turn aside

[tɚn əˈsaɪd][tə:n əˈsaid]


  • To turn aside at the last moment .

    在最后一刻 改变 主意

  • He turn aside question on the subject .

    他对有关这件 的问题 避而不谈

  • In a similar case you would be able to turn aside because the wheels wouldn 't be locked .

    在同样情况下,四驱轮车就可以顺利的 转向 路侧,因为车轮没有被抱死。

  • To turn aside the right of a man before the face of the most High

    或在至高者面前 屈枉

  • They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths .

    并且掩耳不听真道,偏向荒 的言语。

  • He made the beast turn aside and trot docilely away .

    他使那野兽 转向 一旁。乖乖地快步跑开了。

  • But Asahel would not turn aside from following of him .

    亚撒黑却不肯 转开 追赶他。

  • Abner said to him Turn aside to your right or to your left .

    押尼 对他说: 转向你的左边或你的右边。

  • Some never come to be unless those that behold the visions turn aside from their path to prevent them .

    有些很久不会发作的,除非看了这些 形势 他们走的路去中止他们发作。

  • Pope is the person these people turn to when they prepare to put morals and justice aside in order to cling on to what they think is important .

    当这些人准备置道德正义于 不顾、紧紧抓住他们认为最重要的东西时,就会来 蒲柏 求助

  • Turn aside ; turn away one 's face ; glanced away .


  • To cause to turn aside or differ .

    使 偏离引起 偏离或差异。

  • Turn aside anger with kind words .

    用仁慈的语言 扭转愤怒。

  • Prevail on you to turn aside a terrible fate .

    说服你 改变 可怕的命运。

  • But very good is such a weak woman turn aside to eventually guillotined .

    然而就是这样一个无比善良的弱女子,最终被 屈枉地送上断头台。

  • Get you out of the way turn aside out of the path cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us .

    你们要离弃正道, 偏离直路。不要在我们面前,再题说以色列的圣者。

  • And no more turn aside and brood .

    莫再 过脸儿去 忧虑

  • Take heed to yourselves that your heart be not deceived and ye turn aside and serve other gods and worship them ;

    你们要谨慎,免得心中受迷惑,就 偏离 正路事奉敬拜别神。

  • The sight of the knife startled them and caused them to turn aside and quickly disappear down the bed of the stream leaving me to regret the hostile appearance I must have presented .

    他们看见刀吓了一跳,立即 转身沿着河床消失得无影无踪,让我为自己的恶相 后悔不迭

  • Turn away from and put aside perhaps temporarily .

    厌恶而临时地放 一边

  • Do not turn aside from what they tell you to the right or to the left .

    他们所指示你的 ,你不可 偏离左右。

  • Tim . 4:4 And they will turn away their ear from the truth and will be turned aside to myths .

    提后四4并且转耳 离弃真理,偏向虚构 无稽之事。

  • To turn aside the needy from judgment and to take away the right from the poor of my people that widows may be their prey and that they may rob the fatherless !

    为要 屈枉穷乏人,夺去我民中困苦人的理,以寡妇当作掳物,以孤儿当作掠物。

  • It is the charm of the African necromancer who professed with a feather to turn aside the winds . Blind Detection of Digital Forgeries Using Detection Trace of Eclosion

    这是非洲女巫假装用羽毛 扇风时的迷人姿态。基于边缘羽化检测的虚假图像盲识别算法

  • So be careful to do what the LORD your God has commanded you ; do not turn aside to the right or to the left .

    所以,你们要照耶和华你们神所吩咐的谨守遵行,不可 偏离左右。

  • And his master said unto him We will not turn aside hither into the city of a stranger that is not of the children of Israel ; we will pass over to Gibeah .

    主人回答说,我们不可进不是以色列人住的外邦城,不如过到 基比亚去。

  • And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver for they are empty .

    偏离 耶和华 顺从那不能救人的虚神是无益的。

  • Blessed is that man that maketh the LORD his trust and respecteth not the proud nor such as turn aside to lies .

    那倚靠耶和华,不 理会 狂傲和偏向虚假之辈的,这人便为有福。