


  • Study on the Inventory Control Model for Two-tier Supply Chain Based on Price Discounts

    基于价格折扣的 供应链库存控制模型研究

  • This approach overcomes the security problems of deploying two-tier systems over the WAN by replicating a native client to a remote user .

    通过将一个原生客户端复制给一个远程用户,这种途径克服了通过WAN部署 系统的安全性问题。

  • And two-tier systems perform poorly when a fat client must connect to a database over the WAN .

    当胖客户机必须通过WAN连接到数据库时, 系统的性能较差。

  • And then we reconstruct Two-tier management system that stressed the collective unified operation .

    在此基础上,重构强调统一经营的 双层经营体制。

  • Mine power remote monitoring system based on a two-tier network

    基于 网的煤矿井下电力远程监控系统设计

  • However the user may not be allowed to install unsigned applications on a two-tier SaaS-oriented mobile device .

    但是,可能不允许用户安装未签署的应用程序到一个 的面向SaaS的移动设备。

  • Simulation on improved two-tier hybrid P2P network model

    改进的 双层混合式P2P网络模型的仿真与分析

  • You saw a bit of XML code to automate the deployment of a two-tier J2EE application in the IBM Cloud ; the code details action creation hooking actions to events and event handling .

    您看到了在IBMCloud中自动部署 的J2EE应用程序的一些XML代码;这些代码说明了如何创建动作、把动作与事件关联起来和处理事件。

  • And says Mr Smith of ISS Chinese law does not permit two-tier voting structures .

    而且,iss的史密斯表示,中国法律不允许 股权结构。

  • JPA Manager Beans are an ideal programming model for use in two-tier Web environments .

    JPAManagerBeans是一个在 双层Web环境下使用的理想编程模型。

  • This looks once again like a two-tier justice system that has one set of penalties for the public and another for the financial establishment that claims to serve it .

    这再次凸显出一种 双重司法体制:它为公众准备了一套处罚,为那些自称服务公众的金融机构准备了另一套。

  • The two-tier memorization technique divides your memorization capability into two tiers : most important and less important .


  • Still the fake cloud approach does not address the scalability issues inherent in a two-tier system .

    但是,伪造云途径不能解决 系统固有的可伸缩性问题。

  • Traditional4GLs use a two-tier design .

    传统4GL采用一种 设计。

  • The two-tier approach isolates data store and data access management .


  • The second deployment type is a two-tier deployment .

    第二种部署类型就是 部署。

  • City Central is a2000-person capacity temporary two-tier structure in the city of london .

    中心城是在伦敦城内可以容纳2000人的临时性 建筑。

  • Flash orders can be looked at as providing a two-tier market he adds .

    他补充道:闪电指令可以被视为提供了一个 双重市场。

  • TestManager utilizes a two-tier client / server architecture .

    TestManager利用一个 的客户服务器的体系结构。

  • The design features Chevy 's signature global face-the two-tier grille and prominent gold Bowtie insignia .

    雪佛兰的设计特色的标志性全球面对- 格栅和突出的金领结标志。

  • He may be required to request authorization to install unsigned applications on a two-tier PaaS-oriented mobile device .

    用户可能需要请求授权安装未签署的应用程序到一个 双层的面向PaaS的移动设备。

  • Later in this article you 'll see how to use this approach to automate the deployment of a two-tier J2EE application in the IBM Cloud .

    在本文中,您会看到如何使用这种方式自动地在IBMCloud中部署一个 的J2EE应用程序。

  • Keep in mind the two-tier warehouse design above is a conceptual warehouse layout .

    请记住,上面 的仓库设计是概念仓库布局。

  • The resentment against this two-tier class system has risen as a more assertive generation of workers fill these cities .

    随着更加自信的新一代农民工涌入这些城市,对这种 体制的愤恨之情也有所升温。

  • Before answering that consider also the shift from three-tier messaging systems to two-tier systems .

    在回答上述问题之前,我们还要首先考虑从三层消息传递系统到 消息传递系统的转换。

  • The system is designed as a two-tier system with an app tier running the J2EE application and a load-balancer tier .

    这个系统设计成 的系统,运行J2EE应用程序的应用程序层和负载平衡器层。

  • Study on the Simulation of Two-tier Supply Chain Inventory Control Based on System Dynamics

    基于系统动力学的 供应链库存控制的仿真研究

  • Research on Two-Tier Supply Chain Coordination Based on Delay in Payment

    基于延迟支付的 供应链协调研究