


  • Your kind haunting the wilds unchecked until we found you .

    你们这些(禽兽),在野地里 毫无 约束 作祟,直到我们发现了你。

  • But if it remains unchecked when they reach the marriage age problems will occur .

    但是如果继续 放任 ,等他们到结婚年龄后,问题就会发生。

  • Unchecked climate change will pose unacceptable risks to our security our economies and our planet .

    如果 加以 制止,气候变化就将对我们的安全、我们的经济和我们的地球构成不可接受的危险。

  • If that kind of course is left unchecked I 'm headed to complete separation from God eternally .

    如果这过程中的 障碍 没有 得到 清除,那么我就一头扎在和神的完全分离中了。

  • This provision gives the president total and unchecked power .

    这条规定赋予了总统绝对及 约束的权力。

  • This criteria cannot be unchecked .

    不能 该条件。

  • No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked .

    不能听任错误思想 自由泛滥

  • The tight government control has created and maintained social stability but the unchecked power has actually cultured corruption .

    政府的强力控制实现和维护了社会稳定,但权力的 随意性和 约束性又滋生了腐败 流弊

  • If left unchecked weeds will flourish .

    如果 加以 遏制,杂草就会疯长。

  • But unchecked inflation would also erode the domestic value of foreign assets and in a more damaging way .

    但是 确定的通货膨胀率将以更糟糕的方式侵蚀外过资产的国内价值。

  • Test failures are indicated by throwing unchecked exceptions typically by using JUnit-provided assertion and failure methods .

    测试失败通过抛出 检查的异常来指示,通常使用JUnit提供的断言和故障方法指示。

  • I like unchecked exceptions because I can choose to expose them at the appropriate level of the architecture .

    我喜欢 检查异常,因为我可以选择在架构的合适级别上抛出它们。

  • Two events appear to have convinced China 's leaders that the websites cannot be allowed to continue unchecked .

    有两起事件似乎提醒了中国领导人们网络 缺乏 检查 状况不能继续 下去了。

  • Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer


  • Verify that the check boxes for servers that will not be targets of the job are unchecked .

    验证 选中不作为作业的目标服务器 的复选框。

  • In no circumstances should erroneous ideas be allowed to spread unchecked .

    决不允许错误思想 到处 泛滥

  • Since a key characteristic of cancer cells is unchecked growth the research identifies potential targets for new treatments .

    因为癌细胞的一个关键特征就是 休止生长,因此该研究为新的治疗提供了潜在靶点。

  • It 's a verbal virus that 's spreading unchecked on TV radio and in print .

    它是一个正在电视、广播和出版中 制止 传播的语言病毒。

  • If loneliness is allowed to spread unchecked it can destroy a social network .

    如果 任由寂寞 滋生蔓延,人的社会交际网络都有被毁的 危险

  • Fear if left unchecked can destroy our lives .

    如果 加以 控制,恐惧还可能摧毁我们的生活。

  • One should not let bad behaviour go unchecked .

    对错误的行为,不能放任 不管

  • Drugs should not be allowed to spread unchecked .

    不能让毒品 泛滥

  • The worgen curse had infected their residents and promptly spread throughout the kingdom unchecked for several years .

    狼人诅咒已经感染了这里的居民并近几年里在整个王国中 遏制的迅速传播。

  • Left unchecked the result would have been underinvestment in energy infrastructure and ultimately shortages of fuel .

    对此 置之不理,结果将是能源基础设施的投资不足,最终导致燃料短缺。

  • Some mailboxes can not be imported due to file name restrictions these mailboxes have been unchecked for import .

    由于文件名的限制,可能无法导入某些邮箱,这些邮箱的选择导入标记已 取消