


  • It was a thoroughly dull party from the beginning but if you will come I shall be uncommonly grateful .

    从一开始我就 知道这是一次枯燥乏味的 宴客。但是如果你能来的话,我是非常感激的。

  • Jack left her to suppose him uncommonly hot stuff at baseball .

    杰克让她把他 看成 非常 优秀的棒球运动员。

  • The guests took their seats at the table and began by making an uncommonly good meal .

    大家 立刻 入席,开始 大嚼。我立刻把 上。

  • They were using uncommonly flowery language .

    他们使用了 极其华丽的词藻。

  • The computer criminals who have been caught may have been the victims of uncommonly bad luck .

    所以说,很多电脑犯罪者可以 逃之夭夭惩罚是因为他们没有被发现。

  • His reflexes were uncommonly quick and he was farsighted enough to dislike reading anything except Hamley 's saddle catalog .

    他反映 非常敏捷,因为远视得厉害,除了哈姆雷的马鞍目录外他什么都不喜欢读。

  • This is the only point I flatter myself on which we do not agree . I had hoped that our sentiments coincided in every particular but I must so far differ from you as to think our two youngest daughters uncommonly foolish .

    我本来希望你我在任何方面的意见都能融洽一致,可是说起我们的两个小女儿, 的确 非常 ;关于这一点,到目前为止,我不得不跟你 着两样的 见解

  • The five-year question is a common one and it 's uncommonly tricky .

    5年计划是个非常常见的问题,但 背后 文章 不同寻常

  • Uncommonly intelligent stupid difficult .


  • That 's uncommonly kind of you .

    那么 厚道,真是 难得

  • Early Sunday thousands of Christians throughout Iraq went to Easter Mass and some churches were uncommonly full .

    周日清晨,伊国各地数千名基督徒参加复活节弥撒,部分教会 罕见的座无虚席。

  • Iliopsoas abscess is an uncommonly encountered clinical entity .

    腰大肌脓 是在临床上 较为少见的 感染

  • To his utter amazement he found the fruit to be uncommonly delicious .

    令他吃惊的是该水果 非常 甘甜可口。

  • Uncommonly early or before the expected time .


  • As I slowly approached the child I could see by her forehead which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl and especially by her complexion that she was uncommonly lovely .

    我慢步走向小女孩,她那在阳光下如同珍珠一样圆润的前额,特别是她的肤色,使我感到她真是 异常可爱。

  • Uniquely though the child seems to gently hold one of the threads in his hands as if this uncommonly wise child is aware of the complex and burdensome world he has been born into .

    更独特的是,男孩的手似乎轻轻地拉著 线, 彷佛聪明如他的孩子知道自己已经诞生到一个复杂和烦琐的世界上。

  • I think every thing has passed off uncommonly well I assure you .

    告诉你们,我觉得一切都 非常 顺利

  • Her neck also was uncommonly fine when seen from behind .

    从后面看,她的脖子也 异乎寻常的优美。

  • The doctor 's extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery .

    医生迅速到达,并 非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。

  • And yet I meant to be uncommonly clever in taking so decided a dislike to him without any reason .

    可是我 以为 这样对他深恶痛绝, 固然说不上什么理由, 却是 非常聪明。

  • Besides everyone agreed that the girl was uncommonly beautiful in appearance and graceful in all her movements .

    再说人人都认为这姑娘 相貌 非凡,一举一动都 彬彬有礼

  • To do a common thing uncommonly well bring success .

    成功的秘诀, 在于将平凡的事做 不同凡响

  • Lady Clavering likes to be asked for lunch and is uncommonly kind and monstrous hospitable .


  • I have heard indeed that she is uncommonly improved within this year or two .

    真的,我听说她这一两年来有了很大的 长进

  • Well it 's been uncommonly cold this month .

    嗯,这个月冷 寻常

  • Keep it simple . let 's do the obvious thing-the common thing-but let 's do it uncommonly well .

    简单点吧!让我们挑最明显的特点---最共通的属性把它做 不同凡响

  • They are well preserved and encased in sediments that allow uncommonly precise dating .

    这些化石保存完好,被封存在沉淀物里,可以 罕见的进行精准的时间测试。

  • You write uncommonly fast .

    “你写信写 这样快, 少见。”

  • And have grown most uncommonly fat ;

    已经变得非常 肥胖

  • Vocalic sounds ; the Gaelic language being uncommonly vocalic - Walter Scott .

    元音;盖尔人语有 罕见的元音-沃尔特.斯科特。