


  • Sorry to wake you at this ungodly hour .

    抱歉在这个时间 叫醒你。

  • Which is to say & sloth that I am I dozed until the ungodly hour of 4:15 AM .

    也就是说&懒惰如我, 打盹打到清晨四点十五分。

  • She declared it to be an ungodly performance and one that she for her part would never countenance .

    她断言这是 荒唐行为,她本人是决不赞成这种活动的。

  • Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly .

    这样的观点暗示我们的身体和性本能天生就是 邪恶的。

  • I don 't want my husband 's hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers for their own selfish interest and in an ungodly manner .

    我不希望我的丈夫的辛苦赚来的钱被滥用的不信的人进来、为自己的自私兴趣和在 虔诚的态度。

  • In the18th century Scotland even passed a law against potatoes because this supposedly poisonous ungodly vegetable was not mentioned in the Bible !

    到了18世纪,苏格兰甚至通过了一项法律禁止食用土豆,因为《圣经》中没有提到过这种被认为有毒和“ 圣洁”的蔬菜。

  • God hath delivered me to the ungodly and turned me over into the hands of the wicked .

    神把我交给 敬虔 ,把我扔到恶人的手中。

  • Even if I did hold the extraordinarily unGodly thought that you did not deserve heaven why would I have a need to seek some kind of revenge or punishment for your failing ?

    纵使我真的有那种极端 神圣的想法,认为你们不值得上天堂,但对你们的失败,我又何需寻求某种报复或惩罚呢?

  • Why are you phoning at this ungodly hour of the night ?

    你为什麽在 夜里这个时候打电话来?

  • I was determined on taking her away from that ungodly surroundings .

    我决意将她从那种 邪恶的环境中带走。

  • For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous : but the way of the ungodly shall perish .

    因为耶和华知道义人的道路。 恶人的道路,却必灭亡。

  • Lee my darling what are you doing out here at this ungodly hour ?

    丽,亲爱的,在这 的时刻你在那里做什么?

  • I don 't know who can be phoning us at this ungodly hour .

    不知道谁打的电话, 不是时候。

  • If he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people but protected noah a preacher of righteousness and seven others ;

    神也没有宽容上古的世代,曾叫洪水临到 敬虔 世代,却保护了传义道的挪亚一家八口。

  • Who could be phoning us at this ungodly hour ?

    谁这么 不是时候打电话给我们?

  • The ungodly are not so : but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away .


  • And if the righteous scarcely be saved where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear ?

    若是义人仅仅得救,那 虔敬和犯罪的人,将有何地可站呢。

  • A.In His Word God speaks very clearly and powerfully about eternal torments that He will administer to ungodly people as punishment for their sin and unbelief in a place called hell .

    在圣经中,神明确而有力的说到,对 那些 敬畏 的人的罪与不信将在名叫地狱的地方有永远的痛苦作为惩罚。

  • Don 't listen to ungodly counsel that tells you to quit .

    不要听 敬畏 的劝告而放弃 婚姻

  • Were it not for their ungodly ways .

    要不是他们对 上帝 大逆不道

  • Is it fit to say to a king thou art wicked ? And to princes ye are ungodly ?

    他对君王说,你是 鄙陋的。对贵臣说,你是邪恶的。

  • Then I wanted Drop Zone which became an ungodly film but which I wanted to do because I thought I knew how to make it cool .

    后来,我 《空投 》,这部电影 结果 简直成了 烂片,不过我之所以想拍,因为我认为我知道如何把它 “酷”。

  • For why did Christ when as yet we were weak according to the time die for the ungodly ?

    当我们还在软弱的时候,基督就在 指定的时期为 虔敬 死了。

  • Pet . 4:18 And if the righteous man is saved only with difficulty where will the ungodly and the sinner appear ?

    彼前四18若是义人得救尚且如此艰难,那不 敬虔和犯罪的人,将有何地可站?

  • Why ring me up at this ungodly hour !

    怎么在 这时候打电话给我!

  • Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous .

    邪恶的 上帝 定罪 罪人要从义人的群体中 淘汰。

  • An ungodly man diggeth up evil : and in his lips there is as a burning fire .

    匪徒图谋 奸恶,嘴上彷佛有烧焦的火。

  • He called on me at an ungodly hour .

    他在一个 合适的时间来访问我。

  • Iniquitous deeds ; he said it was sinful to wear lipstick ; ungodly acts .

    不公正的行为;他说抹口红是罪恶的; 虔诚的行为。

  • Rom.5:6 For while we were yet weak in due time Christ died for the ungodly .

    罗五6因我们还软弱的时候,基督就照所定的时期为 者死了。