


  • All works sculpted under this rules are vivid from an uncanny workmanship .

    所以,造成了我的作品一 件件有如 鬼斧神工,栩栩如生。

  • Nowadays any references to cats'supposed uncanny powers or connection with witches are playful and affectionate .

    现在如果还有人说猫 离奇的力量,或者与巫婆有关的话,通常都是出于喜爱和开玩笑。

  • He told us mant uncanny stories .

    他给我们将了不少 离奇的故事。

  • My fellow young female entrepreneurs always inspire me with their uncanny amount of determination and fearlessness .

    我有些朋友是年轻的女企业家,她们总是用 绵绵不绝的坚定和无畏激励着我。

  • To sense or intuit a person 's thoughts or motives in an almost uncanny way .

    以一种几乎 神秘 方式感觉到或只觉得感受到一个人的思想或动机。

  • His uncanny ability to win arguments had won him so many competitions in the past .

    他这一 高明的争辩 本领以前为他赢了不少比赛。

  • It 's uncanny how much you and Elizabeth look like sisters .


  • One near undeath experience left them both with as uncanny ability to speak with spirits particularly wights .

    一次险死还生的经历给了他们俩一种 离奇的能力:和灵魂对话,特别是幽魂。

  • Jordan 's uncanny jumping ability has influenced a generation of young players .

    乔丹的 神奇跳跃能力已经影响了一代年轻球员。

  • I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched .

    我有种被人监视的 奇怪感觉。

  • With her uncanny ability to connect her students make steady progress with few problems or stress .

    神秘 不可思议的能力,把孩子们学习中的压力和小问题都化解为 欢乐和进步。

  • He could not help thinking how uncanny the man 's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor .

    他不禁想到这个家伙的斜视眼,从帽子的大 帽舌下望出来是何等的令人毛骨悚然。

  • Uncanny sounds filled the house .

    屋子里充满了 各种 神秘的声音。

  • But the child lifted his uncanny blue eyes .

    然而,男孩抬起了他 神秘的蓝眼睛。

  • She bears an uncanny resemblance to my sister .

    她和我姐姐有着 惊人的相似之处。

  • This is the uncanny valley .

    这就是“ 恐怖谷”。

  • The hero Danny bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas

    主人公丹尼与 柯克·道格拉斯 出奇地相像。

  • The New Year concert was so beautiful that I must express my gratitude for this uncanny musical experience !

    这场新年音乐会是如此的美妙,以至于我不得不对这次 离奇的音乐体验表示自己的感谢!

  • I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was warning me .

    我有一 奇怪的感觉:艾丽斯是在警告我。

  • There was an uncanny silence before WE heard the strange voice .

    在我们听到这古怪的声音前,有一阵 神秘 寂静。

  • You just bear an uncanny resemblance to a doctor I know .

    你只是 一个我认识的医生。

  • You have a way of words and an uncanny ability to motivate others .

    你有一种 离奇的能力与话语来激励他人。

  • Nor do you have to become a chef because you have an uncanny gift with spices .

    在使用香料上有 特殊 天分也不 意味 你就得做厨师。

  • I made them nod knowingly I made them laugh and for a few moments I felt an uncanny connection with them .

    我使他们会意地点头,我使他们笑,我感觉 不可思议地与他们相连 了一阵子。

  • She impressed me as so uncanny and fateful .

    她给我的印象是那样的 神秘 怪异,那样的未卜先知。

  • Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face .

    托尼对她的样子 异常熟悉,这很让他烦恼。

  • It was uncanny how I was thinking about him and then I saw him .

    我刚想到他时就看到了他,真是 不可思议

  • You can either let me study the map or you can rely on my uncanny sense of direction .

    你可以让我研究一下地图或者你可以依赖我 神奇的方向感。