unaided eye

[ʌnˈedɪd aɪ][ʌnˈeɪdɪd ai]


  • But far behind these Earthly structures are many sky wonders that are invisible to the unaided eye such as the bright waxing moon inside the arch .

    但是在这些地质结构后面更远处,是许多 直接 肉眼 无法 看到的天空奇景,比如像拱形内皎洁的月亮。

  • Gross crystalline imperfections like twinning are apparent to the unaided eye .

    粗的晶体不完整性,如孪生体 可用 肉眼 看出

  • This fungus can just be detected by the unaided eye .

    这种真菌 只用 肉眼就能检查出。

  • Relating to observations made by the unaided eye .

    与用 肉眼进行的观察有关的。

  • Large enough to be perceived or examined by the unaided eye .

    肉眼 可见的大到可以 肉眼观察或 辨别的。

  • This sharp imagecombines three of the MESSENGER wide angle camera 's colors but in exaggerated fashion . Otherwise to the unaided human eye Mercury 's surface colors would appear comparatively muted .

    下面一幅高清图片是由信使号广角相机所拍摄的三种颜色下的照片合成的,但颜色已做增强处理,否则在 肉眼 看来,水星表面颜色会相对太淡。

  • With the unaided eye primitive saurischian carnivorous dinosaurs .

    早期 蜥臀目食肉类恐龙。

  • Samples quite invisible to the unaided eye .


  • The so-called muddy textile fabrics is that its original textile material have been degraded and can not be identified through a unaided eye just can only see the structure or pattern .

    所谓泥化纺织织物,即纺织材料已经降解,其原来的纺织材料无法通过 肉眼 仔细 辨认,只能在 土壤 表面看到原来纺织物的结构或图案。

  • The tumor growth was observed with the unaided eye and by high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound . The change of tumor volume was measured and recorded .


  • Inclusions in I1 diamonds often are seen to the unaided eye .

    I1等级的钻石常含有 肉眼可见的内含物。

  • Some stars are quite visible to the unaided eye .

    有些星星 肉眼得很清楚。

  • Conclusion : The field of fixation through lens has changes than that of the unaided eye .

    结论:矫正眼的注视野较 有变化。