Free from flaw or blemish or impurity . He has an unblemished employment record .
无缺陷、污迹或杂质的。他的 (工作) 履历 毫无 污点。
So far Mr kleinfeld 's integrity is unblemished .
到今天为止,柯菲德的职业操守 一清二白。
For six years his championship record was unblemished .
他的冠军记录有6年一 无 瑕疵。
Be sure to select firm unblemished fruit .
一定要选坚实、 无 疤痕的果子。
She held the flowers and looked at their white unblemished petals .
她拿着花,瞧着一 片片 洁白的花瓣。
The Horadrim relentlessly pursued the Three across the desolate Empires of the East and even into the uncharted lands of the West leaving the Archangel Tyrael 's hands unblemished .
赫拉迪姆无情的追逐三个让东方帝国荒废的影子,甚至追赶到西方未曾记录的土地上,让大天使泰瑞尔的手 不必沾染任何血迹。
The UK would face no cutbacks since in 2007 the last year unblemished by recession Britons bought 900 more cars than they made .
英国不会削减产量,因为在2007年, 即 未受到经济衰退冲击的最近一年,英国人的汽车购买量超出本国产量90万辆。
High inflation in India and China is adding to fears that increasing income inequality could soil the Asian giants ' previously unblemished growth record in years to come .
印度和中国的高通胀让人们更加担忧,日益严重的收入差距可能会在未来几年让这些亚洲巨人早先 完美 无暇的增长纪录蒙尘。
Nowadays unblemished or even perfect faces are the rule on magazine covers and billboards .
现在, 没有 瑕疵或者甚至是完美的脸在杂志封面或者广告板上是必须的。
Equity markets imply a sunny recovery where corporate profits can grow unblemished by rising taxes low investment and a debt hangover .
股市给我们的暗示是, 我们将 迎来一 次强劲的复苏税收增加、投资减少以及遗留的债务问题, 丝毫 不会影响到企业的利润增长。
He has an unblemished employment record .
他的 (工作) 履历 毫无 污点。
When Stewart passed through the pavement was new and unblemished with sharply defined regular edges .
斯图尔特 曾途经 此地,那时的路面崭新 无损, 界限明晰,边缘整齐,符合 规格。
This pure boy arrived fresh and unblemished .
这个纯真的男孩闯了 进来, 纯净 无暇。
The Boeing 777 has had a nearly unblemished record and previously was among a small group of long-range jets from Boeing and Airbus to have never sustained a fatality in passenger service .
波音 777飞机几乎从未发生过事故,此前是为 数 不多的从未发生过乘客死亡事故的波音和空客远程飞机中的一个机型。
Similarly if creditworthy investors companies with healthy balance sheets or consumers with unblemished credit histories cannot borrow at reasonable rates this may slow growth .
同样,如果信用等级高的投资者,资产负债状况健康的企业,抑或信用记录 完好的消费者,不能以合理利率贷款,那么可能导致经济增长放缓。
The senator has an unblemished record on support for civil rights issues .
在支持公民权的问题上,这名参议员可谓 二心 一意。
To be eligible to leave prison and work in the restaurant inmates must have kept up an unblemished record through at least 12 years of imprisonment besides a high school education .
囚犯如想离开监狱在餐厅工作,就必须有一份至少长达12年的监禁 无 污点记录,而且还必须有高中学历。
He could not deplore ( as Thackeray 's heroes so often exasperated him by doing ) that he had not a blank page to offer his bride in exchange for the unblemished one she was to give to him .
他不想哀叹(这是萨克雷的主人公们经常令他恼怒的做法)他没有一身的 清白奉献给他的新娘,以换取她的 白壁 无 瑕。
I have an unblemished sense of what 's real for something that is .
我对于真实的东西有一种 超强的知觉。
I feel great at the moment though said Harry looking down at his clean unblemished hands . Where are we exactly ?
可是我现在感觉好极了,哈利低头看着自己洁白 无 瑕的双手说道,我们究竟是在哪儿呢?
Product Description : Asparagus when fresh should have firm straight bright green stalks with tight unblemished dark green tips with maybe a hint of purple .
中文描述:新鲜芦笋有硬的、直的绿茎和 无暇的暗绿或紫色的 笋尖。
Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights .
加纳在人权方面并非毫无 瑕疵。
Popcorn kernels with the right amount of moisture and unblemished hulls pop into the snack that just about everyone enjoys .
总之,拥有合适湿度和 完好外壳的特殊玉米仁就能够爆成大众喜爱的零食&爆米花。
Just as honor is a prerequisite for respectability so is unblemished character a barometer of integrity .
正如声誉是可敬的前提条件, 无暇 疵的品格是正直的晴雨表。
Apart from a parking fine ten years before she had an unblemished driving record .
除了10年前因违规停车被罚过一次 款外,她的驾驶记录 无可挑剔。
In each perfectly combine and each unblemished detail they embody beautiful and style boundary the product is sublimated .
在每一个完美的结合中,在每一个 无暇的细节上,均体现出臻美至尚的境界,产品也得以升华。
You essence is as pure and perfect as an unblemished jewel .
你的本质如同无 瑕的珠宝一样完美无缺。