type of decisions

[计] 决策类型

  • A nonfunctional requirement such as a transactional claims process can map to another type of reusable software asset such as a software pattern to help make consistent architectural decisions .

    一个非功能性需求,比如交互式索赔过程,可以映射到可重新软件资产的另一种 类型,比如一个软件模式可以帮助制定一致的建筑 决定

  • Many entrepreneurs are the type of people that like to take control and make decisions .

    许多企业家都是那种喜欢自己把握,自己做 决定 类型

  • This type of communication is aimed at helping consumers and health care professionals make well-informed decisions about medication use .

    通信的目的是帮助消费者和卫生保健专业人员在药物应用上做出充分知情的 决定

  • The thesis unifies two type social theories and the reality of Chang Zhu Tan city group highway traffic . It not only has enriched the highway traffic theory but also has provided the appraisal target and the method for the traffic department to make scientific decisions .

    本论文将两 社会理论和长株潭道路交通的实际相结合,不仅丰富了道路交通的理论,而且评价指标和方法为交通部门提供了科学的 决策 参考 依据

  • Case teaching method is a new type of heuristic and practical teaching method which has the characteristic of enhancing both the students ' ability of making decisions and their comprehensive capacity .

    案例教学法是一种具有启发性、实践 、提高学生 决策能力和综合素质的一种 新型的教学方法。

  • Unfortunately the type of memories we retrieve to make decisions about our future happiness are often biased to unusual examples that are either very positive or very negative .

    不幸地是,我们获取用来对未来快乐上做 决定的记忆经常是偏向(回忆)要么具有非常积极,要么非常消极的不寻常例子。

  • Instance-based authorization typically protects instances using access control lists ( ACLs ) which are stored in some type of policy store and can be used to make access decisions .

    基于实例的授权通常使用访问控制列表(AccessControlList,ACL)来保护实例,而ACL存储在某种 类型的策略存储区中,并且可用来制定访问 决策

  • And investors learn from this type of information the information platform to supplement their own investment decisions improve financial market competitiveness .

    同时广大投资者也可以借助于这 资讯信息平台来辅助自己的投资 决策,提高在金融市场上的竞争力。

  • This type of COE is vested with wider powers of enforcement with regard to design decisions best practices quality control and testing approaches .

    此类COE被赋予有关设计 决策、最佳实践、质量控制和测试方法的更广强制权力。

  • A drive type decision system based on one-against-one mode of support vector machine through identification of the characteristics and the type decisions was built .

    在此基础上,通过对系统特征因素集和 决策方案非线性关系的辨识,建立了基于支持向量机的一 一判别策略的机械 传动方案决策模型。

  • Part A1.To make political decisions about the extent and type of forestry in a region it is important to understand the consequences of those decisions .

    去做一个有关在某个区域内森林的范围和 类型的政治决定比了解这些 决定的后果更重要。2。