


  • Ulcerative colitis and granulomatous colitis affect many children and young adults .

    溃疡 结肠炎和肉芽肿性结肠炎常侵害儿童和刚成年的年青人。

  • Lower intestine with ulcerative colitis .

    患有 溃疡结肠炎的肠道。

  • ConclusionFlaps with adequate blood supply could be effectively applied to the ulcerative wounds induced by post-operative radical mastectomy .

    结论应用血运良好的皮瓣可有效修复乳腺癌根治术后放射性 溃疡创面。

  • Effects of Diammonium Glycyrrhizinate on Ulcerative Colitis in Rats

    甘草酸二铵对 溃疡 结肠炎大鼠作用的实验研究

  • Clinical study on comfort retention enema to treat patients with ulcerative colitis

    舒适法保留灌肠治疗 溃疡 结肠炎的临床研究

  • Objective To approach clinical features of ulcerative diseases of terminal ileum .

    目的探讨回肠末端 溃疡 病变患者临床特点。

  • Therapeutic effect of infliximab on ulcerative colitis model of rat

    英夫利西单抗对 溃疡 结肠炎模型大鼠的治疗作用

  • Effect of Moxibustion on CFB Collagen Synthesis in Ulcerative Colitis Fibrosis Rats

    艾灸对 溃疡 结肠炎肠纤维化大鼠CFB胶原合成的影响

  • Ulcerative colitis ; Electromagnetic therapy instrument with low frequency vibration ; Efficacy ; Safety .

    溃疡 结肠炎;低频振动电磁治疗仪;疗效;安全性。

  • These can present with chronic ulcerative lesions chronic itching .

    这些疾病就能出现慢性 溃疡和慢性瘙痒。

  • Yuyangmo was a effective traditional Chinese medicine film agent and may regulate immunity function of patients with ulcerative rectitis .

    研制中药“愈 膜”予以内窥镜下肛门直肠内给药,中医传统外治疗法的进一步改进和发展。

  • There are hormones sulfanilamide groups and immunosuppressant for treatment in ulcerative colitis .

    溃疡 结肠炎的治疗主要有激素、磺胺类和免疫抑制等。

  • Experimental study on combining lactobacilli strain with clostridium butyricum strain on acute mice ulcerative colitis

    联用乳酸杆菌和丁酸梭菌治疗小鼠急性 溃疡 结肠炎的实验研究

  • Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue .

    以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛 溃疡坏死组识。

  • The volume and ulcerative broke rate of sarcoma and fatality of mice with S-180 sarcoma were also observed .

    同时,观察了小鼠荷瘤的体积、 破率及动物致死率。

  • The purpose of this paper is to observe the retention enema with Sophorae mixture for treatment of ulcerative rectitis in clinical efficacy .

    本文研究旨在观察自拟方槐花合剂保留灌肠治疗 溃疡 直肠炎的临床疗效。

  • Objective To explore the efficacy of compound lactobacillus acidophilus combined with salazosulfapyridine coloclysis for ulcerative colitis .

    目的探讨复方嗜酸乳杆菌联合柳氮磺胺吡啶灌肠治疗 溃疡 结肠炎的效果。

  • To compare drug treatment for active ulcerative colitis by colon hydrotherapy instrument with conventional drugs treatment .

    目的比较使用结肠水疗仪结肠给药与常规药物治疗活动 溃疡性结肠炎的疗效。

  • The Efficacy and Safety of Infliximab in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis : A Meta-analysis

    英夫利昔治疗 溃疡 结肠炎疗效与安全性的meta分析

  • Clinical study on the method of retention enema to patient of ulcerative colitis

    溃疡 结肠炎患者保留灌肠方法的临床研究

  • Chronic nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a disease with exacerbations and remissions .

    慢性非特异性 溃疡 结肠炎这种病可以恶化亦可缓解。

  • Any of several forms of ulcerative skin disease .

    任何一种 严重的皮肤 溃疡病症。

  • Good combination of Chinese and Western medicine treatment of ulcerative colitis chronic prostatitis and other diseases .

    擅长中西医结合治疗 溃疡 结肠炎,慢性前列腺炎等疾病。

  • The Endoscopic and Pathologic Analysis of Colorectal Ulcerative Diseases

    结直肠 溃疡 病变的内镜及病理学分析

  • Common afflictions include ulcerative colitis diverticulosis polyps and tumours .

    常见的疾病有 结肠炎、憩室病、息肉和肿瘤。

  • Objetive : Purslane water decoction of ulcerative colitis ( UC ) model in mice and its mechanism .

    目的:探讨马齿苋水煎剂对 溃疡 结肠炎(UC)模型小鼠的作用机制。

  • BHD has good treating effect on ulcerative colitis in mice model .

    结论补黄丹对小鼠 溃疡 结肠炎有良好的治疗作用。

  • Expressions of MMP-1 TIMP-1 and TNF - α in ulcerative colitis

    MMP-1、TIMP-1和TNF-α在 溃疡 结肠炎中表达的意义

  • Disease Activity ANCA and IL23R Genotype Status Determine Early Response to Infliximab in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis .

    疾病活动度,ANCA,IL23R基因型状态决定了 溃疡 结肠炎病人对英夫利昔单抗的早期应答。

  • Objective To investigate the influence of Qingchang Suppository on the apoptosis rate of colonic epithelia in rats with ulcerative colitis and its mechanism .

    目的观察中药清肠栓对实验 溃疡结肠炎大鼠结肠上皮细胞凋亡率的影响,探讨其作用机制。