


  • The basal unconformable boundary is the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of this area .

    龙江 底部的 整合是该区侏罗系 白垩系的界线。

  • According to the unconformable contact resulted from Anxian tectonic movement and the changeable accommodation of foreland basin the lithological and sequences strata of Xujiahe Formation of the Upper Triassic in Chuanxi foreland basin were classified and correlated .

    根据 安县运动产生的 整合及前陆盆地可容空间的变化特征,对存在多个地层划分分区的川西前陆盆地上三叠统须家河组煤系地层进行了岩性地层和层序地层的对比和划分。

  • Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed .

    而塔北还处于台地-斜坡环境,中、上奥陶统较全,台缘相灰泥丘生油岩分布广,中奥陶统礁滩相层序 整合面岩溶储层发育。

  • Systematic research on the theory and method of disciplinary assessment is basically a virgin ground in China which is unconformable to its important status in scientific assessment .

    学科评价相关理论和方法的系统研究在国内还基本空白,这与其在科学评价中的重要地位是 适应的。

  • The geological characterization of unconformable screened reservoir is different from that of ordinary reservoir so the geological design technologies of horizontal well are different too .


  • The boundaries of every sequence in the lithostratigraphic framework are all ⅱ type sequence unconformable boundaries .

    格架内部各个层序之间的界面均为Ⅱ型 整合界面。

  • You found out it 's unconformable of using western toilet .

    你发现上 西式厕所 舒服

  • And mixed water mainly come from fresh water and sea water and thermal water came from mixed water sealed in early layer and deep hydrothermal fluid migrating along faults and unconformable surfaces caused by later tectonic movement .

    混合水来源主要是大气淡水与海水,热水的来源主要是早期封存在地层中的混合水以及后期构造运动引起的沿断裂和 整合运移的深部热液流体。

  • The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap .

    岩性圈闭有 整合地层圈闭和岩性尖灭圈闭。

  • The so-called unconformable contact relationship developed generally between Mid-Lower Triassic turbidite sequences and Paleozoic carbonate sequences in western Guangxi is an important and controversial geological problem .

    桂西地区普遍发育的下&中三叠统浊积岩系与古生界碳酸盐岩系之间的所谓 整合接触关系是一个重要的又有争议的地质问题。

  • At the latest stage the lake basin was subjected to the uplift and erosion which resulted in the unconformable contact with the overlying strata .

    末期湖盆整体抬升, 段地层顶部遭受剥蚀,与上覆地层 整合接触。

  • Owing to the influence of tectonic superimposition and reworking at the late stage both show fault or hidden unconformable contact relationships at present .

    由于受后期构造叠加改造的影响,现今二者呈断层或隐蔽 整合接触关系。

  • In the light of the unconformable status of the rapid Internet growth with the Internet infrastructure the idea of rebuilding today 's Internet infrastructure and developing a new generation of Internet came up .

    本文结合全球Internet快速发展与Internet网络结构 适应的现状,提出了改造今天Internet网络结构和发展新一代Internet的构思。

  • Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded .

    在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的 符合土地利用总体规划 确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、 扩建

  • The fault fracture unconformable surface and reservoir are the major channels of hydrocarbon migration in gentle slope belt .

    断层、裂缝、 整合面和储层是缓坡带油气运移的主要通道。

  • It is put forward that the forming of the detachment buried hill is controlled by the sloping plateau-type fault of basin boundary which distributes as belt along boundary . Unconformable surface-type and internal curtain-type reservoir systems form several sets of effective reservoirs .

    提出了滑脱型潜山的形成受控于盆地边界的坡坪武断层,沿边界断层呈带状分布,滑脱型潜山 发育 整合面型储集系统和内幕型储集系统,形成多套有效储集层。

  • The contact between the Upper Triassic-Lower Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous is unconformable .

    上三叠统&下侏罗统与下白垩统之间为 角度 整合接触。

  • From middle Miocene to late Miocene there is a stage of peneplanation in the South China Sea and there are many tectonic events in this area such as stratum unconformable contact faults deformation and magmatism .

    而符合南海地区准平原化阶段的时代是在中中新世末至晚中新世(N12/N13)之间,在此时段普遍存在区域构造 整合接触和地层 缺失、断裂、变形及火山活动等构造变动事件。

  • The study indicates that the regional unconformable and sedimentary transformation interfaces are the main interfaces of ⅲ - order sequence .

    研究表明:区域 整合界面和沉积转换界面是级层序的主要界面;

  • Tectonism under which depositional break and unconformable surface were formed through tectonic uplifts mainly promoted the development of karst reservoir and all kinds of solution voids pores near the joints and fractures .

    构造作用主要是构造抬升可形成沉积间断面和 整合面,促进了与岩溶作用有关的岩溶型储层和各种类型的节理、裂缝边溶孔的发育。

  • If it deems the application unconformable to requirements it shall notify the parties concerned in writing and state the reasons .

    认为 符合受理条件的,应当书面通知当事人 不予 受理,并说明理由。

  • The buried hill tuff oil pool of Hanan Oilfield has an unconformable contact with overlying sandstone of Aershan Group .

    哈南油田凝灰岩潜山油藏与上覆阿尔善组的砂岩油藏 整合接触。

  • And the unconformable contaet face is lower sliding surface .


  • A description unconformable to previous accounts .

    先前的报道 一致的描述。

  • The resource of natural gas in Jiyang Depression is abundant . The primary factors controlling gas reservoir forming include gas source reservoir temperature pressure fault unconformable surface regional cap and direct cap .

    济阳坳陷天然气资源十分丰富,控制天然气成藏的地质因素主要有气源、储层、温度、压力、断层与 整合面、区域盖层和直接盖层等。

  • Chengdao area is abundant in multifarious migration pathways as fault sand body and unconformable surface which compose a solid migration pathway .

    埕岛地区广泛发育断裂、砂体和 整合 等多种类型输导层,构成复杂的立体网络通道。

  • Late Yanshan stage was compressive crust deformation which not only formed the wedge-type thrust structure but also caused upper Cretaceous Series unconformable contact with lower Cretaceous Series .

    燕山晚期地壳以挤压逆冲变形为主,不仅形成了楔冲式推覆构造,也使上白垩统与下白垩统为 角度 整合接触。

  • But in two different types of unconformable contact the shape of ore body and the place of mineral deposits are different .

    两种 整合 中的矿床的矿体形态与 产出位置不大一样。

  • These deposits are in unconformable contact with the underlying coal-bearing strata of the Shahezi Formation .

    矿床与下伏沙河子组煤系地层 整合接触。

  • Fault and unconformable surface are not only the migration passage of gas but also the component of gas trap .

    断层与 整合面不仅是天然气的主要运移通道,也是各类圈闭聚集天然气的重要因素。