uncertainty relation

[ʌnˈsə:tn:ti rɪˈleʃən][ʌnˈsɜ:tnti: riˈleiʃən]


  • In this paper the author deduces the momentum-position uncertainty relation of the classical harmonic oscillator and gives the correspondence relation between it and the uncertainty relation of quantum harmonic oscillator .

    推出了经典谐振子的动量-位置 确定 关系,并且给出它和量子谐振子的不确定关系之间的对应关系。

  • When the generalized uncertainty relation is considered the new equation of quantum state density is obtained based on Liouville 's theorem .

    当考虑了广义 确定 关系后,在刘维定理的基础上采取了新的量子态密度方程,我们发现黑洞视界附近的量子态数目变成了有限。

  • The uncertainty relation contains the deep going physical essence and it virtually becomes a criterion of displaying the particle property and wave property of matter in micro world .

    确定 关系包容着深刻的理解内涵,它实质上是微观世界中显示物质粒子性和波动性的一种判据。

  • The Probability Density and Uncertainty Relation of any one of Stars with Random Motion in Irregular Galactic System

    不规则星系中星体随机运动的几率密度与天体 确定 关系

  • In this paper the basic concept and the basic principle can be used to exactly derive the general time-energy uncertainty relation .

    本文利用了量子力学中的基本概念和基本原理,严格导出了普遍的时间-能量 不准 关系

  • The generalized uncertainty relation and information-entropy are the hot point in the physics field recently .

    广义 不准 关系和信息熵的讨论是近年来物理学的热点问题。

  • Based on the higher order uncertainty relation an alternative definition of higher order squeezing is introduced in this paper .

    在高阶 不准 关系基础上提出了光场高阶压缩的另一个定义。

  • The uncertainty relation of one dimensional infinite well is deduced with the operator theory .

    用算符理论推出了一维无限深势阱的 确定 关系

  • On the discussion of uncertainty relation for the generalized conjugate quantity pair

    广义共轭量对的 不准 关系讨论

  • On the other hand Heisenberg uncertainty relation reveals that non-commuting observables can not been sharply measured simultaneously .

    另一方面,海森堡 确定性 关系指出不对易的可观测量不能同时精确测量。

  • By the theory of relational space of grey system the author of this paper discusses the uncertainty relation among the water quality idexes of Xuanwu lake in Nanjing .

    本文利用灰色系统理论中的灰关联空间分析研究了 玄武湖各水质指标间的 关联程度。

  • Because of the confused role time plays in quantum mechanics the references and meanings of energy & time uncertainty relation are different in different explanatory contexts .

    由于时间在量子力学中的特殊性,能量-时间 确定性 关系的指称和意义在不同的解释语境中各不相同。

  • Uncertainty Relation Between the Weight Changes of BP Net-work and the Identification Errors of the Information for New Samples

    BP网络的权值变化和对新样本信息的辨识误差之间的 不准 关系

  • The second fourth and sixth order fluctuations have been discussed by making use of SU ( 2 ) Lie algebra . On the basis of higher order uncertainty relation the definition of higher order squeezing for the fluctuations of angular momentum has been put forward .

    利用SU(2)李代数讨论了原子相干态中角动量的二阶、四阶和六阶涨落,并在高阶 确定 关系基础上提出了角动量高阶压缩的定义。

  • The article bases on the three different meanings of time in quantum mechanics discusses the references and meanings of energy & time uncertainty relation in various contexts and aims to clarify the confusion on the references and the meanings of the uncertainty relation between energy and time .

    文章区分了时间在量子力学中的三种角色,进而讨论了各种能量-时间 确定性 关系的解释语境,及各种解释语境下其指称和意义,厘清在能量-时间不确定性关系解释上的混乱。

  • An Explanation of Uncertainty Relation

    关于 确定 关系的一个说明

  • The operator theory method lead to the uncertainty relation of one dimensional infinite well ;

    本文讨论了线性谐振子的级数解和算符法, 导出两者 之间 关系

  • In the last part the paper researches the variations of entropy and energy of probability fluid in measuring process and attempts to connect the second law of thermodynamics with the uncertainty relation in order to disclose inequality in two directions of time from a special respect .

    最后研究了测量过程中熵和能量的变化,并试图把 不准 关系和热力学第二定律联系起来,以便从一个特殊的侧面揭示量子过程在两个时间方向上的非等同性。

  • In fact Heisenberg ′ s uncertainty principle is a special case of entropy uncertainty relation and entropy can be used to measure the quantum fluctuation of the quadrature components of the field .

    海森伯测不准 关系是熵测 不准 关系的一个特例,可用熵量度光场正交分量的量子涨落。

  • Under the circumstances of shielding effect of extranuclear electron the condition of the classics descriptions of Rutherford scattering formula is derived from the principle of uncertainty relation in the quantum mechanics .

    用量子力学中 确定 关系的原理,推出了在核外电子非屏蔽效应的情况下卢瑟福散射公式的经典描述的条件。

  • The uncertainty relation of angular variable and angular momentum

    角变量ψ和角动量Lz的 确定 关系

  • The result provides a new and effective method for quantum mechanical interpretation of the principle of complementarity and shows the possibility of unifying the principle of complementarity and Heisenberg uncertainty relation . 2 .

    上述结果为互补原理的量子力学诠释提供了一种全新且有效的方法,并且有可能将互补原理和海森堡 确定性 关系统一起来。

  • The Measurement Meaning of Observable Operator with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation

    力学量算符的测量意义与海森伯 确定 关系

  • We gave a new equation of state density by the generalized uncertainty relation studied black hole entropy on degenerate background of sphere symmetry .

    采用由广义 确定 关系得到的新的态密度方程,研究了球对称退化背景下黑洞的熵。

  • But for the limitation of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation the picture of quantum phase-space is not only one .

    但是由于Heisenberg的测 不准 关系的限制,量子力学相空间图像不是唯一的。

  • The Uncertainty Relation Between the Angle and Angular Momentum

    角度和角动量之间的 不准 关系

  • The concept of entropic squeezing is established and the entropic squeezing of the field interacting with the atom is investigated by regarding the entropy as a measure of quantum fluctuation and according to entropy uncertainty relation .

    用熵作为光场量子涨落的量度,根据熵 不准 关系,建立了熵压缩的概念,具体研究了光场与原子相互作用时的熵压缩。

  • Boundary Conditions Infinite Fluctuation and Uncertainty Relation

    边界条件,无限涨落和 确定 关系

  • BP network overfitting learning ability generalization ability uncertainty relation .

    标签BP网络过拟合学习能力推广能力 确定 关系

  • The uncertainty relation of distributed systems addresses that codes as available products and goals as the announced features of the software products cannot be determined simultaneously .

    分布系统的 不准 关系阐明:代码(代表可用产品)和目标(代表软件产品的性能)不能同时确定。