Certainly Microsoft will be buying a fast-growing well-positioned global asset with an unbeatable brand .
显然,微软买到的Skype是一个快速增长、定位准确的全球性资产,而且有着 无与伦比的品牌。
Organizations that achieve both market and operating focus are nearly unbeatable .
既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是 战无不胜的。
We have no expensive retail outlets affording us and you unbeatable savings .
我们没有给我们提供昂贵的零售店铺,你 无与伦比的储蓄。
For good pizzas at a reasonable price they 're unbeatable .
好的比萨饼加上合理的价格,他们是 无与伦比的。
Q.It seems like you are always unbeatable .
你总是看上去难以被 打败。
As long as we can carry the others along with us we 'll make an unbeatable combination .
只要我们能得到他人的支持,我们就能组成一个 不可战胜的联合体。
In this second installment of Practically Groovy you 've seen what happens when the expressiveness and agility of Groovy is coupled with the unbeatable utility of Ant and Maven .
在实战Groovy的第2期中,您看到了Groovy的表现力和灵活性与Ant和Maven 无与伦比的应用结合在一起时发生了什么。
The combination of protein healthy fat and vitamins is unbeatable .
它们 富含了很多蛋白质、健康的脂肪和 维他命。
With an unbeatable price tag and convenient environment what do you have to lose ?
有 这样 得天独厚的价格和方便的环境,还有什么不 放心的呢?
I optimize my characters to make them unbeatable .
我会 培养我的角色成为一个 超强 、 无敌 的 角色。
With two more days of competition to go China is in an unbeatable position .
还有两个比赛日,中国 队的位置已经 不 可 撼动。
The Range Checker Mode opens unbeatable support in finding the direction and distance to the collar .
“程格子模式”开幕 匹敌支持寻找方向和距离的衣领。
We are here to give our customers a reliable quality and professional service at unbeatable prices .
在此我们以 绝对 优惠的价格为我们的顾客提供 最可靠的, 最高质量的, 最专业的服务。
The opposition was unbeatable
对手 实力 超群 。
His final result 505.65 was great and unbeatable ? 60.10 ahead of his compatriot Yutong .
他的最后成绩505.65优秀得无法超越--领先他的同胞 吴玉通60.10分。
Come and see our new range of sofas all at unbeatable prices .
来看看我们的新式沙发,各个都价格 不 菲。
And he 's an unbeatable example for young musicians in Latin America and the world .
对于拉美和全世界的年轻音乐家来说,他是一个 无 可 匹敌的榜样。
The food here is absolutely unbeatable .
这里的食品 好极了。
These resorts like Magaluf and Arenal remain unbeatable in terms of price .
像 马加拉夫和阿雷纳尔这样的度假胜地,在价格方面仍具有绝对的优势。
He 's a man fighting an unbeatable foe .
他在和一个 强大的敌人对抗。
The unbeatable wand the weapon that would lead us to power !
永不 会 输 的 魔杖,能使我们获得权力的武器!
Our mission is to provide quality eyewear at unbeatable prices .
我们的目标是以 最 优惠的价格提供 最高品质的眼镜。
History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf .
以往的记录表明新西兰队在主场比赛中几乎 从来 没有 输 给英国队。
Admittedly the quantity of the data on this is somewhat limited but the quality is unbeatable .
诚然,这方面的数据数量有点少,但质量却 无 可 匹敌。
They have a brand new intensity and led by Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol this team is seemingly unbeatable .
科比和加索尔的组合将湖人提升到了新的高度,使得这支球队似乎 已经 不可战胜。
Together with DigestSearch 's ability to instantly find a particular keyword it could become an unbeatable solution .
与DigestSearch的对特定关键字进行快速查找的能力相结合,这将成为一种 无 可 伦比的解决方案。
I 've entered all sorts of contests even untill now I 'm still unbeatable .
我参加过各种比赛,到现在还 打 遍 天下无敌 手。
The unbeatable atmosphere and the hot competition will bring forth a good team work to everyone .
比赛 期间 活跃的气氛,激烈的竞争,展示了 我 外语 系 学生团结向上的精神风貌及良好的氛围。