ultraviolet spectrum

[ˌʌltrəˈvaɪəlɪt ˈspɛktrəm][ˌʌltrəˈvaiəlit ˈspektrəm]


  • And then the characteristics of cellulase were searched by the infrared spectrum and ultraviolet spectrum . The heat and pH stabilities of CMC were also analyzed and its Km were measured .

    通过红外、 光谱等手段进一步分析其组成,对其中CMC(羧甲基纤维素酶)组分对热及pH的稳定性进行了分析,并测定了其米氏常数。

  • The specific ultraviolet spectrum fluorescence spectrum and amino acid composition were determined .

    该酶具特定的 光谱、荧光光谱和氨基酸组成。

  • In this paper based on the principles of the arc physics and optical spectroscopy the research on TIG welding arc ultraviolet spectrum has been done utilizing a system of welding arc ultraviolet spectrum controlled by computer .

    在电弧物理和光谱学原理的基础上,利用研制的焊接电弧紫外光谱计算机采集与处理系统,对TIG焊电弧 光谱进行了研究。

  • Determination of DNA fram wheat and rice by ultraviolet spectrum method

    小麦水稻中DNA的提纯和 光谱测定

  • In this paper the application of sun blind region ultraviolet spectrum in short range cryptical communication is discussed and an experimental system of ultraviolet communication is constructed .

    本文对 日盲区 光谱在近距离、保密通信中的应用进行了探讨,并建立了紫外光学通信原理实验系统。

  • By element analysis and IR spectroscopy characterizing the structure of ligand and complexes with the ultraviolet spectrum fluorescence spectrum and the viscosity method study the interactions mode and mechanism of ligands complexes and DNA .

    采用元素分析、红外光谱、1H-NMR及摩尔电导率等表征了它们的结构;通过 光谱、荧光光谱以及粘度法研究了配体、配合物与DNA的相互作用机理和模式。

  • The measurement principle of target ultraviolet spectrum is also introduced .

    介绍了目标 光谱的测量原理。

  • The change (Δ A ) of ultraviolet spectrum was determined .

    测定 吸收 光谱变化值(ΔA),用连续递变法测定包合物组成的摩尔比。

  • Methods Atomic force microscope and ultraviolet spectrum ( UV ) were used to observe the alterations of the DNA ultrastructure and absorption spectrum .

    方法利用原子力显微镜、 光谱两种分析方法观察DNA的超微结构变化和吸收光谱的改变。

  • Study on ultraviolet spectrum measurement method

    辐射 光谱测量方法研究

  • Denoising and Assessing Method of Additive Noise in the Ultraviolet Spectrum of SO_2 in Flue Gas Two-Dimensional Frequency Estimation in Correlative Multiplicative and Additive Noise

    烟气中SO2 光谱的加性噪声去除及评价方法乘性和加性噪声相关背景下的二维谐波频率估计

  • Study on Ultraviolet Spectrum Property of Ultraviolet Filter

    有机紫外滤波材料的 光谱性质研究

  • A small-sized fiber grating spectrograph which can measure solar ultraviolet spectrum from 250 nm to 450 nm is introduced .

    介绍了用于太阳 光谱250nm~450nm测量微型光纤光栅光谱仪。

  • Their morphology crystal shape energy spectrum ultraviolet spectrum specific surface and infrared absorption spectrum were characterized and analyzed .

    主要对生成产物的形貌、晶型、能谱、 吸收 光谱、比表面积以及红外吸收光谱进行了表征和分析,并对空心微球形成机理进行了初步的探讨。

  • Chapter 2 : The binding of propylparaben to HSA has been investigated for the first time by the fluorescence method ultraviolet spectrum FT-TR CD spectroscopy and molecular modeling .

    第二章:用荧光光谱法、 光谱 、圆二色谱法、红外光谱法及分子模拟技术对对羟基苯甲酸丙酯和人血清白蛋白的相互作用进行了详细的研究。

  • Result : The flourescent detection shows clear and steady difference of ultraviolet spectrum between A.

    结果:独活及其伪品在荧光检识、 光谱下有明显而稳定的差异。

  • The Study and Comparison of Ultraviolet Spectrum Group of Medicinal Semen Pharbitidis ( Heichou and Baichou ) Decoction Pieces A Japanese morning-glory may flower or produce only leaves .

    牵牛子(黑丑、白丑)生熟饮片的 线组法鉴别研究日本牵牛花可以开花或者只长叶子。

  • In order to appraise the constituent of alkali residua respectively utilizing the infrared and ultraviolet spectrum to analyze .

    为了进一步鉴定碱渣的成份,分别利用红外光谱和 光谱进行分析。

  • According to related theories the ultraviolet spectrum of atomic materials especially the electron energy transition around alkali metal atomic nucleus is analyzed and calculated and the spectral line data is listed in this paper .

    根据相关理论,重点对原子 光谱,尤其是碱金属原子核外电子的能量跃迁进行了分析和计算,列出了计算的谱线数据。

  • Correction Method of Ultraviolet Spectrum Measurement of SO_2

    二氧化硫的 光谱测量数据修正方法

  • Study on Ultraviolet Spectrum Property of Ciprofloxacin Acid Media and its Application

    环丙沙星在BTR缓冲液中的 光谱性质研究与应用

  • The degradation mechanism of meta-nitroaniline was discussed by ultraviolet spectrum .

    利用 光谱对降解反应机理进行了初步探讨。

  • To determine the structure and character of the complex of Quercetin-Mo through these methods of elemental analysis thermal analysis infrared spectrum and ultraviolet spectrum . 2 .

    方法1.通过元素分析、热分析、红外光谱、 光谱 测定槲皮素-钼配合物的结构和性质。

  • Conclusion Either ultraviolet spectrum or derivative spectrum can be used as a tool of quality evaluation of Hongqu .

    结论: 光谱法可作为红曲药材的质量评价手段之一。

  • The influence of Electronic Effect Three-dimensional Effect and Solvent Effect on Ultraviolet Spectrum

    电子效应,空间效应,溶剂效应对 光谱的影响

  • Using ultraviolet spectrum analysis infrared spectrum analysis C spectroscopic and H spectroscopic methods etc to analyze the structure of compound .

    采用 光谱分析、红外光谱分析、H谱分析和C谱分析等光谱方法对有效单体进行结构鉴定。

  • The analysis results by the ultraviolet spectrum are consistent with the floatation behavior of sphalerite .


  • Application of ultraviolet spectrum technique in oil reservoir geochemistry


  • Objective : To establish identification method of poria cocos herbs by Ultraviolet Spectrum Group .

    目的建立茯苓饮片的 光谱分析方法。

  • The SPT Study of Solvent Effect of Ultraviolet Spectrum
