turn to advantage

[tɚn tu ædˈvæntɪdʒ][tə:n tu: ədˈvɑ:ntidʒ]


  • After months of losing sleep dropping weight and ' feeling pushed to the brink of losing my mind ' by her juggling act Ms. Matheny decided she had to address her stress & and turn it to her advantage .

    在经历了几个月的失眠、体重下降和感觉追求面面俱到将我推到精神崩溃的边缘之后,马西尼认为必须要解决压力问题& 压力变得 自己 有利

  • Emphases on IS return research have turn into how to promote competition advantage and how to increase the value of IS investment .

    IS投资回报研究的重点 转移到了促生竞争 优势和提高企业价值增值上。

  • It is the prerequisite for and basis of Shenzhen 's faster and continuous development to turn the great pressure of population to an advantage of human resources .

    把巨大的人口压力 转化 人力资源 优势是深圳加快发展、持续发展的前提和基础。

  • And that in turn should put you in better position to take advantage of the growing local search market .

    同时这 能使你在增长的本地搜索市场中 占据一个很好的位置。

  • It also puts forward the targets and the technical ideas to turn resource advantage to be industrial advantage and to industrialize hydro - metallurgical copper recovery .

    提出了公司 铜资源优势 产业 优势、实现湿法提铜产业化的目标和技术思路。

  • The winners will be those who seize the moment and turn the new reality to their advantage .

    赢家将会是那些抓住时机并 新情况成为自己 优势的人。

  • I 'm not suggesting that you desecrate your own vocabulary but that you acknowledge that you are a foreigner and try to turn that to your advantage .

    我不是在建议你糟蹋自己的用词,而是在建议你承认自己是个 外人,并将此 转化 自己的 优势

  • However comparative advantage does not necessarily turn out to be competitive advantage .

    然而,比较优势不一定 成为竞争 优势

  • So far Mr basescu the country 's most-trusted politician has managed to turn most of this to his advantage .

    到目前为止,伯塞斯库作为该国最受信任的政治家,已经成功地 大部分功劳化 自己的 优势

  • The state-owned enterprise must adjust the distribution of state-owned asset industries though reorganization and turn to the advantage and new industries .

    国有企业必须通过存量资产的流动与重组,调整国有资产的产业布局,将国有资产及时退出劣势行业, 尽快 转向 优势产业和新兴产业。

  • What can Mr Obama do to turn the economy to his advantage ?

    奥巴马采取何种措施,才能 使经济状况 变得利于自己的选举?

  • We must turn our knowledge to advantage .

    我们 必须 充分 发挥自身知识的作用。

  • Biotechnology is giving us additional tools to cope with waste & and turn it to our advantage .

    生物技术为我们提供了更多的处理垃圾的方法&而且 能够 变废为宝为我所用

  • If the US can wean itself off what has been an unhealthy addiction the shock could yet turn out to be to its long-term advantage .

    如果美国能戒除自己不健康的依赖性,那么这场冲击或许 最终 造就其长期发展的 优势

  • And while you 're about it try to turn the week to your advantage ; take him to the pub buy him a few pints and explain the anxiety staff feel about the constant crises .

    在你这么做的同时,尝试着 这一周 有利;带他去酒吧,给他买些饮料,解释一下员工对持续不断危机的焦虑。

  • Iran could also try to turn geography to its advantage probably by attacking shipping in the Strait of Hormuz at the entrance to the Gulf .

    伊朗还可能尝试 利用地理 优势,具体战术很可能是攻击海湾入口处霍尔木兹海峡的船舶。

  • The government have not been able to turn today 's demonstration to their advantage .

    政府 未能 今天的游行示威 为己用。

  • Landscaped pools help turn those requirements to their advantage .

    景色宜人的泳池 这种要求 变成优势

  • Here are some techniques the authors suggest we can use to turn happenstance to our advantage .

    以下是作者的一些建议,我们可以用它来 偶发事件 转变成对我们 有益的事件。

  • These are only three of the several ways in which Hong Kong can turn China 's natural evolution to its advantage .

    除以上三种方式之外,香港还有一些其它方法,可 使它从内地自然的沿革中 获益

  • Perhaps one of the most unfathomable things is why Mr Kan did not have the wit to turn that to his advantage .

    也许,最深不可测的事情是为什么菅直人没有能力将群众的愤怒 转变 自己的 优势

  • Flexible and resourceful you draw confidence from past experiences and your ability to turn problems to your advantage .

    灵活、足智多谋的你从以往的经验,以及 问题有 利于你的化解能力中得到自信。

  • The comparative advantage is the basis of the competitive advantage which can form the real export competitiveness as long as turn the comparative advantage to the competitive advantage and the late-developing advantage is the key to turn the comparative advantage to the competitive advantage .

    比较优势是竞争优势的基础,只有 比较优势 转化 竞争 优势,才能形成真正的出口竞争力,而后发优势是实现比较优势向竞争优势转化的关键,这些理论是纺织服装出口的指导理论。

  • An enterprise should change its competition tactics according to social situations and especially under the present economic circumstances it should turn its attention from comparative advantage to competitive advantage .

    企业竞争策略要随着社会形势的变化而变化,在目前经济形势 变化的情况下,要注重从比较优势 走向竞争 优势

  • The Clinton campaign on Friday chimed in hoping to turn the controversy over Givhan 's article to advantage .

    希拉里竞选阵营于上周五开始发动攻势,希望能 民众对 吉夫汉文章的争议转化 竞选 优势

  • But God wanted to use this unlikely incident to turn to Mordecai 's remarkable advantage .

    然而,神正要使用这件偶然发生的事,来 扭转末底改的 劣势

  • Our job as a global institution is increasingly going to be to help countries adapt to this new environment and turn it to their advantage he said .

    他说:“作为一个全球性机构,我们的任务越来越 变成帮助各国来适应这种新的环境,并 加以 利用”。

  • Why not turn to advantage the enemy 's plot since we have known it ?

    我们已经知道敌人的阴谋,为何不 将计就计呢?

  • Status Offline To thrive in a hyper-transparent world we have to learn to be actively transparent to turn the specific conditions of the age to our advantage .

    要在超透明世界中发展,我们必须学会”主动透明 “, 学会 利用这一个时代的具体情况。