uncertainty principle

[ʌnˈsə:tn:ti ˈprɪnsəpəl][ʌnˈsɜ:tnti: ˈprinsəpl]


  • Maximum average uncertainty principle

    极大平均 定性 原理

  • In this paper study the Fermi system on the basis of considering the generalized uncertainty principle and study the properties of the Fermi system under the condition of at low temperature .

    本文在考虑到广义 不准 原理的基础之上,对费米子系统做了研究,着重研究了低温条件下费米系统的性质。

  • But orbitals are slippery critters that because of Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle defy routine efforts to image them completely and accurately .

    但是由于海森堡测 不准 原理,这些电子简直像是练过泥鳅功一般,让想要准确捕捉到其轨迹全貌的人无功而返。

  • And the security of the scheme is guaranteed by Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum no-cloning theory .

    量子测 不准 原理和不可克隆定理保证了该方案的安全性。

  • According to quantum theory even a perfect vacuum is not truly empty ; it is filled with fluctuations as a result of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle .

    根据量子理论中的海森堡测 不准 原理,就算是完美的真空也不是空无一物,而是充满了量子涨落。

  • The uncertainty principle limits what we can know about a quantum system and that fuzziness is not entirely caused by the act of measurement .

    确定 原理限制了我们对于量子系统的认识,而这种模糊性并非完全来自测量行为。

  • When the researchers did the experiment multiple times they found that measurement of one polarization did not always disturb the other state as much as the uncertainty principle predicted .

    进行了多次实验之后,这些研究人员发现,对一个偏振所做的测量确能干扰另一个偏振的状态,但并不总能达到 确定 原理预期的程度。

  • By the time the higher elevations are reached such strange notions as Einsteinian curved space-time and the quantum uncertainty principle heavy meals indeed seem not so difficult to digest .

    当攀登到一定高度时,像爱因斯坦的时空卷曲论和量子 确定 原理等概念就出现了;而这些难以咀嚼的食物也就变得不那么难于消化了。

  • So this is the Uncertainty Principle .

    所以这是 准确 原理

  • The journalistic uncertainty principle obtains : the act of observation distorts what is being observed .

    新闻工作 确定 法则中:观察的行为会扭曲被观察的事物。

  • Here 's Bohr with Heisenberg and we 'll talk about Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle .

    这是波尔和海森堡,我们将讨论海森堡的 确定性 原理

  • We studied the Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle .

    我们学习过海森堡的测 不准 原理

  • Call it the Uncertainty Principle of Clinical Decision Making : simultaneously true and complete information cannot be attained .

    称之为临床决策 确定性 原则:无法同时获得既准确又完整的信息是不太可能的。

  • He came back and with him he brought the Uncertainty Principle .

    三周后他回来了,和他一起的还有 不准 原理

  • In fact Heisenberg ′ s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field .


  • Heisenberg sometimes explained the uncertainty principle as a problem of making measurements .

    海森堡有时候把 确定 原理解释为测量产生的问题。

  • Let us approach the uncertainty principle from another point of view .

    让我们用另一种观点来探讨 不准 原理

  • Of course to naive girls like myself you 're inscrutable . In truth the uncertainty principle is fundamental .

    当然我们不知世事的女孩子,莫测高深。事实上, 不准 原理是基本的。

  • At the foundation of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle .

    海森堡 确定 原理是量子力学的基础之一。

  • Quantum system has some unique attributes : the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and no-cloning theorem .

    量子系统具有独特属性:测 不准 和不可克隆性。

  • Based on Heisenberg 's Uncertainty Principle wavelet transform solves the difficulty of analyzing the local time signals and develops the method of analyzing signals . It has become one of main methods of analyzing signals .

    小波变换基于海森堡测 不准 原理解决了局部时间信号分析的难题,发展了信号分析的方法,成为了当代信号分析的主要工具之一。

  • And particles of sound known as phonons are just as susceptible to Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle as particles of light ( photons ) & or indeed any other fundamental particle .

    声音粒子,即声子,和光的粒子(光子)或者其他基本粒子,都受海森堡的 定性 原理影响。

  • Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle is represented by the statement that the operators corresponding to certain observables do not commute .

    某个不交换的可见相应的操作者的陈述描绘了海森堡测 不准 原理

  • Is the total energy of the universe subject to the uncertainty principle ?

    宇宙的总能量是否也要服从 不准 原理

  • The uncertainty principle can account for diffraction .

    不准 原理可以说明衍射。

  • According to the uncertainty principle the squeezing and higher order squeezing for atomic angular momentum are investigated .

    根据 确定性 原理,进一步研究了原子角动量的压缩和高阶压缩性质及其演化。

  • Heisenberg gave us the uncertainty principle which we will visit later .

    海森堡告诉我们 确定性 原理,我们之后会看这个。

  • We quickly dubbed it the Maven Uncertainty Principle though in fairness we knew there was little uncertainty or doubt whether the build will work : it won 't.

    我们很快给它起了个绰号叫“Maven 可靠 原则”,虽然公平一点说,我们知道它并没有什么不可靠,或者只是怀疑这个构建是否会运行:它不会。

  • In truth the uncertainty principle is fundamental .

    事实上, 不准 原理是基本的。

  • There are two points which must be emphasized in connection with the uncertainty principle .

    关于 不准 原理,有两点必须强调指出。