


  • There is not another being in the world has the same pure love for me as yourself & for I lay that pleasant unction to my soul . jane a belief in you affection .

    世间上没有别的人象你那样,对我有纯洁的爱&因为我用一种 如意的想法安慰自己,简,就是相信你的爱。

  • Preparations were being made for administering extreme unction and the house was full of the bustle and thrill of suspense usual at such moments .

    平素在这种时刻,这所住宅里的人总是乱哄哄的,惶恐不安 期待

  • Glucose and insulin play an important role in reproductive unction of prepubertal gilts .

    葡萄糖和胰岛素在初情期前 母猪繁殖 机能中有重要作用。

  • The Anthropological Analysis on the Ethnic Identity Unction of Mosques & Taking Mosques of Lanzhou in Qing Dynasty as Example

    了解 认识 清真寺族群认同 功能的人类学解读&以清代兰州清真寺为例

  • Relationship between Hypoplasia of Uterus and Immuno-hyp of unction

    子宫发育不良与免疫低下关系 探微

  • The communicative to unction of language thanes collocation necessary and universal . But the study of this aspect is relatively behind .

    语言的交际 功能,使 词语之间的搭配成为必然和普遍的现象,但这方面的研究相对滞后。

  • After receiving absolution and the last unction he quietly died ;

    圣餐 涂敷 圣油 仪式后,他平静地死去了。

  • Unction of Silicon in Paddy Rice

    硅在水稻 生理 作用

  • Postoperative Complications in Lung Cancer Patients with Moderate Pulmonary Hyp of unction

    功能中度 减退的肺癌患者术后并发症 分析

  • Combined with the technical main point chapter 6 tastes to build a multiple appraise about the New Type of Light Gauge Steel Building from the field such as economic unction environmental protection and using of resources .

    第六章结合 前文的技术要点尝试从经济性、 功能性、环保性和资源利用等方面搭建出一个关于新型轻钢龙骨 结构 多层 住宅建筑综合评价的大 框架

  • The unction of the space ;

    小说空间 结构 功能

  • But you have the unction from the Holy One and know all things .

    至于你们, 你们由圣者 领受 ,并且你们都晓得。

  • Window space as a contact in indoor and outdoor space is a basic element which no only reflects the natural unction of the building but also very expressive . So it plays a very important part when you build psychological space .

    窗口空间作为联系建筑室内外空间的一个基本元素,既能体现建筑的 功能 本质又极具表现力,因此在构筑建筑的心理空间时起着十分重要的 重用

  • And thou shalt say to the children of Israel : This oil of unction shall be holy unto me throughout your generations .

    你要 吩咐以色列子民说:你们应世世代代 以此为傅礼用的 圣油