

  • Adsorption Properties of Cation Ion - exchange Fiber for UDMH

    离子交换纤维对 偏二甲肼的吸附性能

  • Thermodynamic Study of Adsorption of UDMH on Ion-exchange Fiber

    离子交换纤维吸附 偏二甲肼的热力学研究

  • Adsorption and decomposition of unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine ( UDMH ) in red soil and yellow-brown soil are performed in the present study .


  • Sister chromatid exchanges and chromosome aberrations in culture lymphocytes from normal individuals induced by Mapo and UDMH

    MAPO与 UDMH诱发正常人淋巴细胞姊妹染色单体互换和染色体畸变观察

  • Analysis of degradation products for water containing UDMH in different time by SPME-GC / MS method

    SPME-GC/MS方法分析水样中 偏二甲肼降解产物

  • Removal of UDMH from Waste by Catalytic Oxidation

    废水中 偏二甲肼的催化氧化脱除

  • Research and Manufacture of Red Fuming Nitric Acid / UDMH Gel Bipropellant

    国外 下液体化学推进剂的研究 现状红烟硝酸/ 偏二甲肼凝胶双组元推进剂研制

  • The gellant of UDMH / NTO bipropellant was selected . UDMH and NTO gel was prepared and its rheologic property was studied with Brookfield rheometer .

    对UDMH/NTO(偏二甲肼/四氧化二氮)双组元推进剂凝胶剂进行筛选的基础上,分别制备了 UDMH与NTO凝胶推进剂,利用Brookfield流变仪研究了其流变性能;

  • Conclusion : UDMH induces intoxication of the central nervous system through decreasing the activity of GAD to result in the decrease of the content of GABA .

    结论: UDMH引起中枢神经系统中毒症状主要是由于GAD活性降低引起GABA含量降低所致。

  • Objective To investigate the protective effect and its mechanisms of N - acetylcysteine ( NAC ) on acute lung injury ( ALI ) caused by exposure to high concentration rocket liquid propellants asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ( UDMH ) and dinitrogen tetroxide ( N2O4 ) .

    目的观察N-乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)对大剂量火箭液体推进剂偏二甲基肼( UDMH)和四氧化二氮(N2O4)吸入性急性肺损伤(ALI)的保护性作用。

  • This paper reports our studies on the purification of wastewater containing unsym . dimethyl hydrazine ( UDMH ) by catalytic oxidation using air or H2O2 as the oxidant .

    本文报导了用空气和H2O2作氧化剂,通过催化剂治理 偏二甲肼废水,取得了良好的净化效果。

  • Experiment and theoretical investigation on N 2O 4 / udmh propellant fireball characteristic

    N2O 4/UDMH火球特性的实验与理论研究

  • The ) component analysis of flocculent aggregate in particulate of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ( UDMH ) were made by pyrolysis-mass and infrared spectrometry analysis on different test conditions in this paper .

    在不同试验条件下,采用裂解质谱及红外光谱分析方法对偏二甲肼( UDMH)颗粒物中絮状团聚物的成分进行了研究。

  • Effects of udmh mapo hmpa and benzene on chromosome in bone marrow cells of rats


  • Rocket motor test shows that the new UDMH / NTO bipropellant can satisfy the requirement of gel propellant of rocket motor design .

    发动机试验表明:新的 UDMH/NTO双组元凝胶体系能够满足发动机设计对凝胶推进剂的要求。

  • Preparation and properties research of UDMH / NTO gel propellant


  • Investigation on Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Oxidation Process of UDMH

    液体 推进剂 偏二甲肼氧化 变质的规律和影响因素

  • Two computation theories of critical conditions for ignition of UDMH droplet in an inert atmosphere are presented .

    本文提出了计算 偏二甲肼液滴在惰性介质中的临界着火条件的两种理论。

  • Objective To study the changes of GABA receptor during the acute poisoning of unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ( UDMH ) .

    目的研究偏二甲基 急性中毒时大 γ氨基丁酸(GABA)受体的变化。

  • Gas chromatographic internal standard method was considered to determine purity for 1 ( UDMH ) instead of the standard working curve method .

    研究了气相色谱内标法代替常规的标准工作曲线法测定偏二甲肼纯度( UDMH)。

  • Study on adsorption property of CNTs to UDMH

    碳纳米管对 偏二甲肼的吸附性能分析

  • The Aerobic Biodegradation of UDMH Wastewater and Its Kinetics Research ; Development of Nonaqueous Electrolyte Electrochemical Gas Detector for Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine


  • Adsorption and Decomposition of Unsymmetrical Dimethyl Hydrazine ( UDMH ) in Soils

    土壤中 偏二甲肼的吸附及降解规律研究

  • Objective To investigate effect of combine using Naloxone and Promethazine on mice intoxicated by rocket propellant ( UDMH ) .

    目的本文探讨纳洛酮联用盐酸异丙嗪对火箭推进剂偏二甲基肼( UDMH)中毒鼠的救治效果,以探讨简便易行的对UDMH中毒防治的新途径。

  • Est facility measurement methods of heat process and measurement system for liquid propellant ( N2O4 / UDMH ) explosion are described .

    详细描述了液体火箭推进剂(N2O4/ UDMH)爆炸试验装置及其爆炸热过程特性测量。

  • Effect of UDMH in inducing cell malignant transformation

    甲基 胚胎细胞的恶性转化研究

  • The Development of a Monitor for UDMH and Nitrogen Dioxide of High Concentration in Air

    空气中高浓度 偏二甲肼和二氧化氮监测仪的研制

  • Studies on effects of acute toxicity of UDMH on GABA and its receptors


  • Objective To investigate the characteristics and mechanism of the acute and chronic injuries induced by unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine ( UDMH ) .

    目的探讨火箭推进剂偏二甲基肼( UDMH)中毒损伤的病理学特点及近期和远期损伤效应。

  • Ultraviolet Induced Chlorination Treatment to Treat UDMH Wastewater

    紫外诱导氯化法处理 偏二甲肼废水