We also discuss the effects of some parameters especially absorbance on the laser radiation pressure on dielectric sphere in laser tweezer .

    并且 计算和分析了激光波长 λ、小球折射率 n和小球吸收参数 AB等各种参数对于球形微粒在激光 中所受激光光压力的影响。

  • Among the variety of artificial receptor models a special class of receptors called molecular tweezer are currently attracting great interest .

    在众多人工受体模型中,分子 作为一类 新型的人工受体已引起人们的广泛关注。

  • Theoretical Analysis on Focusing Characteristics of Laser Tweezer Under the Influence of Astigmation from Sample Vessel

    样品池像散影响光 聚焦特性的理论分析

  • Studies on Design Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Molecular Tweezer Artificial Receptors of Steroid Cholic Acid

    胆甾类分子 人工受体的设计合成及分子识别 性能研究

  • Laser optical tweezer and its applications in Biology


  • A ground breaking hair removal system that uses a revolutionary tweezer disc system with dual opposed heads .

    奠定脱毛系统,采取了革命性 光盘系统存在双重否决元首。

  • Laguerre-Gaussian ( LG ) mode is the eigen-state of the orbital angular momentum of photon . It has potential applications in the fields of optical tweezer quantum information process and computation .

    拉盖尔高斯(Laguerre-Gaussian,LG)模是光子的轨道角动量本征态,它在未来的光 、量子信息和计算等领域有潜在的应用价值。

  • Study on Optical Tweezer Technology Used in Quartz Microchannel Fabricated by Laser

    基于激光加工石英微型通道用于光 操纵的研究

  • Synthesis of novel molecular tweezer from estradiol and study of their molecular recognition

    雌二醇分子 的合成及分子识别 性能的研究