


  • Epidermal growth factor in treating epistaxis of ulcerous mucosa of nasal septum

    表皮生长因子治疗鼻 中隔粘膜 糜烂 鼻出血

  • Conclusions : The therapeutic combination of Yunnan Baiyao and smecta is potentially effective and economic way to treat ulcerous colonitis .

    结论:云南白药与思密达联合应用治疗 溃疡 结肠炎是一种疗效确切、经济、有效的治疗方案。

  • The effect of the extracts from Ailanthus altissima was researched on ulcerous colitis .

    对樗白皮提取物 治疗 溃疡性结肠炎的作用进行研究。

  • The expression of SP has close relation with the ulcerous colitis mucous membrane repair it is paralleled with the damage of colon mucous membrane .

    结肠粘膜解痉 多肽的表达与 溃疡 结肠炎粘膜修复有密切关系,它与结肠粘膜的损伤程度平行。

  • There were 76 ulcerous type 54 eminence and 7 infiltrating .


  • There was a significantly positive correlation between the platelets Ca 2 + w_1993 I and the ulcerous tissue W Ca 2 + ( P < 0.01 ) .

    血小板〔Ca2+〕i与 同期 溃疡组织 WCa2+呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。

  • Objective To investigate the effect of Jiawei Shaoyao Decoction on the function of platelet in patients with chronic ulcerous colonitis of Damp-Heat syndrome .

    目的探讨加味芍药汤对湿热内蕴型慢性 溃疡 结肠炎患者血小板功能的影响。

  • For pathological types there were 4 cases of papillary type 4 cases of plaque type 2 cases of ulcerous type and one case of occult type .

    病理分型:4例乳头型,4例斑块型,2例 糜烂型,1例 平坦型( 隐伏型)。

  • Objective : To report the therapeutic effect of combined western and traditional Chinese medicine on ulcerous colonitis .

    目的:报告 56 中西医结合治疗 溃疡 结肠炎临床观察。

  • A pathogen was isolated in ulcerous Channa maculata from a nursery in Zhongshan City Guangdong Province .

    从广东省中山市某养殖场的患病斑 中分离到一株致病菌。

  • Study on Functional Mechanism of Intestine Peace Granules in Ulcerous Colitis in Experimental Rats

    肠安冲剂对实验 大鼠 溃疡 结肠炎作用机理的研究

  • Objective : To study the mechanism of Qingdai granule ( QG ) in treating ulcerous colonitis ( UC ) .

    目的:探讨青黛颗粒治疗 溃疡 结肠炎(UC)的机制。

  • Objective : To probe the clinical value of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy .

    目的:探讨经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘 溃疡 穿孔的临床价值。

  • Physiological characteristics and drug sensibility of Vibrio cholera ( non-01 ) isolated from the ulcerous eyeballs of penaeid shrimp

    对虾弧菌病致病菌&非 01群霍乱弧菌的生理学性状及药物感受性

  • Comparison Between the Effects of TCM Warm-purgative Therapy and Warm-astringing Therapy on the Level of MIP-1 α in the Ulcerous Colon of the Rats

    温下法和温涩法对UC大鼠结肠 MIP-1α含量的影响比较

  • Objective To evaluate the efficacy safety and localization of amniotic membrane transplantation ( AMT ) in treating immunologic ocular surface diseases and corneal ulcerous perforation .

    目的报告羊膜移植治疗免疫性眼表疾病和角膜 溃疡 穿孔的临床效果,总结分析羊膜移植治疗的有效性、安全性和局限性。

  • Detection of serum No and TNF α in patients with ulcerous colonitis

    溃疡 结肠炎患者血清一氧化氮和TNFα测定

  • Conclusions The CagA of Hp and the ulcerous diseases have the close affinity .

    结论CagA与 溃疡病密切相关。

  • Methods : 10 patients with bedsore in ulcerous stage were treated by routine scavenging combined with alginate dressing and standard ulcer sticking and the ulcer was observed .

    方法:10例 溃疡期褥疮患者采用常规清洗 消毒方法加用藻酸盐敷料和标准型溃疡贴进行局部换药,观察溃疡情况。

  • Analysis of 198 inpatients with ulcerous colonitis in Chengdu

    成都地区198例 溃疡性结肠炎住院病例 回顾分析

  • Conclusions : Treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue is as effective as operation of perforation repair .

    结论: 腹腔镜用ZT胶粘 术治疗 溃疡 穿孔具有与开腹穿孔修补术同样的疗效;

  • Ulcerous cutaneous aspergillosis in a case of deep venous thrombosis of lower limb

    下肢深静脉血栓形成 继发 溃疡 皮肤曲霉菌病1例

  • The clinical study of treating ulcerous perforation with the ZT medical glue under laparoscopy

    经腹腔镜用ZT胶粘 溃疡 穿孔的临床研究

  • Nursing Care of Savary Bougie Dilation for Ulcerous Strictures of Duodenum

    沙氏探条扩张治疗十二指肠 溃疡 瘢痕 狭窄的护理

  • Disseminated histoplasmosis : An atypical ulcerous form in an HIV-infected patient ( Fren )

    播散性组织细胞质菌病:HIV感染患者的不典型 溃疡型(法语)

  • Conclusion : Kuijiekang capsule has good effect on treating ulcerous colonitis .

    结论:溃结康泰治疗 溃疡 结肠炎疗效可靠且副作用少。

  • Clinical and experimental research of method of treating diarrhea with purgatives in treatment of ulcerous colonitis

    通因通用法治疗 溃疡 结肠炎的临床及实验研究

  • objective w_1564 To investigate the relation between the expression of CD_ 40-CD_ 40L and immunologic derangement in experimental ulcerous colonitis ( UC ) rats .

    目的探讨实验 溃疡性结肠炎(UC)大鼠外周血白细胞分化抗原及配体(CD40-CD40L)的表达及其与免疫紊乱的关系。

  • Purpose To investigate the influence of specific acupoints of stomach and intestine meridians on non ulcerous dyspepsia .

    目的探讨胃、肠经特定穴位对非 溃疡性消化不良的影响。