Abstract : along with the unceasing development of information technology the motion education has more and more application in the modern education and becomes the main method for the network education gradually .
摘要:随着信息技术的 不断发展,移动教育在现代教育中的应用越来越多,并逐渐成为网络教育的主要教育手段。
The unceasing absorbing of international manufacturing industry shifting has given China a rare opportunity in development .
当前,对制造业国际转移的 不断吸纳使中国获得了一次难得的发展机会。
Our development is originated from untiring pursuit and unceasing innovation .
企业经营理念:我们的发展源自不懈的追求和 不断的创新。
The sports product brings the rich profit urges the market unceasing development to develop the new product .
体育产品所带来的丰厚利润又促使市场 不断的研制开发新产品。
As a scholar he unceasing examines the question which discovered in the study and displays the intense questionable consciousness .
作为一个学者,他对研究中发现的问题 不断的追问,表现出强烈的问题意识;
In your birthday arrival 's today before hoping all happy and joyful unceasing rushes your window !
在您生日到来的今天,愿所有的欢乐和喜悦 不断的涌向您的窗前!
Along with track and field meet rapidly expand and movement level unceasing enhancement the people deepen unceasingly to track and field meet 's understanding .
随着田径运动的迅速发展和运动水平的 不断提高,人们对田径运动的认识不断加深。
Speaking of our country unceasing expansion of the cost scale has increased society 's burden to a certain extent and has harmed the government 's authority .
详细到我国, 不断扩张的成本范围,在一定水平上增添了社会的负担,损害了政府的威望。
Nevertheless nothing could be possible if we had not had the unceasing love and support from our motherlands .
然而,若是没有来自祖国 源源不断的爱与支持,今天的一切都不可能成为现实。
Along with unceasing promotion of our country resident per capita national income the experience economy is approaching .
随着我国居民人均收入的 不断提升,体验经济正在来临。
Unceasing efforts have been made to solve these problems .
人们 不断地努力解决这些问题。
To set up innovation enterprise is the complex unceasing innovation process .
建设创新型企业是复杂的 不断创新的过程。
Human society makes unceasing progress .
人类社会总是 不断进步的。
The school sports reform 's unceasing deepening some middle school 's track and field after school training has made the considerable progress and the development .
学校体育改革的 不断深化,一些中学的田径课余训练取得了长足的进步和发展。
Only in this way we can adapt to the unceasing development society .
只有这样我们才可以适应这 不断 前进发展的社会。
In the unceasing praise underachiever 's self-confidence will set up gradually .
在 不断的表扬中,后进生的自信心会渐渐树立起来。
Along with economical unceasing development people 's living standard enhances in order to our fitness little drives .
随着经济的 不断发展,人们的生活水平提高,为了我们的健身还是少开车。
Every snobbery demands of its devotees unceasing efforts a succession of sacrifices .
每种势利感都要求其信徒作出 不懈的努力,一个接一个的牺牲。
Along with the unceasing differentiation of social class evening dress demand will also continue to increase .
随着社会阶层的 不断分化,对晚礼服的需求还将继续升温。
Unceasing rich student brains central plains ;
Hong Kong police 's prevention and control to public security are realized mainly through unceasing patrol .
香港警方对社会面治安的防范和控制主要是通过 开展 不 间断的巡逻来实现的。
With the unceasing development of polycarboxylate superplasticizers maleic anhydride is used more and more in its synthesis .
随着聚羧酸盐减水剂的 不断发展,马来酸酐在其合成中的应用也越来越多。
Along with our country economic restructuring 's unceasing deepening set the new request to the Private enterprise financial control system 's consummation and the development .
随着我国经济体制改革的 不断深化,对民营企业财务管理体制的完善和发展提出了新的要求。
Along with the university campus and the rear service socialization 's unceasing reform has brought a richer challenging new environment for university 's student party building work .
随着高校园区和后勤社会化的 不断改革,给高校的学生党建工作带来了更富有挑战性的新环境。
Unceasing effort is the price of success .
In addition the choice process should be to the material continuously the unceasing again appraisal process .
此外,选择过程应该是一个对材料的连续 不断的重新评价过程。
An unceasing search for lower costs .
对降低成本的 不断探究。
Unceasing in aspiring after uncharted domain and a profound life experience .
I unceasing study after finally make can completely for the treatment of cancer drugs were developed .
我 不断的探索研究后,终于使能彻底治疗癌症的药物问世了。