


  • The various methods for the umpolung of carbonyl compounds ( aldehydes and ketones ) secondary amines and the most frequently used umpolung reagents are introduced .

    介绍了羰基化合物(醛、酮)的 转换的各种方法, 然后 谈到胺的 转换方法和最常用的极性转换试剂。

  • The concept and some applications about umpolung were expounded and some new methods about the application of the umpolung were given .

    转换方法是一种重要的有机合成新方法,对 转换的概念和应用 了论述,并对一些极性转换的新技术作了简。

  • In this article the fundamental concept of umpolung and its role in organic synthesis are briefly discussed .

    本文主要论述 转换的基本概念和它在有机合成中的作用。

  • The organic compounds unable to be synthesized under normal reaction can be fulfilled by means of umpolung .

    在有机合成中一些不能用常规反应合成的有机化合物可以通过 转换的方式来完成。