


  • Unclaimed graded assignments will be available from your recitation instructor .

    领取 分作业将可以从你的课程教授 取得。

  • Unclaimed items will be donated to a charity organization .

    无人 认领物品将捐给慈善机构。

  • Remittances which are unclaimed when a period of ten months expires counting from the date of delivering the return-remittance notice to the remitters shall be turned over to the state treasury .

    自退汇通知投交汇款人之日起满十个月未被 领回的汇款,上缴国库。

  • One potentially contentious area is the authority of the International Seabed Authority the Jamaica-based body that governs territory unclaimed by any state .

    国际海底管理局(InternationalSeabedAuthority)的权威性亦可能引发争议,这个设在牙买加的机构负责管理 任何国家申领的土地。

  • Experts have said no laws or regulations specifically stipulate how to handle unclaimed bodies .

    对此,专家表示,目前尚没有明确法律条文规定如何处理 这些 无人 认领的遗体。

  • Jeremiah Heaton began his unusual quest for the unclaimed piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after making a promise to Emily that she would one day be royalty .

    耶利米希顿向女儿艾米丽承诺有一天她会变成公主,自此之后,他就开始了一项不同寻常的追求设法 认领夹在埃及和苏丹中间的一片 无人 认领的土地。

  • Inside was a BlackBerry iPod 200 in cash a wallet containing a stack of credit cards and passes a wad of receipts for unclaimed expenses two notebooks my diary and my keys .

    包里有一部黑莓手机(BlackBerry),一个iPod音乐播放器,200英镑现金,装着一叠信用卡和通行卡的钱包, 各种 报销的收据,两本笔记本,我的日记和钥匙。

  • That 's the unclaimed baggage from ABC flights today .

    那是今天abc 班机送来的。

  • A person or group of people that travel from one unclaimed seat to another ( normally at sporting events ) because their cheap asses couldn 't fork up the money for better seats .

    一个人或者一群人 从没人坐的 位子换到其他位子上去(常在体育赛事里看到),因为他们买票的位置不是高价票的位置。

  • With the development of society and economy the doctrines of family standard and postmortem maintenance have been given up but the doctrines of intention and unclaimed property are still being studied and applied in the legislation of many countries .

    随着社会、经济的发展, 两种已 无人主张, 唯有后两种仍有人对其研究,而且也 践行各国的立法中。

  • If the mail remains unclaimed you can keep it as a proof for future legal proceedings if needed .

    若邮件 无法 投递,你应保留有关信件,以备日后有需要时在法律程序中作为证据。

  • Unclaimed Baggage Center Alabama : Head into downtown Scottsboro on Hwy279 and follow the signs to the Unclaimed Baggage Center .

    阿拉巴马州 无人 认领的行李中心:从279高速路前往Scottsboro,沿着无人认领的行李中心的标志走。

  • Unclaimed property or unclaimed baggage will be sold by auction after six months .

    无人 领取的财物或行李将在6月后予以拍卖。

  • Media have often reported that hospital morgues across China hold a large number of unclaimed bodies which take up space and reduce working efficiency .

    据媒体报道,国内医院的太平间常存有大量 无人 认领的遗体。这不仅占据了大量空间,还降低了工作效率。

  • If Game Piece reads Second Chance Draw then you can enter the Second Chance Draw for the chance to win one Only Disneyland Family Holiday and any unclaimed NON-FOOD prizes .

    如果游戏片上写了第二次抽奖机会,你就可进入第二轮抽奖,有机会赢得一次迪斯尼乐园全家游以及未 指明 名称的非食品类奖品。

  • Each December we sent her a tax notice which would be returned by the post office a week later unclaimed .

    每年十二月我们都寄给她一张纳税通知单,但一星期后又由邮局退还了, 无人 收信

  • As the Sky Train departs Beijing West Railway Station at9:30 p.m. there isn 't an inch of unclaimed real estate in the train's16carriages .

    当空中列车在晚上 9:30从北京西站始发的时候,16节车厢里的每一寸地方都 占用了。

  • Sotheby 's estimates that there are still more than 100 unclaimed works with a collective value of anywhere between $ 10bn and $ 30bn .

    苏富比估计,如今尚有10万 艺术品,总价在100亿美元至300亿美元之间。

  • This needs lots of water and energy and yields the notorious tailings a residue of sand unclaimed bitumen water clay particles and contaminants .

    这个分离过程需要消耗大量的水和能量,并产生了声名狼藉的“尾矿”,这些尾矿由剩 下来的砂子、 残存的沥青、水、黏土颗粒和污染物组成。

  • Her luggage remained unclaimed at Frankfurt Departures .

    她的行李一直 在法兰克福机场, 无人 认领

  • Provided always that any fees refundable but unclaimed by the permittee within a period of6 years after reversion shall be paid over to the general Chinese charities fund .

    但任何可予退还的费用,如持证人没有在龛位复归予委员会后6年 内申索,则须付给华人慈善基金。

  • Once the Will Call window closes unclaimed tickets will not be available .

    预定 零售窗口一旦关闭, 那些 认领的票就不能使用了。

  • A stash of 20 billion euros in cash that could be Saddam Hussein 's secret fortune has sat unclaimed at a Russian airport since 2007 .

    2007年,一笔总值200亿欧元的现钞 运抵俄罗斯一个机场, 但是 至今 无人 认领。有 情报 指出,这笔钱可能是伊拉克已故总统萨达姆侯赛因的秘密资产。

  • Prizes worth a mouth-watering £ 9.6 million are unclaimed .

    价值960万英镑的诱人奖品 无人 认领

  • The incoming international postal articles that are undeliverable and unreturnable and unclaimed within the time limit stipulated by the competent department of postal offices under the State Council shall be handled by the Customs in accordance with the law .

    无法投递又无法退回的进口国际邮递物品,在国务院邮政主管部门规定的期限内 无人 认领的,由海关依法处理。

  • An unoccupied apartment ; very little unclaimed and untenanted land .

    没有租出去的房间;非常小的一块无主的、 闲置的土地。