


  • Certainly Microsoft will be buying a fast-growing well-positioned global asset with an unbeatable brand .

    显然,微软买到的Skype是一个快速增长、定位准确的全球性资产,而且有着 无与伦比的品牌。

  • Organizations that achieve both market and operating focus are nearly unbeatable .

    既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是 战无不胜的。

  • We have no expensive retail outlets affording us and you unbeatable savings .

    我们没有给我们提供昂贵的零售店铺,你 无与伦比的储蓄。

  • For good pizzas at a reasonable price they 're unbeatable .

    好的比萨饼加上合理的价格,他们是 无与伦比的。

  • Q.It seems like you are always unbeatable .

    你总是看上去难以被 打败

  • As long as we can carry the others along with us we 'll make an unbeatable combination .

    只要我们能得到他人的支持,我们就能组成一个 不可战胜的联合体。

  • In this second installment of Practically Groovy you 've seen what happens when the expressiveness and agility of Groovy is coupled with the unbeatable utility of Ant and Maven .

    在实战Groovy的第2期中,您看到了Groovy的表现力和灵活性与Ant和Maven 无与伦比的应用结合在一起时发生了什么。

  • The combination of protein healthy fat and vitamins is unbeatable .

    它们 富含了很多蛋白质、健康的脂肪和 维他命

  • With an unbeatable price tag and convenient environment what do you have to lose ?

    这样 得天独厚的价格和方便的环境,还有什么不 放心的呢?

  • I optimize my characters to make them unbeatable .

    我会 培养我的角色成为一个 超强 无敌 角色

  • With two more days of competition to go China is in an unbeatable position .

    还有两个比赛日,中国 的位置已经 撼动

  • The Range Checker Mode opens unbeatable support in finding the direction and distance to the collar .

    “程格子模式”开幕 匹敌支持寻找方向和距离的衣领。

  • We are here to give our customers a reliable quality and professional service at unbeatable prices .

    在此我们以 绝对 优惠的价格为我们的顾客提供 可靠的, 最高质量的, 专业的服务。

  • The opposition was unbeatable

    对手 实力 超群

  • His final result 505.65 was great and unbeatable ? 60.10 ahead of his compatriot Yutong .

    他的最后成绩505.65优秀得无法超越--领先他的同胞 吴玉通60.10分。

  • Come and see our new range of sofas all at unbeatable prices .


  • And he 's an unbeatable example for young musicians in Latin America and the world .

    对于拉美和全世界的年轻音乐家来说,他是一个 匹敌的榜样。

  • The food here is absolutely unbeatable .

    这里的食品 好极了。

  • These resorts like Magaluf and Arenal remain unbeatable in terms of price .


  • He 's a man fighting an unbeatable foe .

    他在和一个 强大的敌人对抗。

  • The unbeatable wand the weapon that would lead us to power !

    永不 魔杖,能使我们获得权力的武器!

  • Our mission is to provide quality eyewear at unbeatable prices .

    我们的目标是以 优惠的价格提供 最高品质的眼镜。

  • History shows that New Zealand are almost unbeatable by British teams on their own turf .

    以往的记录表明新西兰队在主场比赛中几乎 从来 没有 英国队。

  • Admittedly the quantity of the data on this is somewhat limited but the quality is unbeatable .

    诚然,这方面的数据数量有点少,但质量却 匹敌

  • They have a brand new intensity and led by Kobe Bryant and Pau Gasol this team is seemingly unbeatable .

    科比和加索尔的组合将湖人提升到了新的高度,使得这支球队似乎 已经 不可战胜

  • Together with DigestSearch 's ability to instantly find a particular keyword it could become an unbeatable solution .

    与DigestSearch的对特定关键字进行快速查找的能力相结合,这将成为一种 伦比的解决方案。

  • I 've entered all sorts of contests even untill now I 'm still unbeatable .

    我参加过各种比赛,到现在还 天下无敌

  • The unbeatable atmosphere and the hot competition will bring forth a good team work to everyone .

    比赛 期间 活跃的气氛,激烈的竞争,展示了 外语 学生团结向上的精神风貌及良好的氛围。