turbulent flame

[ˈtɚbjələnt flem][ˈtə:bjulənt fleim]


  • In addition the max turbulent flame speed is similar in these cases which means turbulent influence on the indoor fire caused by gas leakage is less .

    另外,各种条件下最大 湍流 火焰 传播速度差别不大,说明室内气体火灾受湍流的影响较小。

  • A quasi-dimensional combustion model for motorcycle gasoline engines was established based on a combination of the turbulent flame propagation model and the reduced chemical kinetic model .

    结合燃烧模型、 湍流 火焰传播模型以及化学动力学模型,建立了摩托车四冲程汽油机双区准维燃烧模型。

  • A turbulent diffusion flame exploring this technique was investigated in various conditions of different oscillating frequency through direct photographs .

    利用直接摄像技术,对一个采用该 燃烧方式的 射流火焰在不同流量脉动频率下的 火焰类型和结构特征进行了研究。

  • A turbulent methane jet diffusion flame is numerically simulated by using both steady and unsteady flamelet models . The modeling ability of the two models to represent the mean turbulent flame structures active radicals and pollutant ( nitric oxides ) emissions is compared .

    采用稳态的和非稳态的火焰面模型同时对一个湍流甲烷射流扩散火焰进行了数值模拟,比较了两者对 湍流平均 火焰结构、活性自由基和污染物(氮氧化物)排放的模拟效果。

  • Heat release rate average burned gas temperature and NO formation as well as turbulent burning rate turbulent flame propagating speel and flame speed ratio in different flame zones were computed as model output .

    本模型不仅可以计算出 燃烧放热率,燃气平均温度,NO生成规律,还可提供各火焰区的紊流燃烧速度、 紊流传播速度和火焰速比等重要参数。

  • The turbulent flame propagation model of a reciprocating piston gasoline engine was inspected to see whether it is applicable to gasoline Wankle engine based on the experimental data .

    基于实验数据,考察了往复式汽油机 湍流 燃烧速率计算经验式在汽油转子发动机中应用的不适用性,并对其进行了修正;

  • Investigation on Structure of Premixed Turbulent Flame Based on Measure Fractal Theory

    湍流预混 火焰结构的测度分形研究

  • In case A the propagation of laminar flames is periodically oscillatory and the turbulent flame accelerates continuously .

    情形A中,层流火焰的传播出现周期性振荡现象, 湍流 火焰在传播过程中不断加速;

  • A quasi dimensional turbulent flame propagation model for two stroke SI engine is developed . It is demonstrated that this model works well for a testing motorcycle engine as the experimental results are fairly consistent with those obtained by calculations . A few empirical parameters obtained are given .

    建立了用于二冲程汽油机的准维 湍流 火焰传播模型,计算结果与试验相符合,表明准维 湍流 火焰 传播模型对于高速二冲程汽油机具有良好的适用性。

  • PDF Simulation of Local Extinction Within a Bluff-Body Stabilized Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame

    钝体驻定 湍流扩散 火焰局部熄火的PDF模拟

  • Experimental Study on the Shock Wave Induced by Turbulent Flame in Aluminum Dust-Air Mixture

    铝粉 湍流 火焰诱导激波现象的实验研究

  • The mechanism of fractal nature in turbulent flame structure is also discussed .

    在此基础上,得到维数与 Red 释放率及1次 风流 燃烧控制因子的依变关系,并讨论了 湍流 火焰分维结构的内在机理。

  • A distract model has been firstly established to simulate the turbulent flame propagation speed for the dual fuel engine in this paper .

    本课题还首次建立了 湍流 火焰传播分形模型,计算双燃料发动机 燃烧过程中 湍流 火焰速度,以评估发动机结构参数和运转参数对 燃烧过程的影响。

  • The paper also studies the autoignition phenomenon the instantaneous turbulent flame configuration and the turbulent stabilization mechanism using the DNS results .

