


  • Multiple - valued logic developed from two-valued logic .

    多值逻辑是由 逻辑扩展而来的。

  • The Implication Measurement and Approximate Reasoning in Two-valued Propositional Logic


  • The Hardware Implementation of Fuzzy Controller Based on Multiple-Valued Logic Circuits and Two-Valued PLA

    基于多值逻辑电路和 PLA的硬件模糊控制器

  • The content include : the software and the hardware of the system image pre-processing two-valued processing features processing and edge connect .

    其内容包括:系统软、硬件组成:图像预处理和边缘检测、 化处理、 细化处理和边缘连接五部分。

  • Type of conclusions and classification of theories in two-valued propositional logic


  • The Theory of Approximate Reasoning Based on the Premise Information in Two-valued Propositional Logic


  • incorporation of storm top divergence and presence of mesocyclone as factors for hail detection as well as dual polarization radar to detect hail . The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C.

    未来将风暴顶辐散和中尺度气旋与冰雹探测的关系引入到冰雹算法中。以及利用模式技术和双偏振雷达对冰雹进行探测。该算法是 M.C。

  • Thinning and Two-Valued Processing and Method of Scanning Images by Using DIPNET

    利用DIPNET对扫描图像进行细化及 处理

  • Problem of MT in classical two-valued logical system

    经典 逻辑系统 L中的MT问题

  • At the same time we use two examples to prove this solution 's merits . The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C.

    同时,文中运用具体例题将 此法与龙贝格算法进行了比较,说明了此 处理方法的优点。该算法是 M.C。

  • The uniform issue of two-valued propositional logic formulas and logical equivalent formulas is discussed .

    探讨 命题逻辑公式及逻辑等价公式统一性问题。

  • In order to maintain thoroughly HSI philosophical standpoint of anti-realism he rejected two-valued semantics and took intuitionist logic as the basis of his metaphysics .

    为了彻底坚持其反实在论的哲学立场, 达米特拒斥 原则,把直觉主义逻辑作为其形而上学的基础。

  • Optimization of Multiple-Valued Logic by Two-Valued Logic


  • The traditional model for utterance understanding is the code model based on the two-valued logic which however cannot interpret how conversational implicature is inferred from utterance .

    传统的话语理解模式是建立在 严格 追求 精确理解的 逻辑基础上的代码模式,它不能真正解决交际中话语含义的理解。

  • Implication connectives which are compatible with classical two-valued logic were defined and they overcome the shortcoming that conditional probability can not be used to inference .

    定义了与经典 逻辑相容的蕴涵联结词,克服了条件概率不能用于推理的缺点。

  • Isoline 3-D display and its fast realizing by using parallel algorithm are studied in this paper . The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C.

    主要探讨等值线三维显示及利用并行处理提高计算速度的方法。运用 多边形填充和画家算法,实现了等值线三维显示;该算法是 M.C。

  • The threshold value signal of two-valued is offered by Digital potentiometer which is controlled by SCM .

    该方法中输出信号进行 时阈值信号由数字电位器提供,单片机产生数字电位器的控制信号。

  • They are expanding of classical logic whose valuation field from two-valued to multi-valued or Infinitive valued .

    多值逻辑和模糊逻辑是经典逻辑的扩充和发展,其 值域从经典逻辑的 扩充为多值或无限值。

  • Two-valued logic with elements 0 1 is well-known to everyone and it provides the implementations for studying propositional logic and logical networks .

    包含 0 个元素的 布尔代数已为人们所熟知,它给命题演算和对逻辑网络的研究提供了很好的工具。

  • In this paper we obtain the truth degree expression of the pseudo-metric in two-valued propositional logic which is based on the truth degree .

    本文从语构理论入手,在 经典 命题逻辑系统中给出公式的语构真度的概念,从两个不同的角度给出语构真度的等价刻画。

  • Theory of quasi-truth degrees of formulas in two-valued predicate logic

    一类 谓词逻辑中公式的准真度理论

  • Chang . This paper analyzes the stability and accuracy of Chang algorithm when used in RST . The algorithm is an extension of the two-valued cover-most algorithm proposed by M. C.

    Chang提出一种无条件稳定的 式拟动力算法,本文分析了这种方法应用于 实时子结构实验时的稳定性和计算精度。该算法是 M.C。

  • In this paper we present a method of multi-valued logic operation set based on two-valued computers after analyzing the relationship between multi-valued logic operation and binary code of multi-valued logic value .

    分析了在 计算机上实现多值逻辑运算与多值逻辑值表示方法的关系。

  • Then we narrated probabilistic logic which is a method of uncertain reasoning based on logics and probability theory and studied primarily the two-valued probabilistic logic and three-valued probabilistic logic .

    然后讲述了逻辑学与概率论两大理论基础之上的不确定性推理方法&概率逻辑,重点研究了 概率逻辑与三值概率逻辑。

  • In this paper we adopt the block direction filtering method the self-adapt two-valued disposing method the morphological two-valued image filtering and the morphological two-valued image thinning to complete the fingerprint image pretreatment .

    本文采用了块方向图滤波、自适应 阈值 、形态学二值图像滤波、形态学二值图像细化等预处理算法完成指纹图像的预处理工作。

  • SOBEL edge operator was used to extract the edge contours of two-valued gray level image as the raw sample data simplifying the test data and reserving the original characteristics of test data discontinuity of perforation boundary .

    SOBEL边缘算子在提取 灰度图像的边缘轮廓作为目标 的原始样本数据的过程中,在简化试验数据的同时,成功地保留了原有试验数据的特性&孔边界的突变性。

  • The procedure and approaches of detailing and two-valued processing of scanning images by using DIPNET image-processing system are expounded

    论述了利用DIPNET图像处理系统对扫描图像进行细化和 处理的原理、过程和技术方法

  • Multi-valued Logic Operation Method Based on Two-valued Computers

    一种在 计算机上实现多值逻辑运算的方法