


  • We quarrelled with unchristian ferocity .

    我们 非常 文明

  • It was unchristian of him to refuse to help .

    他拒绝帮忙,真是有 厚道

  • You are aware Mr Heathcliff 'I said 'that from the time you were thirteen years old you have lived a selfish unchristian life ;

    “你是知道的,希刺克厉夫先生,”我说,“从你十三岁起,你就过着一种自私的 基督徒的生活;

  • I was rebuffed and I spent a grim and tragic Christmas Eve in those most unchristian surroundings .

    我受到驳斥,在这种最 没有 基督教 精神的环境中,我度过了一个十分惨淡的圣诞节前夜。