




  • He seems totally unconcerned by real dangers .

    对于真实的危险似乎全然 在乎

  • He drove on apparently unconcerned about the noise the engine was making .

    他继续驾车前进,对发动机发出的噪声显然 在意

  • They were pure and noble institutions that pursued knowledge and were largely unconcerned with the world around them .

    他们是纯洁而高贵的机构,追求知识,并在很大程度上 关心他们周围的世界。

  • Life what to is little isn 't successful facing successful opportunity is more but unconcerned .

    人生少的不是成功,更多的是面对成功的机遇却 无动于衷

  • Some loves are a lot of opportunities for you but totally unconcerned of neglect the time which wants to value has already had no opportunity .

    有些爱给了你很多机会,却 满不在乎的忽略,想重视的时候已经没机会了。

  • In a composed and unconcerned manner . having your composure disturbed .

    以镇静沉着、 漠不关心的方式。自己的沉着冷静遭到扰乱。

  • She seemed quite unconcerned by the danger .

    他对危险 在乎

  • As we are companions in adversity I will not look on unconcerned about your troubles .

    既然我们是患难朋友,对你的困难我就不会 袖手旁观

  • We have suddenly become an insular people unconcerned with the underdeveloped countries .

    我们突然变成了对于不发达国家 漠不关心的与世隔绝的民族了。

  • She must have hurt herself but she seemed quite unconcerned .

    她肯定伤害了自己,不过看上去却显得 若无其事

  • This paper discusses how to design a platform Unconcerned in fingerprint input system and gives a real example .

    文中探讨了如何设计平台 无关的指纹输入系统,并给出实现的实例。

  • ' I wasn 't quite sure if you expected me ' I said trying to seem unconcerned .

    我不太清楚你是不是等着我来,我说,故意装作一 若无其事 样子

  • Paul was unconcerned about what he had done

    保罗对自己的所作所为 在意

  • Their manager is unconcerned at the laddish image and the drinking that goes with it .

    经纪人 他们年轻 放浪的形象和相伴而来的恣意纵酒的行为毫 担心。

  • Moody quite unconcerned was now loosening the ties of the large sacks he had brought with him .

    穆迪 漠不关心,正在解开他带来的那两个大口袋的带子。

  • She seems unconcerned by the danger of going over budget .

    她对超出预算的危险似乎 担心

  • This notion generates a feeling of acceptance and an unconcerned acknowledgment of the status quo .

    这种观点让人产生了 命运的接受感并且对现状的 关心

  • Complacent : Contented to a fault ; self-satisfied and unconcerned .

    自满的:对缺点的满意;自我满足且 关心

  • Are you as unconcerned about the situation as you appear ?

    你确实如你表现的那样 对局 漠不关心吗?

  • I hear you were looking for me Ogilvie said . It was a flat statement unconcerned .

    听说你正在找我, 奥格尔维没精打采,态度冷漠地说。

  • He was unconcerned in the affair .

    该事件 无关

  • He seems unconcerned but nothing escapes his attention .


  • He was unconcerned about the length or shortness of her visit .

    他对她 来访的时间长短无所谓。

  • Everywhere you look you can find people unconcerned or unaware of the pain they inflict .

    只要你会观察,你可以发现人们 注意或没意识的给他人造成痛苦。

  • Young people are often unconcerned with political issue .

    青年人对政治问题往往 漠不关心

  • Mond was unconcerned in the conspiracy .

    蒙德与这阴谋 无关

  • The prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination .

    对于检查的结果囚犯似乎一点都 关心

  • She is unconcerned with school affairs .

    校的事 毫无 兴趣