two-component flow


  • It is shown that several well known characteristics of one-dimensional displacement of a two-component mixture such as those of the phase flow rate propagation velocity of saturation frontal and average saturations of the displacing fluid can be generalized to the multi-dimensional cases .

    指明 二相一维驱替时关于相 渗流速度、饱和度传播速度、前沿饱和度以及平均饱和度等熟知的性质都可推广到多维情形。

  • Our concrete research content concludes : Introduce the background and significance of our research analyze and comment on the home-abroad actuality and development of two-component flow and flow Tomography technology and propose our main research content ;

    具体研究内容包括:介绍研究背景和意义,综合分析和评述 两相 检测和流动层析成像技术的国内外现状与发展,提出本文的主要研究内容和论文结构安排;