


  • It is unadvisable to put yourself up for the chairman 's seat .

    自荐 当选主席是 明智的。

  • Secondly Local government social policy program planning and choice mechanism is unadvisable .

    二是地方政府社会政策方案规划与选择机制 合理

  • In the study of infinite progression people always easily ignore general term of progression problem having some unadvisable parts in using .

    在无穷级数的研究中,人们往往很容易忽略其通项问题, 以致在使用上存在着一些 不妥 之处

  • To the unadvisable behavior in the mortgage practice the writer also discusses the six legal issues which can be seen frequently in the merchant house mortgage system in order to regular the mortgage operations and protect the benefits of the parties .

    再次针对 按揭操作中产生的 一些不妥当的做法,笔者对商品房按揭制度中常见的六个法律问题进行探讨,以期规范按揭业务,保护按揭 当中各方当事人的利益。

  • From the foregoing discussion we can come to the conclusion that accepting the same number of male and female students in every subject does not hold water ; therefore it is totally unadvisable .

    基于以上论证,我们可以看出: 坚持招收同比例的学生数目没有道理,因此,是 可取的 作法

  • This paper holds that by means of intellectual property choice doctrine to avoid the overlap protection is unadvisable .

    笔者认为 试图通过知识产权选择原则以避免知识产权多重保护是 妥当的。

  • I drew the conclusion that it is unadvisable to accept his proposal .

    我已得出结论,接受他的提议是 明智的。

  • So for some countries where the energy stream is lower just as China it is unadvisable to adopt this device .

    能密度低的国家,如中国,继续采用这种装置就 显得 理想

  • It is important that the unadvisable handles on lip carbuncle should be avoided the complications should be found early and the patients should be treated timely and effectively .

    提出对唇 患者避免 适当的处理、早期发现并发症和及时有效治疗的重要性及其处理 原则

  • Currently the effectiveness based on the methods of the IVUS image edge detection is not ideal because of the severe speckle noise and some unadvisable priori hypotheses .

    目前,所提出的IVUS图像边缘提取方法由于严重的斑点噪声影响以及 加入一些 适当的先验假设,边缘提取的效果并不理想。

  • Military psychological operations ( PSYOPS ) was defined as the means in which some effective information stimulus could pass to enemy personnel by some specifically information medium to cause their decaying will confused thinking unadvisable decision-making and degressive battle effectives .

    军事心理战,是以特定的信息媒介为武器,通过有效的信息刺激,改变对方的心理状态,导致其意志衰退、思维混乱、决策 失误、战斗力下降的作战。

  • In the previous calculation of soil pressure of earth-retaining structure the Coulomb 's or Rankine 's theory of soil pressure is often adopted which is demonstrated unadvisable by many engineering projects .

    在以前的挡土墙土压力计算中,设计 人员通常采用库仑土压力或 朗金土压力理论。

  • The debridement and neoplasty of liver plus epiploon tamponade or suturation are very effective but it is unadvisable to use a great deal of glutin sponge separately .

    肝修补清创加大网膜填塞或缝合较好,明胶海绵 不宜单独大量使用。