typical symptom

[ˈtɪpɪkəl ˈsɪmtəm][ˈtipikəl ˈsimptəm]

[医] 典型症状

  • By using Hong Jian as material under respectively lack a kind of major element observing and analyzing the typical symptom of limp and leaves .

    以切花玫瑰红箭为试材,在分别缺乏一种大量元素的情况下,观察分析植株和叶片表现出来的 典型 症状

  • Results The typical symptom appearance rate of patients with old-age asthma combined with GER was 43 % to 62 % and the reflux symptom appearance rate was 92 % .

    结果老年性哮喘合并GER患者哮喘 典型 症状出现率为43%~62%,反流症状出现率为92%;

  • This paper introduces the typical symptom and occurrence reason of soybean cyst nematode and control managements by the combination of agricultural and chemical methods .

    介绍大豆胞囊线虫病的 症状、发生原因和 特点,并提出以农业防治和化学防治相结合的综合防治措施。

  • Bacterial wilt is a major disease on tobacco the most typical symptom of which is withering .

    青枯病是烟草上的一种主要病害,其最 典型 症状是枯萎。

  • Correspondence of syndrome and prescription . To select formula through grasping the main symptoms . One typical symptom is enough for symptom differentiation which can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of clinical diagnosis and treatment .

    方证相应,抓主症选方,但见一 便是,不必悉 ,可大大提高临床诊治效率和准确度。

  • The clinical manifestations of accumulation of phlegm and blood stasis is the most importantly component factor of the typical symptom which belong to ischemic cardiomyopathy .

    痰瘀互结的临床症状是缺血性心肌病 代表性证 中重要的组成因子。

  • Typical symptom of the poplar ulcer disease is the large ulcerate spots on the bark .

    杨树大斑溃疡病的 典型 症状是产生大型溃疡病斑,当病斑包围树干时,上部即死亡。

  • It was considered that the harmful behavior under the disturbance of consciousness was a typical symptom of the pathological hypnagogic confusion state .

    考虑为意识障碍下的伤害行为是病理性半醒状态的 典型 症状

  • 14 cases had not typical symptom of liver disease ( 82.4 % ) .

    14例患者无 典型肝病 症状(82.4%)。

  • Conclusion The peptic ulcer for aged patients had some symptoms as follows : the lack of typical symptom in clinic ;

    结论老年消化性溃疡有以下特点:临床缺乏 典型 症状

  • Most cases had typical clinical symptom .

    多数病例有 典型的临床 症状

  • Pulmonary tuberculosis was easy to be diagnosed by its typical symptom and physical sign .

    肺结核由于具有 比较 典型 症状、征而较易诊断。

  • One strain of Newcastle disease virus ( named Mallard / China / HLJ363 / 06 ) isolated from HeiLongjiang province that without any typical ND symptom was studied .

    对从黑龙江部分地区采集到的不表现 典型ND 症状的野鸟体内分离到的一株新城疫病毒(Mallard/China/HLJ363/06)进行了生物学特性研究。

  • One new disease jujube Alternaria and Phoma blight on Chinese date fruits was reported in Shanxi . The typical symptom was that black red spots emerged on the top or umbilical parts of jujube made the fruits too bitter to be eaten .

    红枣果实黑斑病的病原分离和鉴定山西省红枣果实发生的一种新病害&红枣果实黑斑病, 症状 表现为果顶或脐部形成黑红色 病斑,枣味苦不可食,损失严重。

  • The results showed that all of the species of tested turf grass was infected by Ggt and expressed typical symptom of take all disease .

    结果表明,该菌对供试各草种都能正常致病,引起 典型全蚀病 症状

  • The typical symptom appeared as approximately circular spot with a yellow halo without crateriform symptom as that of citrus canker .


  • Swelling or edema is not a typical symptom of DCS and would rarely occur alone .

    肿胀,或浮肿,并非是减压病的 典型 症状,但亦很少单独发生。

  • The results showed that the positive reaction detected in situ from the typical symptom P. crocea infected by Vibrio was 100 % 30 % from the health ones also suffered by this pathogen but negative detection from its aquaculture sea water .

    现埸检测对 典型弧菌病表 大黄鱼病原检出率为100%,表观健康大黄鱼病原检出率为30%,养殖海水检测结果均为阴性。

  • Results ( 1 ) There is no typical hyperthyroid symptom in97 patients ;

    结果(1)老年人甲亢患者 症状、体征多不 典型

  • Fatigue is a typical symptom of lack of exercise .

    疲劳是一种 典型的缺乏锻炼的 症状 表现

  • In observation group bitter taste of mouth was a typical symptom in every patient with bile reflux gastritis ;

    观察组中 伴有口苦 症状者均患有胆汁反流性胃炎,非胆汁反流性胃炎者则 口苦 症状

  • The clinical typical symptom was objective tinnitus as closing eyelid or moving lips .

    临床 典型 症状为眼睑闭合或口唇运动时, 出现他觉性耳鸣。

  • Erich Fromm holds the view that alienation on consumption is a typical symptom of the western capitalist society in the 20th century .

    弗洛姆认为异化消费是20世纪西方资本主义社会的 典型 症候

  • A typical symptom of such a problem is that the CPU usage of the machine remains very low while the memory usage is high .

    这一问题的 典型 症状是机器的CPU使用率一直很低,而内存使用率却很高。

  • The typical symptom on leaf was a brown necrosis spot surrounded with a irregular yellow halo . 2 .

    叶片上 典型 症状 表现为病斑中间 出现深褐色坏死、病斑周围有不规则的黄色晕圈。

  • The soybean seeds imported from USA and showing typical mottle symptom were selected and sowed in isolated greenhouse .

    从进口美国大豆中挑选具有 典型斑驳 症状的种子,在隔离温室内种植。

  • The typical symptom of this disease was yellowish stripe mosaic leaf twisting to rope .

    赖草的 典型 症状是叶部产生淡黄色条纹及条点,向正面卷曲,扭曲成绳索状。

  • Only 5 cases had the typical symptom which consists of pain that worsened at night .

    5例具有 典型的夜间疼痛 加重

  • Results : the disease has no typical symptom .

    结果:认为本病无 典型 症状