type script

[taɪp skrɪpt][taip skript]

[计] 打印体,打字原稿

  • You can interactively run probevue ( seems like hard work to me as you may have to type and retype the details !!) or run probevue via a script .

    可以采用交互方式运行 probevue(对我而言,这工作似乎有点艰难,因为必须 键入和重复键入细节!)

  • If a task is to be performed on a routine basis or the task requested is complex requiring data manipulation rather than asking users always to type the commands a shell script becomes useful .

    如果需要定期执行某项任务,或者任务非常复杂、需要进行数据处理,同时不需要用户反复 键入各种命令,则适合使用shell 脚本

  • Displays and prints standard icons identifying script lines by type ( script step verification point reportable point or group of steps ) .

    显示并打印分 类型标志脚本基线的标准图标( 脚本步骤、验证点、报告点、或者步骤组)。

  • A type size for typewriters providing ten characters to the inch . A study on the similarities and differences between vernacular words in the running-regular script Qianziwen written by OUYANG Xun and Dunhuang Manuscripts

    打印机 活字的尺码,每英寸字行十个字体欧阳询 行楷《千字文》俗字与敦煌俗字异同考辨

  • Server points to the script or executable to run while log_type specifies additional logging to help iron out any wrinkles in the service .

    server指向要运行的 脚本或可执行程序,log type指定 的日志记录 级别,这有助于解决服务中的任何问题。

  • I find that type gives me more precise information which I sometimes need in a shell script .

    我发现 type为我提供了更准确的信息,我需要在某个shell 脚本中使用到。

  • The first type definition defines the type for our script .

    首先,类型定义定义了我们 脚本 类型

  • The JavaScript engine uses a different type of context for maintaining script variables and functions defined in the application code .

    JavaScript引擎使用不同 类型的上下文维护应用程序代码中定义的 脚本变量和函数。

  • By default the selected parser is based on the type of database that the script is connected to .

    默认情况下,所选择的解析器是基于 脚本所连接的数据库 类型

  • For all the methods you provide a type with which the script block is associated and you give the script block a key .

    为所有方法提供一个 脚本块所关联的 类型,并为该脚本块分配一个键。

  • Tracing of arguments passed to the function is feasible when the probe type is entry and requires that the function prototype be defined at the beginning of the Vue script or through a header file .

    如果探查 类型是入口,就可以探查传递给函数的参数,这要求在Vue 脚本的开头或通过头文件定义函数的原型。

  • They argued that the type of weapon the traces of explosives and Korean script on the metalwork proved the attack was ordered from Pyongyang .

    调查小组称,从武器 类型、残留爆炸物和金属部件上的 朝鲜语来看,可以证明这起袭击是平壤方面下令的。

  • Then in the uniform network management platform using the MO data type the WSF and the OSF module are designed to finish the functions of Configuration Management using the JAVA and the XML script language .

    随后基于统一网管平台的开发,使用MO数据 类型,应用JAVA技术结合XML 脚本语言实现了配置管理子系统工作站功能(WSF)和操作系统功能(OSF)模块,从而完成了配置管理功能。

  • Enter the test script name select Functional Tester from the Type dropdown menu .

    输入测试 脚本名,从 Type下拉菜单中选择FunctionalTester。

  • Method to determine whether a client script with a given key and type pair is already registered and avoid unnecessarily attempting to add the script .

    方法以确定具有给定的键和 类型对的客户端脚本是否已经注册,从而避免不必要的添加 脚本尝试。

  • When the value of type is custom_script the name and full path of a Transact-SQL script file is expected .

    如果 type的值 custom script 需要transact-sql脚本文件的名称和完整路径。

  • You may want to validate a script against a different type of database for example if you are planning to export the script for use in another type of database .

    您可能希望在不同 类型的数据库上验证脚本,例如,您可能准备将 脚本导出为另一种类型的数据库。

  • Rather than type and re-type a ( potentially ) complex series of commands to accomplish a chore a shell script mechanizes the work .

    输入或重新输入(可能)复杂的命令来完成某个繁琐任务不同,Shell 脚本可以自动化该工作。

  • Note that here you 're typing interactively at the shell prompt ; at each > you type the next line of your interactive shell script .

    注意,这里在shell提示下交互地输入;在每个>后面, 输入交互式shell 脚本的下一行。

  • In response Google developed its Indic transliteration technology in which users can type phonetic imitations of words in their language on an ordinary Roman alphabet keyboard that then appear in that language 's script .

    作为回应,谷歌开发了印度语言音译技术,利用该技术,用户可以用普通的罗马字母键盘,模拟自己语言中单词的发音进行 输入,接着这个单词就会转化成他们语言的 书写

  • Open type font creating technique for Uighur script processing platform

    维吾尔文 信息处理平台Open Type字体制作技术

  • When you type grails clean and choose the local version of the script you should see

    输入grailsclean并选择本地 脚本版本后,应该看到如下内容

  • At the command prompt type the appropriate command to run the sample script file .

    在命令提示符下, 键入相应的命令以运行该示例 脚本文件。

  • Type the first character of user helper superclass name in Select default helper superclass for the script .

    在为 脚本选择默认的helpersuperclass之中 输入用户helper名的首字符。

  • You cannot change the object type in a script .

    您不能在 脚本中改变对象 类型

  • This type encapsulates standard middleware product installs ( such as WebSphere ® Application Server and DB2 ®) as deployable patterns customized through the use of one or more script packages .

    封装标准中间件的产品(比如WebSphere®ApplicationServer和DB2®)可作为可部署模式安装,通过使用一个或多个 脚本包来定制。

  • Is the type of custom stored procedure or script being registered .

    注册的自定义存储过程或 脚本 类型

  • After that you need to build some type of script header telling users who wrote the script what the script does and when it was written .

    完成这项操作之后,您需要构建某种 类型 脚本标头,用来告诉编写脚本的用户,该脚本将执行什么操作,以及该脚本的编写时间。