unbalanced phase

[ʌnˈbælənst fez][ʌnˈbælənst feiz]

[电] 不平衡相

  • Analysis of the unbalanced sidebands of phase modulation

    相位调制边带 失衡 问题研究

  • Using unbalanced magnetron sputtering method smooth dense and uniform diamond like carbon films ( DLC ) with high diamond phase content are deposited .

    利用 平衡磁控溅射物理气相沉积技术制备了光滑、致密、均匀的类 金刚石薄膜。

  • Synchrotron Radiation and Measurement Analysis of the unbalanced sidebands of phase modulation

    同步辐射与分析测试 相位调制边带 失衡 问题研究

  • A novel traction power supply system with the active power compensator as its key part is proposed as a solution for unbalanced 3 phase load low power factor and harmonic pollution etc.

    提出了一种以有源功率补偿器为核心的新型铁路牵引供电系统,以解决现有牵引供电系统对电力系统造成的 三相负载 平衡、功率因数低及谐波污染等问题。

  • Unbalanced throe phase currents widely exist in rural electric network and low-voltage power supply for urban buildings .

    在农网或城网民用低压供电系统中, 三相 平衡电流普遍存在。

  • The system has picked up unbalanced ( fundamental frequency ) signal amplitude and phase accurately by adopting the fourth order band-pass following filter controlled by phase-lock loop and FFT .

    系统设计中采用锁相环控制的四阶带通跟踪滤波、FFT实现了 平衡(基频)信号幅值和 相位的精确提取。

  • According to the dynamic balance velocity detected the amplitude and phase of the vibration signal relative to the unbalanced magnitude of the wheels were obtained through the amplitude and phase frequency spectrum .

    根据测定的车轮动平衡转速,由频谱分析求解出与车轮 平衡量有关的振动信号的振幅和 相位

  • These loads which bring fluctuation of system voltage unbalanced three phase voltage to the power system ; affect the normal operation of other electrical equipment and economics of electricity ; make the power quality problems more serious .

    由此造成了系统电压波动,电压 三相 平衡,影响了其他用电设备的正常运转和用电的经济性,使得电能质量问题日益严重。

  • A new method to calculate apparent power in unbalanced three phase system

    一种计算 三相 不对称系统视在功率的新方法 &BG

  • The algorithm of the designed digital linear phase bandpass filter and DFT demodulation are successfully applied to the unbalanced amplitude and phase demodulation of the textile cup and carding roller dynamic balance machine .

    设计了数字线性相位带通滤波及DFT解调算法,并成功地将其应用于纺杯分梳辊动平衡机 平衡 幅度及 相位解调中。

  • In serious unbalanced operating conditions the obvious difference in amplitude among the compensation currents in three phases may lead to one or two phase overloading and the compensation capability is restricted .

    负荷严重 平衡的情况下,补偿装置三相分担的负荷 均衡会限制装置的补偿能力,也容易导致一相或 两相过流。

  • Unbalanced three phases reactive and harmonics are the characteristics of traction power supply system because of single phase AC load .

    牵引负荷为变化频繁的 单相交流负荷,使电气化铁道牵引供电系统三相 严重 平衡,并且存在无功和谐波电流。

  • Shunt capacitor unbalanced current protection fails to identify the faulted phase and three-phase balanced failures and causes misoperation when failures exist in two or three phases simultaneously .

    平衡电流保护不能够识别故障 、不能够对三相平衡故障保护以及在多相同时发生故障时会发生误操作。

  • Symmetrical reactive power compensation for unbalanced three phase load

    三相 不对称负荷的无功功率对称化补偿

  • By applying the theory of dissipative structure this paper researches the temporal series and the spatial structure of the reversion process of desertification and discusses the fluctuations formation of the dissipative structure and unbalanced phase change in the reversion process of desertification .

    用耗散结构理论探讨了沙漠化逆转过程的时间序列和空间结构,论述了沙漠化逆转过程中的涨落现象、耗散结构的形成及 平衡 相变的发生。

  • The optimum compensation voltage is presented by rotating three unbalanced voltage phase diagrams and using symmetrical component method .

    通过对 不对称 三相电压 量的旋转和对称分量法来确定DVR的最优输出电压。

  • The unbalanced degrees of current in primary winding under different load conditions are discussed which are based on the general expressions of negative phase sequence current .

    结合负 电流的通用表达式,讨论了在不同负荷条件下的原边电流 平衡度。

  • Unbalanced fault calculation based on three phase bus impedance matrix

    基于 三相导纳阵的 不对称故障计算

  • In unbalanced three-phase system when using d-q calculating mode based harmonic current detecting method there is a systematic error between the detected result and actual current arising by the phase difference of phase locking result and positive voltage component .

    在三相 不对称情况下用d-q运算方式谐波检测方法检测电网谐波时,锁相环的锁相结果与电压正序分量之间的 相差使检测结果存在系统误差。

  • The out-of-order fluxion of teachers and the unbalance of the qualified teachers cause the unbalanced development of the teachers of compulsory education . Circuit-level Parallel Strategies of Three Phase PWM Converters without Zero Sequence Circulating Current

    当前义务教育师资的无序流动和师资质量的 良莠不齐导致义务教育师资的 均衡发展。无零序环流 三相PWM变流器线路级并联策略

  • Using the unbalanced fiber interferometer and the phase generated carrier modulation and demodulation technology ( PGC ) the phase noise achieved by testing is 3 × 10-5rad / ( 1 / 2 ) ~ ( Hz )( 1kHz ) .

    利用 平衡光纤干涉仪系统和 相位产生载波(PGC)调制解调技术测得激光器的相位噪声为3×10-5rad/(1/2)~(Hz)(1kHz)。

  • Unbalanced control based on individual phase for static synchronous compensator

    静止同步补偿器的 分相 不对称控制

  • Using this approach the unbalanced three phase load can be transferred into a balanced to source one and the power factor can be corrected to any desired value .

    三相负荷 不对称 功率因数低时,采用这种补偿方法不但可将功率因数补偿到任意指定值,而且可将原来的 三相不对称负荷补偿成对于供电电源来说是 三相 对称的。

  • The design of negative sequence protection is mainly introduced with seriously unbalanced power supply voltage fault open phase fault and two-phase short circuit fault .

    从电源电压严重 平衡故障、断 故障和两相短路故障三方面介绍了负序保护方案设计;