    本文还用DNS数据分析了该 火焰的自发着火现象, 湍流 燃烧的瞬态 火焰结构以及湍流 火焰的稳 机理,且都得到了一些比较新颖的结果。

  • A two-zone combustion modeling in spark ignition ( SI ) engine that includes chemical kinetic modeling and turbulent flame combustion modeling was established .

    建立了火花点火式发动机的双区燃烧模型,其中包括化学动力学模型和 湍流 火焰燃烧模型。

  • A phenomenological model of turbulent flame growth is proposed this model combines the growth process of turbulent flame with the instantaneous flame scale and basic turbulent characteristic parameters and describes the whole process of the flame development from laminar propagation to fully developed turbulent propagation .

    提出了一个 紊流 火焰生长的现象学模型,将预混合燃烧紊流火焰的生长过程与火焰瞬时尺度和基本的紊流特性参数联系起来,描述了火焰从层流传播到充分发展的紊流传播的全过程。

  • The process of Fuel-NO formation is experimentally studied in a methane / Air planar jet turbulent flame by adding a small amount of ammonia ( NH3 ) in fuel to simulate fuel nitrogen .

    在二维平面 射流中进行了燃料型NO的实验研究,采用在甲烷中加入NH3的方法来模拟燃料氮。

  • Further analyses and calculations show that the decrease in turbulence intensity in supercharged gasoline engine will slow down the turbulent flame speed so it is another reason that supercharged gasoline engine is easy to knock .

    经计算与分析表明,增压后湍流强度的下降将导致 湍流 火焰 传播速度下降,这是汽油机增压后易发生爆震的另一因素。

  • Numerical Simulation of Development of Turbulent Flame in an Obstructed Tube

    障碍物管道中 湍流 火焰发展的数值模拟

  • Numerical study of radial distribution of composition of methane turbulent jet flame by PDF method

    应用PDF方法对甲烷 射流 火焰组分浓度分布的数值研究

  • The k - ε turbulent model three-gas mixing combustion model and composite radiation model were applied to numerical simulation of the turbulent diffusion flame in a gas burner with spinning air .

    为研究瓦斯燃烧器的火焰特性,采用kε湍流模型、三气体扩散燃烧模型及综合辐射模型,对旋流稳焰瓦斯燃烧器 湍流扩散 火焰进行了数值模拟。

  • A Phenomenological Model of Turbulent Flame Growth

    紊流 火焰生长的现象学模型

  • A Study of Variation of Size and Structure of Pulverized Coal Particles in a Turbulent Jet Flame

    湍流射流 火焰中煤粉颗粒尺寸和结构的变化

  • Phenomenological Turbulent Flame Velocity Model for Premixed Combustion

    预混合燃烧现象学 紊流 火焰速度模型

  • The second case is mainly used to study a turbulent flame phenomenon based on an experiment .

    算例二主要研究了一个实验工况下的 湍流 射流 燃烧现象,实验的 雷诺 为23600。

  • Applying the technology of combustion imaging visualization the image series of freely propagating premixed turbulent flame over a range of Reynolds number from 4 335 to 11 100 are acquired and the two dimension structure parameters of turbulent flame are also measured .

    本文利用图像可视化技术,在小型火焰试验台上获得了Red=4335~11100范围内的燃气预混 火焰 湍流 图像序列,并对2维湍流结构参数进行了测量。

  • A Model for Erosive Burning of Solid Propellant Based on Statistical Theory of Turbulent Flame

    根据 紊流 火焰统计理论所建立的固体推进剂侵蚀燃烧模型

  • By using the simulated turbulent velocity fields three dimensional geometric details of turbulent flame was obtained for the first time .

    通过利用模拟得到的3维湍流速度场,首次实现了对 几何形状的3维模拟;

  • Using the digital image processing technique and the laser tomography technique a novel approach based on the turbulent intermittence was proposed here to describe the extinction process of turbulent flame .

    利用数字图像技术和激光层析技术,提出了利用大尺度涡团结构和 湍流间歇性来揭示 火焰 和熄灭现象的新思路。

  • Analysis of the critical micro-scale with self-similarity of turbulent flame

    湍流 火焰自相似临界微尺度分析