


  • Application of tragal cartilage autografts in the operation of seriously inner-invaginated tympanic membranes

    自体耳屏软骨在 鼓膜严重内陷手术中的应用

  • Study on anatomy of tympanic and mastoid segment of facial nerve temporal bone with oblique sagittal MR scanning

    国人颞骨内 乳段面神经的MR斜矢状位影像解剖学研究

  • To check your or your child 's temperature level you can choose from several types of thermometers including electronic thermometers and ear ( tympanic ) thermometers .

    你可以使用好几种类型的温度计来检查你自己或者你的小孩的体温状况,譬如电子温度计或者 耳塞温度计。

  • The healing effect of combining recombinant human epidermal growth factor and ofloxacin ear drops on the traumatic tympanic membrane perforations

    重组人表皮生长因子与泰利必妥滴耳液联合治疗外伤性 鼓膜穿孔的疗效观察

  • Distorted or erythematous tympanic membranes suggest otitis media .

    发烧或上呼吸道感染反映提示 中耳可能

  • The tympanic membrane is a thin epithelial membrane separating the external ear from the middle ear .


  • Tympanic membrane ostomy on aerotitis media-2 cases report with review of the literature


  • The effect of the lesion in tympanic ostium on the disfunction of Eustachian tube in patients with chronic otitis media

    慢性中耳炎咽鼓管 鼓室口病变对咽鼓管功能的影响

  • Clinical Observation of Tympanic Administration through Eustachian Tube in Treating Middle Ear Adhesion

    鼓室 药治疗粘连性中耳炎的临床观察

  • The Effects of Tympanic Membrane Perforation on Real-Ear to Coupler Difference ; Numerical Simulation in Lengthways Coupled-vortex of Multiple Holes


  • The clinical study of Tympanic membrane tube treat secretory otitis media

    鼓膜 管治疗分泌性中耳炎临床研究

  • Morphological observation of wound margin during the repair of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation patched by gelatin sponge


  • The explosion on that day had broken the tympanic membranes of both ears which contributed to his spells of dizziness .

    7 20日那天的爆炸,震破了他两耳的 鼓膜,常常使他头晕目眩。

  • Major reason is acute tympanitis to cause wait for cure through antibiotic tympanic incision most patient can restore .

    大部分原因为急性中耳炎引起,通过抗生素、 鼓膜切开等治疗,多数患者可以恢复。

  • In Vitro Study of the Application of Collagen-Chitosan Tissue Engineering Membrane on Rat Tympanic Membrane

    胶原-壳聚糖膜在组织工程化 鼓膜中的应用

  • Conclusion Mixed deafness and sensorineural hearing loss caused by big perforation of tympanic membrane are sensitive on ABR .

    结论ABR对 鼓膜大穿孔所致的混合性聋或感音神经性聋表现灵敏。

  • Result : The follow-up period lasted 1 year to 5 years . Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane were satisfying in all 21 patients .

    结果:21例患者随诊1~5年,所有病例上鼓室外侧壁及 鼓膜 松弛 愈合良好。

  • Healing of the lateral wall of attic and the tympanic membrane and recovery of hearing level were investigated after the operation . It is known that ear drum perforation resulting from burns resists closure .

    观察术后上鼓室外侧壁和 鼓膜愈合及听力恢复情况。我们都知道,经过烧烫伤而穿孔的鼓膜,不易愈合。

  • Objective : ? To study the clinical application of tympanic cavity tubing technique with tympanic cavity tubing pusher .

    目的:探讨应用鼓室置管推进器进行 鼓室 管术的临床应用价值。

  • Tell Mur doctor I 'm in the tympanic cavity .

    告诉医生,我在 耳鼓室里。

  • Small tympanic cavity and enlarged eustachian tube and tympanic sinus were found in1 case respectively .

    合并小鼓室1例,耳咽管和 鼓室畸形扩大1例。

  • The tympanic membrane is visible at the distal termination of the horizontal canal .


  • This network of blood vessels is important for repair of damage to the tympanic membrane .

    这张血管网对于 鼓膜损伤的修复至关重要。

  • CTVE could not clearly demonstrate abnormal soft tissue within the tympanic cavity abnormal changes of the tympanic membrane and tympanic walls and could be easily influenced by artificial factors .

    但CTVE不能清楚地显示 鼓室腔内异常软组织、鼓膜和鼓室骨壁的异常改变,且结果易受人为因素影响。

  • Applications of Characteristic Colour Photographs of Traumatic Perforation of Tympanic Membrane in the Forensic Science . A Treatise


  • The results show that the finite element model with perforations may be useful to predict the conductive hearing loss resulting from a tympanic membrane perforation .

    研究结果表明了本文建立的三维有限元模型对研究 鼓膜穿孔对中耳系统传声的影响是可行的。

  • Objective To observe the changes of hearing level and tympanic pressure of healthy adult in moving elevator .

    目的观察正常成年人在模拟电梯运行中听力和 鼓室压力的改变。

  • The Healing Effect of Heparin on the Traumatic Tympanic Membrane Perforation in Rats

    肝素对大鼠外伤性 鼓膜穿孔愈合的影响