


  • Effect of TCM Therapy for Removing Toxic Substance and Unblocking Meridians on Post-chemotherapy Quality of Life in 32 Patients with Ovarian Malignancies

    解毒 络法对32例卵巢癌患者化疗后生活质量的影响

  • Objective To investigate the methods about unblocking or short time blocking to hepatic blood stream for reducing the damage of liver function during hepatectomy .

    目的探讨一种 可能阻断或短时阻断入肝血流的切肝方法,以减轻残肝功能的损害。

  • Three is unblocking the rural information communication and improving the decision-making mechanism of public service .

    三是 畅通农村信息沟通渠道,完善公共服务决策机制。

  • The unblocking reaction of blocked PAPI at different temperature is studied with IR spectrometry the initial and final dissociation temperatures are investigated .

    应用红外光谱法研究了封闭PAPI在不同温度下的 解封反应,考察了其起始解封温度及完全解封温度。

  • This paper discusses the function significance and current problems in the treatment of moyamoya disease by resolving blood-stasis and unblocking collaterals .

    通过 病案分析,阐述化瘀 通络法在烟雾病治疗中的作用、意义和目前所存在的问题。

  • Blocking and Unblocking Reaction of PAPI

    PAPI的封闭与 解封反应

  • By means of DSC the unblocking temperature of blocked isocyanate adhesives and the key parameters that affected the unblocking were discussed .

    论文采用差示量热 扫描仪(DSC)研究方法,探讨了封闭异氰酸酯的 封闭温度以及影响封闭产物解封闭的主要因素;

  • N this paper two unblocking courses of the ether blocked-couplers in negative diazo type film have been studied by GC / MS analysis .

    本文通过GC/MS 分析研究了重氮负性胶片中醚类封闭偶合剂的 解封历程。

  • Clinical study on the treatment of chronic pharyngitis by unblocking collateral disintoxicating and enriching the spleen and yin therapy

    通络解毒健脾滋阴法治疗慢 喉痹的临床研究

  • More specific policies aimed at unblocking their own domestic growth would probably be more useful and support any declines in commodity prices .

    出台一些旨在 扫清本国增长 障碍的更明确的政策可能更为有效,并有利于大宗商品价格的下降。

  • Study on Propaganda and Mobilization in the Community Influential Role of Public Opinion Unblocking Practice

    宣传和动员在社区舆情 疏导实践中的作用

  • Blocking and Unblocking Reaction of TDI Prepolymer

    TDI预聚体封闭与 封闭反应研究

  • Unblocking the impasse should follow three principles .


  • Objective : To study the influence of YXL formulated by the main principle of dissolving blood stasis and unblocking meridian on the influence on the content of amino-acid neurotransmitter and their receptors ' gene expression in the hippocampus of the the chronic epileptic rats induced by PTZ .

    目的:研究以化瘀 通络法为主要组方原则的愈痫灵颗粒剂对戊四氮(Pentylenetetrazol,PTZ)致痫大鼠海马组织氨基酸类神经递质含量及其受体基因表达的影响。

  • Atrocious weather exerts great impact on traffic unblocking and safety and has many internal relations with frequencies of traffic accidents .

    摘要恶劣气候对道路交通安全 畅通有着巨大影响,与交通事故的发生之间也存在着许多内在的联系。

  • The unblocking temperature of blocked isocyanate is decreased to some degree by adding a small amount of organotin accelerator and the reaction is quickened .

    而微量的有机锡催化剂能在一定程度上降低封闭异氰酸酯的 解封温度,加快反应速率。

  • This is a log of user blocking and unblocking actions .

    这里记录了用户进行查封和 解封的操作。

  • Excellent place mainly in the reactor shutdown and restart process but the implementation of isolation in the system equipment maintenance unblocking the isolation the system can be reused and so on .

    优秀的地方主要体现在反应堆停堆和启堆过程,但在系统实施隔离,设备维修, 解除隔离,系统 恢复可用等大修 核心 阶段,存在着比较大的 差距

  • An Improved Unblocking Images Watermarking Algorithm Based on DWT and SVD

    基于DWT和SVD的改进 图像水印算法

  • To enhance and improve thought political work pay attention to humanities concern and psychological unblocking and deal with the interpersonal relationship with the correct way .

    加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理 疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系。

  • America does not want its investors hoodwinked ; China has an interest in unblocking financing for Chinese firms that want to list abroad .

    美国不希望它的投资者受欺骗,中国也在中国公司去海外上市并 打开财务 大门方面有自己的相关利益。

  • There has to be some gap of clock cycles between the unblocking of signals and the next instruction carried by the process and any occurrence of a signal in this window of time is lost .

    消除信号 阻塞到进程执行下一个指令之间,必然会有时钟周期间隙,任何在此时间窗口发生的信号都会丢掉。

  • Innovating the Ideological and Political Work of Vocational College Students from the Psychological Unblocking

    从心理 疏导 入手创新高职学生思想政治工作

  • Treatment of Parkinson 's Disease in 30 Cases by Nourishing Liver and Kidneys Unblocking Collaterals and Relieving Toxin

    滋补肝肾、 通络解毒法治疗帕金森病30例

  • Quality female student psychology barrier perspective and sports unblocking method exploration

    高职女学生心理障碍透视及体育 疏导方法的探索

  • This paper discussed the synthesis blocking and unblocking of polyurethane as well as the effect of blocked polyurethane reacting with fiber hydroxyl on its performance for improving paper strength .

    讨论了聚氨酯(PU)的合成、“封闭”、 解封 以及聚氨酯与纤维羟基之间的反应对封闭型水性聚氨酯纸张的增强作用;

  • Results and Conclusion Treatment of genual osteoarthritis by unblocking acupuncture method has a high clinical remission rate and a short course . Its long-term effect is significantly better than that of routine acupuncture method .

    结果与结论采用 针法治疗膝骨性关节炎临床缓解率高,疗程短,且远期疗效明显好于常规针法。

  • The Study of Therapeutic Effect and Immunomechanism of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treating with Unblocking Meridians and Governor Vessel Tuina


  • This function begins by unblocking all signals and setting the session key ring .

    该函数首先 解锁所有信号并设置会话密钥环。