


  • He called out to a passing traveler for help but instead of holding out a helping hand the man stood by unconcernedly and scolded the boy for his imprudence .

    他呼喊向一个过路人求助,但是那个人没有伸出援助之手,而是 满不在乎 站着,还指责这男孩太不小心了。

  • She tiptoed down the stairs and out of the house while Cookie bawled on unconcernedly in the kitchen .

    她踮着脚尖走下楼梯,走出屋外, 此时 厨娘 还在厨房 随意 叫嚷

  • He looked about more unconcernedly sharply observant every detail of the pretty interior registering itself on his brain .

    目光敏锐,这漂亮厅堂 的每一个细节都在他脑子 记录下来。

  • He looked about more unconcernedly .

    他很 随便

  • Striding unconcernedly toward them through the inches-deep dust came a priest .

    一个教士正踏着一寸多厚的灰尘,泰然自若 向他们走来。

  • Tu Wei-yueh smiled unconcernedly but he could not go on sitting there as motionless as a statue ;

    屠维岳微笑着不 介意,可是现在他不能够再坐在那里 冷静到像一尊石像了;

  • When they demanded his pass book he handed it over quite unconcernedly .

    当他们要求他出示 银行存折时,他 镇定 自若 把它交了 出来

  • War was breaking out in Europe but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday .

    欧洲爆发了战争,但她 漠不关心 计划 度假。

  • Wandering unconcernedly about they are equipped with unbelievable tiny feet he wrote .

    “它们 无拘无束 浮游有令人难以相信的细脚,”他写道。