


  • Xerographic quantum efficiency and sensitivity for positive charging increased with CGM concentration while that for negative charging decreased with CGM concentration .

    研究 结果 表明 导体的量子收率和感光度与 CGM浓度有 很大 关系,正充电时随CGM的浓度的增加而增加,负充电时随CGM的浓度增加而降低。

  • The results indicated that the new deinking agent was suitable for the deinking of xerographic paper .

    研究结果表明,这种脱墨剂用于 静电 复印 的脱墨 比较 理想

  • In addition the new ring-structured ETM showed improved performances over TNF and was characterized of better xerographic properties at relatively low concentrations .

    并且,这种新型的环化结构ETM的整体性能优于TNF,而且可以在较低掺杂浓度下,实现良好的 静电 照相性能。

  • A page printer that uses the xerographic process .

    电压的页式 打印机

  • Optical Design of Color Xerographic Copiers

    彩色 静电复印机的光学设计

  • To produce ( a print or an impression ) from type . microform reader-printer a substance used in a printer to develop a xerographic image .

    用于打印机中生成 静电印刷图像的物质。

  • A Study of Bisazo Pigment for Xerographic printing

    静电 复印 双偶氮颜料的研究

  • Hazard of Xerographic Duplicator to Human Health and Its Control


  • The Technology and Property of Color Xerographic Toners Prepared by Suspension Polymerization

    聚合法制备 静电 复印 彩粉的工艺与性能

  • The principle of color generation and the theory of optical system design in color xerographic copiers are briefly described in this paper .

    简述彩色 静电复印机的成色原理和光学系统设计理论。

  • Carlson : american inventor of the xerographic process for copying documents ( first patented in 1940 ) .

    卡尔森:美国发明家,发明了复印文件的 静电 复印 (1940年首次被授予专利权)。

  • A new deinking agent was used for the deinking experiment of xerographic paper . The deinking technological conditions were optimized and physical properties of the deinked pulp were tested .

    本文采用一种新型的脱墨剂进行了 静电 复印 的脱墨试验,探讨了脱墨工艺和最佳条件,并且检测了脱墨纸浆的物理性能。

  • Photocopy : Duplicate of a document etc. produced either by xerographic electrofax process .

    影印本: 干影印或电传 影印造成的文件副本。

  • Textile xerographic printing and the preparation of toner

    纺织品 静电印花及其墨粉的研制