Tyndall effect

[ˈtɪndl ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtindl iˈfekt]


  • The scientific name for this phenomenon is the Tyndall effect more commonly known as Rayleigh scattering .

    这种现象的科学名称为“ 泰多尔 效应”,更普遍的称之为“雷莱散射”。

  • Influence of physical properties of silver colloidal disperse system on Tyndall effect

    银胶分散系物理性质对 Tyndall 效应的影响

  • The influence of physical properties of silver colloidal disperse system on Tyndall effect is analyzed it is discovered that the laser beams in two different kinds of silver colloidal disperse system show different light paths distinctly under the same experiment condition .

    通过实验,分析了银胶分散系物理性质对 Tyndall 效应的影响,发现在相同实验条件下,两种不同银胶体系中激光束呈现出明显不同的光径。

  • By the Tyndall effect TEM observation and ultrafiltration experiment FeCl 3 Al ( iBu ) 3 phen catalyst is proved as a colloidal disperse system in butadiene hydrogasoline solution .

    通过 Tyndal 效应、电镜观察和超过滤实验表明,FeCl3-Al(iBu)3-Phen催化剂在溶有了二烯的加氢汽油介质中为胶体分散系,活性中心位于胶粒表面,因此是胶体催化剂。