type mark

[taɪp mɑrk][taip mɑ:k]

[计] 类型标记

  • You can use either type of quotation mark to indicate a string in Python as long as you 're consistent .

    您可以使用任意一 引号来表示Python中的字符串,只要引号一致就行。

  • Type the first few characters of the shortcut name for the snippet in the code editor followed by a question mark and tab .

    在“代码编辑器”中 键入代码段的快捷键名称的头几个字符,然后 键入一个 问号并按tab键。

  • RESULTS : ① Marital quality of teachers in different type school : The total mark of marital quality of the teachers in high school middle school and primary school was higher than teachers in university .

    评估患者调查者的抑郁情况。结果:①不同 类型学校教师的婚姻质量:高中、初中和小学教师的婚姻质量 总分高于大学教师。

  • When an explicit type constructor is present the compilers will not mark the type with beforefieldinit and the precise timing restrictions lead to the performance drop hinted at by FxCop .

    当存在显式 类型构造函数时,编译器不会用beforefieldinit 标记该类型,精确的计时限制会导致FxCop所暗示的性能下降。

  • Instead of marking the entire assembly as noncompliant you should determine which type or type members are not compliant and mark these elements as such .

    不要将整个程序集标记为不符合,而应当确定哪些类型或 类型成员不符合,并 这些元素 标记为不符合。

  • On one hand hook type of oscillation mark would make surface defects on strand such as inclusion crack and hypodermal pore .


  • Chinese belong to the language of semantic type without formal mark so it needs the construction of semantic informations .

    汉语属语义 语言,没有形式 标记,因而需要语义知识的建设。

  • One type is generating new index with adding the year mark to each annual index . In this way the dimension is reduced to two dimension space of new index and provinces .

    是将每年的各项指标加上年份 标识作为新的指标,这样就将数据降到了新指标、省份的二维空间上。

  • The first type is using computer soundcard as its analog sound signal output and the digital ports ( such as serial or parallel port ) are used to output the trigger signal to mark the stimulus onset .

    是利用计算机自带的声卡作为模拟声音信号输出,利用数字端口,如串口或并口输出触发信号 标记刺激声出现的时刻。

  • Boldface italic type is used to mark very important terms when they are first defined .

    对于特别重要的术语,第一次给它们下定义时,用黑斜体 表示

  • Processing system for mark-iii type CTD data

    Mark CTD资料的 处理系统

  • The results showed that with optimized oscillation parameters the lubrication of strand has been improved resistance to billet withdrawal was reduced the hook type oscillation mark was eliminated the oscillation mark became normal .

    实践表明,采用优化的振动参数,提高了铸坯的润滑,降低了拉坯阻力,消除了钩 ,振痕恢复至正常圆角凹陷形。

  • TiO2 photocatalysed self-cleaning glass is a new type of glass prepared by plating a layer of nano TiO2 film on the surface of common glass . The appearance of TiO2 photocatalysed self-cleaning glass is believed as a mark of the arrival of the photocatalysis era .

    TiO2光催化自洁玻璃是一种在普通玻璃表面镀上一层纳米级TiO2薄膜以形成光催化特性的 新型玻璃,它的出现被看作是光催化时代到来的 象征

  • A New Type of Settlement Fiducial Mark & Double-Wire Fiducial Mark

    一种 新型 结构的沉陷基准 &双弦基准点

  • Since this example REST API will initially support XML it 's necessary to define this output type specify the relevant response headers and mark it as default .

    由于该示例RESTAPI将初始地支持XML,所以有必要定义这种输出 类型,指定相关的响应头并将之 标记为默认。

  • According to the parameter estimating we assume that the prepositional phrase right boundary is only related to the type and pos of the two words before and behind the boundary mark .

    从参数估计的实际出发,我们假设介词短语右边界的出现只跟它前一个词和后一个词的 词形和词性相关。

  • In this type of GC only the mark and sweep phases of GC are run .

    在这 GC内,只运行GC的 mark和sweep阶段。

  • Capitalize the first letter capitalize or italicize the entire mark place the mark in quotes use a different type style or font for the mark than for the generic name .

    首字母用大写,整个商标用大写或斜体,将商标放在引号内,为 商标使用与通用名不同的 字型或字体。

  • Principles and Inspection of ABS / TRC of Type DAVIS MARK


  • To indicate or flag the new duration as an estimate type a question mark after it .

    若要标明此新工期是估计值, 在其后面 键入一个 问号

  • The type of rear sight was another change from the Mark II to Mark III.

    见到这种情景 的后部另一二改变 马克克三