


  • A key factor in Turing 's model was diffusion .


  • Turing test physical symbolic hypothesis and soon play important roles to push research on intelligence .


  • The computer science pioneer Alan Turing was not a strict pacifist ;

    计算机科学先驱者阿兰。 图灵不是一名严格意义上的和平主义者;

  • As of a few months ago these spam filters no longer pass my little Turing test .

    但从几个月前开始,这些邮件过滤器再也不能通过我小小的 图灵测试了。

  • Turing 's theory provided one of the first examples of how order could arise spontaneously .


  • Turing 's work provided one of the very first models of biological self-organization .


  • The Turing test is a one-sided test .


  • The Turing test obviously has its limitations .

    显然, 图灵测试也有其局限性。

  • If the judge fails then the computer is said to have passed the Turing Test .

    如果法官失败了,那么就说计算机通过了 图灵测试。

  • The technical details of things like Turing completeness and theories of computability are beyond most of them .


  • Instead in Turing 's model diffusion acted to create organized patterns out of an initially uniform medium .

    可是,在 图灵的模型中,均化去起到了从最初不统一的媒介中创造一个有组织化的格局。

  • The computer theory pioneer Turing believe that the machine can be thinking .

    计算机理论的先驱 图灵认为,机器可以思考。

  • Turing is so different to Sherlock .


  • Turing was subsequently forced to choose between imprisonment and chemical castration . He chose chemical castration .

    最后,他被迫在监禁和化学 阉割二者中做出选择,他选择了化学阉割。

  • It is unchangeable to achieve input axis and the take-off spool velocity turing round .

    实现输入轴和输出轴的 运转速度不变。

  • Gremlin is a Turing Complete programming language useful for working with graphs .

    Gremlin是操作图表的一个非常有用的 图灵完备的编程语言。

  • There are many states and complex function _ δ _ on conventional solving methods of Turing Machine .


  • Throughout his life Turing was fascinated by the organized forms and shapes of biological organisms .

    在他的整个人生, 图灵都对生物体有组织的形式和形状着迷。

  • We study the structure of the plus cupping Turing degrees in this paper .

    本文研究 计算枚举 图灵度的结构,提出并 完成了一个加杯 证明

  • To this day no machine has passed the Turing Test .

    迄今为止,还没有机器通过了 图灵测试。

  • In1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought .

    年RichardFeynman提出,值得尊敬的 Turing机器的功能也许并没有人们所想的那么强大。

  • Later this model is called as the Turing machine .

    后来,人们就称这个 数字模型为 灵机

  • That is they are capable of computation in the same manner as a universal Turing machine .

    也就是说,他们是在计算能力作为一个通用 灵机的方式相同。

  • As a Turing Award winner he is one of the early pioneers in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence .

    他是 图灵奖获得者,也是早期研究计算机科学和人工智能的开拓者。

  • Suppose that a machine could pass all my specific Turing tests except for one of them .

    假设一个机器能通过我所有特定的 图灵测试,除了其中的一个。

  • Grand Master Turing once dreamed that he was a machine .

    超级大师 图灵曾梦见自己是一台机器, 后他这样 回忆

  • Nevertheless Turing provided an account of morphogenesis that required nothing more than chemistry and physics .

    尽管如此, 图灵 还是提出了一种仅仅需要化学和物理(知识)来对形态的解释。

  • Turing dreamed of building a brain a machine that could replicate human thought and intelligence .


  • But a computer that can pass an unrestricted Turing test could do it easily .

    但是,一个能够通过不受限 图灵测试的计算机就可以轻易完成此事。