turn colors


  • Exposure to sun heat and even some household cleaners will turn the silicone different colors or make it fall out altogether .

    在阳光下暴晒,高温,甚至一些家用清洁剂都会 使硅酮的 颜色发生变化或者使其整块脱落。

  • Nature 's miracles such as the flowers in bloom the leaves when they turn bright colors in the fall or the sky when it 's blue remind us of the simple pleasure in life .

    自然现象,花儿 了,秋天的叶子换了 颜色,蓝天白云,这些简单的事务,让我们心也跟着愉快开朗起来。

  • SEM observation showed that the surface of 1420 Al-Li alloy turn colors and rust spot become bigger after salt corrosion .

    电镜扫描观察发现,1420铝锂合金锈点直径较大,且连成片,表面明显 变色

  • You can turn this into any shape and you can add colors and other accessories .

    同时,你也可以 蜡做成任何你希望的形状,也可以给他们上一些 颜色或者是添加其他的饰品。

  • According to reports in Chengdu the panda base will turn off the colors of ice are melting panda base light source a symbol of global warming conservation of biological diversity .

    据介绍,在成都,熊猫基地将 关掉正在融化的 七彩冰雕熊猫群光源,象征着遏制全球变暖、保护生物多样性。

  • This text introduced the property and use of silica gel and discussed detailedly productive method and technics as well as flow for preparation of various silica gel and turn colors silica gel from raw water glass using sulfuric acid method .

    本文介绍了硅胶的性质、用途,并对水玻璃为原料硫酸法制备形状各异的硅胶和 变色硅胶的生产方法、生产工艺和生产流程进行了详细论述。

  • In the limited space creatures use these limited material in turn so as to live through generation after generation showing themselves in assorted forms and colors on the mother earth .

    在此有限的时空里面,大家 轮流使用这些有限的物质,使得万物得以生生不息, 多彩多姿地呈现在大地之中。

  • As the world 's eyes turn to Beijing for the2008 Summer Olympics traditional bright colors like red cobalt blue and yellow will appear in women 's wear collections .

    随着世界目光都 投向了北京的2008夏季奥运会。象红色、钴蓝和黄色这样传统 亮色将出现在女性衣装中。