
[医] 型,类型,式典范

  • The second is a special displaying processor it was composed of Intel 8086 sevies chips for use TY scanning display .

    第二个显示器中用 Intel8086系列芯片设计了一个专用显示处理机

  • This article gives account of the character of Housing distribution computer management system and the technique and result applied ty the system .

    本文 介绍了“分配 房微机管理系统”的系统特点,所 采取的技术方法及应用效果

  • As a new framework for security cooperation the security community can effectively overcome the weakness of the framework of hegemonic stability and play an important role in the securi  ̄ ty strategy of Northeast Asia .

    安全共同体作为一种安全合作新模式逐步被纳入东北亚各国的视野,能有效地弥补霸权稳定架构的缺陷,并在东北亚 安全战略中发挥重要的作用和影响

  • Party A shall have the right to offer the agency to other clients LR take alternative measures without being bound ty this agreement .

    甲方有权向其他客户提供代理权或采取类似措施而不 本协定约束

  • Back to China I will accompany you to TY because all the performances here you are with the company agreed with TY .

    回到中国,我会陪你一同到天娱报到的,因为你在这边的一切演出都是公司同 一起商定的

  • Both forward and inverse seismic problems can be solved ty this method .

    此法既可用于解决地震勘探中的正问题也 用于解决反问题

  • CONCLUSION : An indispensable measure to reduce drug-induced disease and its fatality rate is to strictly control the indications of medication and enhance the cultivation of professional staffs'professional activities and service quali ˉ ty .

    结论:严格用药指征、加强专业人员的业务和服务素质培养,是减少药源性疾病或药源性 致死发生的必要措施

  • The helicopter rotor blade deicing technique is greatly important to ensure the flight safe - ty .

    直升机旋翼 桨叶除冰技术对保证直升机飞行安全是十分重要的

  • The protective mechanism of TY oil was also discussed .

    还初步探讨了其 防锈机理

  • By studying the commercial poems in Sung this article attempts to prove the history by the poems and analysis the types and characters of the professional market in sung dynas - ty .

    本文试图以诗证史,通过涉商诗这一切入点和独特视角,对宋代专业市场的基本形态和特点予以辨析 考察

  • Objective : To study on teratogenicity of TY DSL in mice .

    目的:地氯雷他定( TY-DSL)的致畸性研究

  • The performance of a high-pressure water-supply pump with specified specifications is mainly restricted by characteristics of water supply network and monitor capaci - ty .

    水采矿井高压供水泵工作效能在泵自身特性已选定情况下,主要受限于供水管网特性和 水枪 生产能力

  • Tell me I 'm not seeing this ty .

    告诉我我看到的不是真的, 泰勒

  • Especially the proposal which the paper puts-forward points out a new method which can exploit inner potentialities of the enterprose ty industrial engineering means .

    特别是本文提供的 作法揭示出了一种运用工业工程方法挖掘企业内部潜力的新思路

  • The object of the crime is public safe - ty and the country 's regular management .


  • There 's a look they have when ty hit my table .

    当他们上了我的桌子, 神态都很 相似

  • A ( simple sensitive and specific ) radiochemical estimation of diamine oxidase ( DAO ) activi - ty in serum and pleural fluid is reported .

    用简单、敏感和特异的放射化学法测定血清和胸水二胺 氧化酶活性

  • Defects of 1 TY - 690 / 5 . 3 type air compressors are analyzed .

    分析了 1TY-690/5.3型空气透平压缩机的缺陷

  • Hey yo junior man don 't worry about ty crane dog . you 'll get him .

    嘿,朱尼尔,老兄,不用怕那个 泰克 瑞恩 你这次吃 他了。

  • Relic ra + ri + ty increases enchantment level .


  • Practical teaching is one of the most important principles in higher vocational education . Its objective is to develop students ' practical abilities which include professional ability manner abili - ty social ability .


  • In this paper a fast Calculation Method of optimal active distribution is g ■ ver ■ utilized exact expression of Correct the Common view is produced ty deducing of the method .

    本文提出了一种有功最优分配的快速算法,这种方法是利用修正量的完全表达式;通过该方法的 推导得出了一般性的观点

  • To provide the accordance for the future design and construction on sward cofferdam this paper summarized the desig tion process of sward cofferdam combined with practice of using sward cofferdam in the upper reaches of Yellow River in Gansu Pr ty years .

    结合甘肃省黄河上游地区 40多年使用草土围堰的实践,对草土围堰的设计和施工进行了总结,为今后草土围堰的设计和施工提供依据

  • The baseball strike is hurting Pete rose 's chances of ever beating ty cobb 's record .

    棒球罢赛损害了皮特罗斯打破 泰科布记录的机会

  • The content of pure protein of feed yeast has been increased from 37.0 % to 39.4 % and Ty from 8 . 7 % to 13.4 % after the utilization of the previous technique .

    应用该工艺后产品真蛋白含量由原37.0%提高到39.4%, Ty8.7%提高到13.4%。

  • A The car the doctor parked ty the side of the road was struck ty a passing us .

    医生停在路边的汽车被一辆经过的 公共汽车撞了

  • OSC time scanning curve of TY showed that TY formed stable structure in a certain timperical .

    小振幅振荡法(OSC)时间扫描曲线表明, TY体系在一定的时间内可形成稳定的结构

  • I hope ty got it on film .

    我希望 他们有把它拍 进来

  • Since we are now one of the WTO members our country is in great need of talents both in qual I ty and quantity .

    目前,我国已经加入 世贸组织,对人才的需求无论从质,还是从量上看,都有很大提高和扩大

  • The effects of glucose oxidase ( GOX ) and lipoxygenase active soybean flour ( SF ) on the dough of two types of flours ( Ty flour and Jf flour ) were studied .

    研究了葡萄糖氧化酶(GOX)和富含脂肪氧合酶的活性大豆粉(SF)在两种面粉( Ty粉和Jf粉)面团中的作用情况