


  • Concentration is unbroken awareness of one point at all times like one line stretching into the far distance .

    专注是 自始至终对某一点 持续 不断的知觉,就像把一条线 不断向远处延伸一样。

  • Your task is to get an unbroken row of five stones in a horizontal vertical or diagonal row .

    你的任务是要得到一个 完整的五个石头放在水平、垂直或斜行。

  • This forms an unbroken chain of requests that include the same activation context .

    这形成了一个 连续的包含同样活化上下文的请求链。

  • The music of Chinese Guqin represents one of the longest unbroken musical tradition in the world .

    中国 古琴音乐代表了世界上存在时间最长的 一直 延续的音乐传统之一。

  • Having a proud and unbroken spirit .

    自豪的有 屈服的精神。

  • Cars in an unbroken procession ; the unbroken quiet of the afternoon .

    排成了 长龙的汽车;下午持续的平静。

  • The ring is a symbol of unity into which your two lives are now joined in an unbroken circle ;

    戒指象征着两个原本独立的生命联结成了一个 完美的圆圈。

  • Egypt seemed to have established an unbroken line about five miles across the Suez canal .

    埃及似乎已经在苏伊士运河以东五英里处建立起一条 连续 不断的防线。

  • Labour support remained strong and unbroken by the depression .

    工党的支持率依然很高, 并未 受到经济萧条的影响。

  • Not even a window was unbroken .

    了不止一 窗户。

  • She had let go the outer world but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired .

    她舍弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有 屈服,没有泄气。

  • If the landscape is hidden from view you can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains .

    如果这种景致被遮挡了,你可以欣赏 连绵不断的云海这种超凡景象了。

  • Despite wide graphic differences their uniformity of content clearly records a single reading of an unbroken tradition .

    尽管记录上有太多图形上的不同,他们统一的内容清楚的记录了一种单一的 完整的传统的读法。

  • Such testimony is to be found in the experiences of an unbroken line of prophets and sages in all countries and climes .

    这种证明已经在 连绵不绝的所有国家和地区的先知和圣人的经验中找到。

  • ( of a woman ) having the hymen unbroken . His coat was worn in several places .

    (指女人) 处女膜 没有 破裂。他的外套破了好几处。

  • He saw this solid green earth cover passing underneath for hours unbroken .

    他看到这 郁郁葱葱的绿色 地毯一连几小时在下面 连绵不断

  • But the silence was unbroken and the darkness gave no token .

    可那 打破 寂静显示任何象征。

  • I consider that in view of the Constitution and the laws the Union is unbroken .

    从宪法与法律上看,我认为这一联合是 分裂的。

  • Business are slow In the first half of this year an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang .

    今年上半年生意清淡 野生或半驯化的野马。

  • Romantic hand draw sweethearts bowl always have a tiny bit of thick love unbroken affection .

    浪漫的手绘“情侣碗”,总有一丝的浓浓爱意, 绵绵情意。

  • The grasslands were an unbroken stretch of fresh green .

    辽阔的草原 一碧如洗

  • We 've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine

    我们这儿连续10天差不多 是阳光明媚。

  • If the sun shone all day there will be an unbroken line across the recording pane .

    如果太阳照耀着所有每天将有一整个 完整的记录窗格线。

  • An unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang . He 's popping away at the rabbits in the field .


  • On the ground I notice rabbit tracks where moments ago I had seen only unbroken snow .

    地面上,我注意到,在我刚才看到的一 平整的雪地上有兔子的爪印。

  • His taciturnity was unbroken .

    他一直 缄默到底。

  • But when I came to open it I found that the seal was unbroken .

    但在 取信时,我发现封口还 没有 拆开

  • Under the dark sky the street lay piled in an unbroken Bank of snow .

    在阴暗的天空之下,那一 层层的街道 铺上了 一丝褶皱的雪

  • Hardly a bone in her body remained unbroken .

    她全身的骨头几乎都 了。

  • There was a long silence profound and unbroken ;

    了好久没有声音,只有死一般的 寂静