type face

[taɪp fes][taip feis]


  • According the face of the structure ratio from library to get a rough match to determine face type of the target and then get a detail match in this type of face database .

    匹配时,根据从人脸库中得到的脸型的结构比例关系,进行一个粗略匹配,确定其脸型,然后再在该 类型 人脸库中进行详细匹配。

  • Combining with the midsection haulage system reformation the V type working face overall mining method which draws ore from the bottom of footwall circle haulage laneway is proposed .

    结合中段运输系统改造,设计了适合杨树金矿床开采条件的下盘双运输巷道系统以及“V” 工作 推进全面采矿法,解决了制约矿山生产能力的运输和采矿方法等问题。

  • Recently ? our country livestock husbandry development quick ? head for gradually the industry turn ? increasing the way be put by traditional expand production type face modern intensive type change .

    目前,我国畜牧业发展迅速,逐步走向产业化,增长方式由传统的粗放 现代的集约型转变。

  • Capital height : The space taken up by the capital letters of a type face .

    大写高度:英文 字体内,大写字母所占的高度

  • ' My age-progressed and age-regressed portraits are digitally painted artwork forensically based on all available source materials including genetics lifestyle medical history personality environment and how gravity effects their type of face ' said Dr Waldron .

    沃德隆博士说:我的年龄增数和减数肖像都是数字绘制作品,根据所有信息来源做出精确推测,包括基因、生活方式、医疗病史、人物性格、周边环境以及重力对 脸型的影响因素等等。

  • Bold : Typographic term for a heavier than standard weight of a type face .

    黑体:印刷字体学的名词,指笔划较标准的字体为粗的 字体

  • This type of face is asymmetrical that will look good in big small oval round rectangular or rimless types of eyewear .

    这种 类型 具有不对称性,无论戴大的,小的,椭圆形,圆形,长方形或无框眼镜看起来都很好。

  • Apply and Technology Analyze of Direct Retrieve Pillar Wind Method at Double Open Type Face

    双开 工作 直接回柱收作法技术分析与应用

  • Drum type double face drilling and boring combined machine

    转鼓 双面钻镗组合机床

  • This paper discussed some key techniques during the heightening of dam such as type of heightening section design material partition type of combining face etc.

    本文就大坝加高的结构设计中涉及的加高型式、断面设计、材料分区、新老混凝土结合 面的 型式等几个关键技术问题进行了探讨。

  • The clarity of an image its similarity of geometry of printed characters to the shape of the original type face used as guides .

    图象的清晰程度,即印出的字符的几何形状与作为标准的原 字型 相象程度。

  • A New Type of Face Harmonic Drive With a Electromagnetic Wave-Generator ;

    提出了一 谐波 齿轮传动系统多目标优化设计方法。

  • A new type of face pack-powdered and peel off face pack composed of diatomaceous earth and sodium alginate was prepared based on a series of tests .

    本文通过一系列的试验方法,研制出以海藻酸钠为成膜物质、硅藻土作填充材料、选用Ca 固化剂等组成的 新型 面膜&可剥性粉状面膜。

  • The paper summarizes usual type of joint face and develops a parametric and associated design module for double stamping based on UG platform .

    本文总结了常见的 成双件中间连接 类型,基于UG平台下,开发了成双冲压工艺设计模块,实现了覆盖件冲压工艺的参数化设计。

  • Comparing on the Performance of Helmet - type Face Mask and Fillet Gas Mask

    头盔 面罩和头带式面罩主要性能的比较研究

  • Poverty is associated with the development of human civilization has been a problem no matter what type of society face the challenge of poverty .

    贫困问题是伴随着人类文明的发展一直存在的问题,无论何种 类型的社会都 面临贫困的挑战。

  • Therefore the broken line type face slab could be much safer than the straight line type face slab especially for high dams or dams in steep-walled valley .

    因此,对于高面板堆石坝或河谷形状较陡的面板堆石坝工程,采用折线 面板可能更有利于大坝的安全。

  • The result shows both the system and weighting are rational obvious difference of the type face of varions composition software is in existence in terms of visual perception etc.

    实验结果表明,所建立的指标体系和所给出的权重是合理的,同时表明,目前各种排版软件的 字体在视觉效果等方面确实存在 不小的差异。

  • Mechanism analysis and precaution measures of roof fall by push type in mining face under compound roof

    复合顶板采煤工作 推垮 冒顶机理分析及预防措施

  • With the birth of revolutionary parties of this type the face of the world revolution has changed .

    自从有了 这样的革命党,世界革命的 面目就起了变化了。

  • It could reflect blade complicacy type face of space data dot array ; through online data detection coordinates convert space surface fitting etc then converted it into robot recognizable code to realize the offline coding process .

    并将反映叶片复杂 面的空间数据点阵,通过在线数据检测、坐标转换、空间曲面拟合等转换成机器人可识别的作业代码,完成离线编程过程。

  • Control of nether roof during primary caving at double open type face

    双筛孔式准直器双开 工作 初放期间直接顶控制

  • The subject of this article are curved tooth face gear which is a new type of face gear tooth .

    本文的研究对象是曲线齿端面齿轮,它是 端面齿轮的一种 新型齿形。

  • A new structure type of face rockfill dam and research for its stress-strain behaviour

    面板坝新结构 形式及其应力变形特性

  • Performance Analysis of Mixed Type Face Restriction Air-bearing

    混合 表面节流空气静压轴承性能分析

  • Study on the Consecutive Boring Principle of the Open Type Full Face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine

    敞开 断面岩石掘进机连续掘进原理的研究

  • Research on the evaluation indicator and method of Chinese printed type face method of Chinese printed type face

    汉字印刷 字体的评价指标和评价方法研究印刷汉字 圆头细等线体简介

  • With the competition of globalization every organization with different type will face the challenge .

    随着全球化竞争的到来,各种 类型的组织 面临 前所未有的挑战。

  • Finally based on correspondence command code transferring to robot operations the blade space type face of robot auto-reappear and quenching were realized .

    最后通过相应指令代码调用机器人作业,完成叶片空间 面的机器人自动再现及淬火。