

  • The sad and bitter emotion of the wind imagery in both of them converted into the deep national collective unawareness emotion in the livelong period and sadness also became the main emotion of wind imagery in ancient poems .

    诗骚中风意象所共有的悲苦愁郁情感更在漫长的时期中转化成了深层的民族集体 意识情结,悲愁也成为古代诗歌风意象的主要情感 色调

  • Teacher factors are traditional notion of education lack of quality and teachers'ignorance of students'expectations which is the result of unawareness of the significance of researches .

    教师的因素主要表现在传统教育观念的影响、缺乏应有的教师素质、因 缺乏科研意识而导致的对学生期待的无知等。

  • Recessive method of political and ideological education is an educational way that leads the people to get the education of world outlook views on life and values through unawareness to realize the aim of political and ideological education .

    隐性思想政治教育方法是指那些能够通过 意识接受的形式,引导受教育者获得世界观、人生观、价值观的教育,从而实现思想政治教育目标的教育方法。

  • In Anglo American law system subjective good faith has existed without any dispute for a long time generally interpreted as unawareness and exceptionally conviction .

    在英美法系,主观诚信未受争议地长期存在,一般被理解为 不知,个别被理解为确信;

  • This overcomes the shortcoming of unawareness of node congestion and space environment of the DSR routing protocol .

    克服了 DSR路由协议 不能 感知节点的拥塞度和空间环境等缺点。

  • First of all the cost of the internal supervision systems is hardly measured with accuracy as this cost are mostly be paid by non-monetary means which has always been ignored by the proxies either with unawareness or on purpose .

    首先,内部监督制度的成本不易准确衡量,内部监督制度的成本多以非货币的方式支付,而且委托人通常会 有意无意地忽略实际的监督成本。

  • The unawareness of cultural schemata will lead the speaker and listener to the barrier of understanding .

    文化图式的 缺失,将造成受话人对 发话人所 传达 信息的理解障碍。

  • The rate of unawareness of DM and IGT was 23.5 % and 24.8 % respectively .

    患者对DM、IGT的 未知 率分别为23.5%及24.8%。

  • As far as the development of public institutions a lot of criticism has emerged recently . One of the reasons which do matter is unawareness of the value of human capital in public institutions which gives rise to the inefficiency and weak appreciation ability on human capital .

    就公共事业单位自身的发展而言,当前我国公共事业单位出现诸多 诟病,究其原因,其中之一即是对人力资本价值的 认识不到位,从而出现工作效率低下、人力资本升值乏力的情况。

  • Juvenile is at present the primary subject of network they become the most easily impacted group by network ecological crisis and as well the main producer of this crisis due to the deficiency of self control the unawareness of information valuation and of analysis .

    青少年是目前最主要的网络主体,由于缺乏 自控 能力、信息的选择和分析 批判 能力,他们成了最易受网络生态危机影响的群体,同时他们也是网络生态危机最主要的制造主体。

  • Its essence is to conceal the existence of the communications . As the strong concealment of information hiding we usually preprocess the secret message and then to hidden the message in subliminal channel this makes the security and unawareness of secret information much better .

    由于信息隐藏的隐蔽性很强,在阈下通信中,通常先将秘密信息进行预处理,然后再进行信息隐藏,这样使得秘密信息的保密性和 觉察性的效果更佳。

  • Therefore cultural presupposition deserves particular attention of translators for any unawareness of it on the part of translators can influence the full comprehension and correct interpretation of the source text ( ST ) .

    译者在翻译过程中,对文化 预设的忽略会影响对原文的全面理解和正确阐释,因此,文化预设应该引起译者足够的重视。

  • Through different research on control system which model is unawareness the reasonableness effectiveness and application universality is proved .

    通过对不同控制系统的研究,证明了该方法在模型 未知系统的控制中的合理性和有效性,以及应用的普遍性。

  • In addition the thesis analyzes Salinger and Holden 's superficial realization of the spirit of Zen Buddhism such as their misunderstanding of beings ' equality unawareness of the essence of realities and lacking in self-discipline .

    本文还分析了塞林格和霍尔顿在《守望者》中对佛教禅宗思想理解的 彻底引起 局限性,如 未能认识众生平等及现实 事件的本质、缺乏 持戒(自律)的 毅力等。

  • Perhaps that faculty of unawareness was what gave her eyes their transparency .

    或许正是这种 麻木不仁的本领,使她的眼睛透明 见底

  • Middle school students ' conjectures and hypothesis are affected by former impression false understanding improper analogy and knowledge structure and unawareness of hidden factors and lack of dispersive thinking .

    先入为主,错误观念 干扰、不恰当类比、认知结构不合理、 注意隐蔽因素、缺乏发散思维 能力等因素影响中学生进行猜想与假设。

  • The development of private economy can lead to the solution of many obstinate problems such as shortage of capital insufficient job position and unawareness of market conception .

    发展非公有制经济,可以解决 发达地区资金短缺、 扩大就业、 构造市场主体 加快经济市场化 进程克服 封闭意识树立市场观念等问题。

  • HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat .

    在中国东海上的一座无人小岛,一群野山羊无忧无虑地生活着,它们并没 觉察 一场外交风暴 正向他们偏远的栖息地袭来。

  • Their problems are often a result of an unawareness of appropriate social behavior an unawareness of how they come across to others or unrealistic expectations of others .

    他们的问题通常是不能 意识到适当的社会行为,不能 知给他人留下何种印象,或对他人抱有不切实际的期望的结果。

  • The causes involve improper learning strategies inadequate vocabularies unawareness of English collocations and overgeneralization of grammar rules and so on .

    例如:学习策略的不当, 词汇量的不足,对英语固定搭配的忽视,对语言规则的过度概括等。

  • What 's language anyway ? My personal dialect is invested with my own passion and understanding to the unawareness of the others .

    语言何谓? 个词语已经被我赋予 特别 色彩,他人

  • N He dwelled so much on the problem only to show his unawareness of the solution to it .

    n他在这个问题上说了这么一大 ,只能暴露出他对解决问题的办法 一无所知

  • The use of the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders ( SAUMD ) in affective disorders

    自知力评估量表( SAUMD)在情感性精神障碍中的应用

  • Q & A on Sex It mainly characterizes in automation generation unawareness and so on .

    它具有自动性、概括性、 意识性等主要特征。

  • The reasons for misdiagnosis were unawareness of young - middle aged lung cancer ;

    普遍误诊原因有:对 低龄肺癌 警惕

  • The notes weren 't that complete many of them were blank due to unawareness or confusion .

    上面记录的也不是太完善,有 好多是因为 当时不明白的就空着了。

  • It has experienced a hard and tortuous path over 40 years . In the sense of subject it has developed from unconsciousness and unawareness to consciousness and awareness .

    40多年来,中国 影视 人类学走过了一条艰难曲折的道路,从学科的意义上说,它 从无意识走向了有意识、从 自觉走上了自觉发展的道路。

  • However there is a constant problem existing in many small and medium-sized private enterprises : unawareness of the importance of enterprise culture in the development of enterprise neglect of the construction of enterprise culture and lack of good enterprise culture .

    然而,许多中小民营企业的发展却存在一个共同的问题: 没有 真正 认识 企业文化对企业发展的重要作用,忽视企业文化建设,缺乏优秀的企业文化。

  • It is true that some of the chosen are lingering in a state of unawareness and that is all right for them and for you .

    诚然,一些挥之不去的选择是在一个国家的 了解,这是所有的权利,为他们及你。