turn of life

[tɚn ʌv laɪf][tə:n ɔv laif]

[医] 绝经

  • In recent years mobile phones have developed rapidly in many kinds of applications . The mobile phones become more intelligent and diversiform and turn into an indispensable part of daily life .

    近年来,手机在各项应用方面发展迅速,更加的智能化多样化, 成为人们日常 生活中必不可少的一部分。

  • The cultural historical development of mass consumerism contains the cultural logic of the turn of aesthetic life .

    大众消费主义文化的历史发展中隐含着审美 生活 转向的文化逻辑。

  • It is described as infesting the roads because at every turn in the journey or pilgrimage of human life matter and occasion for study assails and encounters us .

    科学被描述为出没于道路,因为在 人生的旅程或朝圣的每一个 转弯,可供研究的事物和场合都会伏击和拦阻我们。

  • The split of two cultures is objective existence the origins of it is the aim - turn of human life .

    两种文化的分裂是客观存在的,它 人类 生活的目标 转向有关。

  • The answer is how clever you are when you turn the dull routines of life into laughter .

    答案在于,你是否能够聪明地 枯燥 生活琐事变成笑声。

  • The most important sign of the turn of aesthetic life is the presentation of daily life in the form of aesthetic .

    审美 生活 转向最为重要的一个表征是日常生活以审美的形式呈现出来。

  • Whenever I feel down in the dumps I turn on my laptop and read my collection of inspiring life quotes .

    当我心情低落时,我 打开电脑,看看自己收集到的一些 人生格言。

  • Analyse contemporary emotion narrate emotion characteristic of world of middleman point out with person that rich and varied spirit means emotion is it is it turn into desire common customs of life ask to take off to experience .

    分析了当代情感叙事中人的情感世界的特点,指出具有丰富多样精神意味的人的情感体验褪 化成世俗 生活的欲求,但在日常 生活中,人对感情充满渴望。

  • This ill cent has oviposit result blood to be mixed without oviposit result blood two kinds former it is oviposit function produces an obstacle good hair reaches the turn of life at adolescence ;

    本病分为无排卵型功血和有排卵型功血两种,前者是排卵功能发生障碍,好发于青春期及 更年期

  • A lot of people are prepared to turn their back on the materialist way of life .

    很多人都准备 放弃追求物质享受的 生活方式。

  • This transformation needs the next turn & which must be for quality of life and preservation of the environment .

    现在,这一变革要进入下一个 方向,这次中国必须重视 生活质量和环境保护。

  • Medical treatment hygiene is highly professional turn of the service permeates in people of the life in everywhere always .

    医疗卫生作为高度专业 的服务时时处处渗透在人们的 生活中。

  • For in good truth you seem to turn over the pages of my past life far better than I could do myself .

    因为说老实话,你对于我的 生活比我自己还更清楚。

  • In the past people takes the mental hygiene of woman the turn of life seriously commonly and to The male The mental hygiene of the turn of life is very few refer .

    过去,人们一般重视妇女 更年期的心理卫生,而对于男性更年期的心理卫生则很少谈及。

  • Bearing as a specific social behavior in the turn of continuity of life is a gifted natural right of every human being .

    生育行为作为 人类繁衍 子孙后代所特有的社会行为,是每个人类个体与生俱来的自然权利。

  • Organic tissues of living things are fashioned from the elements of air water and soil which in turn bear the imprints of life .

    生物休的有机经组织是由空气、水和土壤中的元素构成,这些元素都带着 生命 印记

  • In contrast without good health ambitious and promising as a person may be he will eventually turn out to be a wreckage of modern life .

    与此相反,没有良好的健康,希望作为一个雄心勃勃的人也可能 最终成为一具现代 生活的残骸。

  • In postmodern societies while distancing from the macro politics of state and party as bases for a durable identity people turn to micro politics and identity of everyday life .

    后现代社会中的人们在远离以国家、政党为长期认同的宏观政治的同时, 转而投注到日常 生活中的微观政治与身份认同。

  • From the turn of the century onward she shared the life of the aborigines .

    她自世纪之 以来便同土著居民 生活在一起。

  • The university campus life for three years is a major turn point of my life .

    三年的大学校园生活是我 人生的一大 转折点。

  • Consumerism and the Turn of Aes the tic Life

    消费主义与审美 生活 转向

  • When I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life or whether that station will be held by anybody else these pages must shou .

    人们明白这本书主人公是我而不是 别人,这是本书 必须做到的。

  • So it 's the reason why they turn to find the true meaning of the world and life .

    使自己意识真诚就必须自己先领悟世界和 人生的真谛( 明明德、至知);

  • I want to see what I can do with seed soil sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life .

    我要知晓我能用种子、土壤、阳光和雨水做些什么,去为收获一个硕果累累的 生活 培土浇水。

  • However long-term over-immunosuppression causes infection malignancies and many other complications which in turn compromises patients ' quality of life and survival .

    但是,长期过度的免疫抑制会增加感染、肿瘤及各种并发症发生的机会, 反过来 会影响患者的 生活质量和存活。

  • To remember that the good good will arouse because he is the turn of your life to order .

    要记得好好感激,因为他是你 人生 转折点。