


  • And should they shout Yes we can with such unbridled enthusiasm ?

    他们用的着用 放肆的激情喊出“是的,我们可以”吗?

  • They exemplify the unbridled ferocity of the protoss at war .

    在战争中,他们飘逸 狠辣的进攻是神族武术的典范。

  • Its adjustment plan for Greece remains full of unbridled optimism .

    欧盟对希腊的 财政整顿方案仍然充斥 一种 毫无 节制的乐观主义情绪。

  • When Jesus saw the Temple being desecrated by unbridled greed .

    当耶稣看到圣殿被一些 的贪婪所玷污的时候。

  • It was one of those do or die moments filled with raw unbridled emotion but no convincing answer came .

    那正是我一不做, 不休,充满情绪的时刻,但还是没有得到一个可以说服我的答案。

  • Statues are thousands of unbridled attitudes movement coordination respectively put on different mysterious gestures .

    雕像们,千 百态,动静协调,分别摆出不同的神秘手势。

  • He opened his eyes and into them came the unbridled anger of kidnapped king .

    他睁开眼睛, 一位遭到劫持的国王 一样 难以 抑制 怒色

  • He unbridled and fed his horse and as he re-entered the house the clock struck three .

    他把马嚼 松开,喂上马,再回到屋里的时候,时钟刚好敲响了三点。

  • Whether you 're in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation Hawaii gives you the best of both .

    不管你要寻找的是安静的放松或是 激烈的刺激,夏威夷都可以给你最好的。

  • Unbridled rage would have been a more accurate description of the national mood .


  • The reactionary elements have been unbridled in their attacks .

    反动分子 猖狂进攻。

  • If you used Oriental implicative might as well to experience a clown 's unbridled can let you forget .

    如果你习惯于东方人的含蓄,不妨前来体验一把小丑的 放肆准能让您忘记身份。

  • But any expansion will not be unbridled .

    但外延扩张并不是 毫无 拘束

  • After the 1987 stock market crash the New York Times offered up a page-one obituary for a gilded impudent age quoting great minds who predicted the demise of unbridled self-interest in America .

    1987年的股灾之后,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)在其头版为“放肆的镀金时代”祭上了一篇讣告,文章援引大思想家的话,预言 肆无忌惮的自利行为行将在美国消亡。

  • I was amazed at their unbridled glee .

    他们那 兴高采烈的痛快劲儿真让我吃惊。

  • People think of creativity as this sort of unbridled thing but engineers thrive on constraints .

    人们认为创造力是 无拘无束的,但工程师的创意却因约束而旺盛。

  • Leave a place to me can let me unbridled smile of position can cry aloud the position .

    留一个位置给我,可以让我 肆无忌惮笑的位置,可以放声哭泣的位置。

  • A tale of unbridled passion .

    充满 奔放激情的故事。

  • Do subordinates superiors in the face of unbridled drinking .

    做下属的,最忌在上司面前 肆无忌惮

  • There was a hubris that was unreal : the climate and the culture and the unbridled optimism .

    当时有一种不真实的傲慢气氛:气候、文化和 拘束的乐观主义。

  • Bill has an easy-going charm . You are attracted to those who are unbridled untrammeled and free .

    比尔可以不费力地吸引别人的注意力。你容易被那些逍遥 不羁的人所吸引。

  • Unbridled use of short-selling can be destructive of value and contrary to growth and investment .

    对卖空交易的 限制使用对价值会是毁灭性的,不利于增长和投资。

  • We need to campaign against the unbridled use of the motor car .

    我们需要发起一场运动反对 控制 使用汽车。

  • Their unbridled political contributions and massive lobbying created the lack of regulation and oversight that led to this crisis said Bill Buzenberg who headed the CPI investigation .

    他们 肆无忌惮的政治捐款和大量的游说,导致监管缺位,引发了这场危机,负责此次调查的比尔布曾伯格(BillBuzenberg)说。

  • This unbridled energy does not always make him an ideal family pet .

    这种 过于 旺盛的精力使它并不总是能成为理想的家庭宠物。

  • Fidel ruled Cuba through the unbridled exercise of his massive ego .

    劳尔统治古巴的方式体现了他极度自负的 性格

  • And a tinkling laugh came back to him on the wind . The land there knows only strong arms big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter .

    风吹来了刘玉英这一句,和朗朗的笑声。那儿的水土只认识有劲的胳膊,大碗的白酒和 爽朗的大笑。

  • Unhappiness comes either through fear or through vain and unbridled desire ;

    苦恼或源于恐惧,或源于无益的 毫无 节制的欲望。

  • The land there knows only strong arms big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter .

    那儿的水土只认识有劲的胳膊,大碗的白酒和 爽朗的大笑。