unbalanced network

[ʌnˈbælənst ˈnɛtˌwɚk][ʌnˈbælənst ˈnetwə:k]


  • The unbalanced reactive power will cause the drop of power factor and voltage the decline of capability of network transmission and the increase of active power loss so the equipments can not be sufficiently utilized even be damaged .

    无功 平衡会导致系统功率因数和电压降低, 网络传输能力下降,网损增加,使电气设备得不到充分的利用,严重时还会导致设备的损坏。

  • Three-phrase unbalanced operation of distribution network will increase the loss of power . Some measures must be taken to low it .

    配电 三相 平衡运行将增加电能损耗,现分别对配电网中变压器和线路在不 平衡 运行 状态下增加的电能损耗进行量化分析,并探讨相应降损节能措施。

  • Compared with previous multi-hop clustering algorithms the proposed SCA algorithm has the following advantage : the unbalanced clustering method reduces the size of a cluster ; therefore it reduces the data confliction in the network which helps balance the energy costs of nodes .

    与现有的多跳分群算法具有以下优势:采用 均匀分群的方法,减小了群的规模,从而减少了 网络内的数据冲突并均衡了节点的能量消耗。

  • In the communication networks network congestion issues are often caused by unbalanced loading or partial network invalidation which will decline the quality of service .

    在通信网络中,负载 均衡或部分 网络失效常常会引起网络拥塞问题,导致业务的服务质量下降。

  • How to implement efficient content service in a complex environment which contains decentralized and huge-amount users uncontrollable nodes with unbalanced computing capacity and network connection is a challenging research area and of great importance .

    如何在用户广泛分布、数量巨大、节点行为 可控、计算能力和 网络连接 均匀的复杂环境下实现高效的内容服务具有重大的研究意义,同时又是具有挑战性的研究课题。

  • In this program the voltage and current of simultaneous faults or unbalanced power system are calculated by solving the simultaneous equations of multi-port network and of the fault boundary .

    本程序应用多端口 网络方程和故障端口边界方程联立求解的方法,计算电力系统各种多重故障及任意 不对称 运行的电压和电流。

  • On this basis defining the essential characteristics of the network culture . By combining the definition of internet cultural ecological unbalanced phenomena the third part summarizes the performance of network cultural ecological unbalanced phenomena and then explores the reasons .

    在此基础上,对网络文化的本质特征进行新的界定;第三部分结合对网络文化生态 失衡现象的界定,总结出 网络文化生态失衡现象的具体表现。

  • Calculation of Three-Phase Unbalanced Power Flow in Distribution Network Containing Distributed Generation

    含分布式电源的三相 平衡配电 潮流计算

  • This scheme may handle the unbalanced channel allocation problem and the mesh nodes in network can access AP in fewer hops .

    该策略能降低信道分配 均衡化问题, 网络内节点能以较少的跳数接入AP。

  • In three-phase four-wire power The problem of the three-phase unbalancing is influenced by unbalanced loads that impacts safety and stabilization of power system and the low-voltage distribution network .

    在三相四线制供电网中,由于负载 不对称 引起的三相不平衡问题对用电设备以及低压 电网的安全稳定运行有较大的危害,严重影响了系统供电的电能质量。

  • The operation of unbalanced three-phase loads of distribution network will increase power loss .

    配电 三相负荷 平衡运行将增加配电 的电能损耗。

  • This paper presents a new control strategy to eliminate second harmonic of dc output current in the 3-phase unbalanced network voltage PWM current-source converters ( CSC ) . This proposed method can effectively reduce low order harmonics of the network current .

    提出一种 电网电压 不对称情况下抑制三相脉宽调制(PWM)电流型变流器(CSC)直流输出电流二次谐波、减少网侧电流低次谐波的控制方法。

  • It is immune from the unbalanced status of network and the values of earthed resistance . To the complicated intermittent arc-earth fault the proposed method also works well .

    该方法不受 电网 平衡情况和接地电阻大小的影响,对复杂的间歇性电弧接地故障同样有效。

  • A unbalanced electro-bridge is studied by network method basd on A parameter of network . The expressions for input resistance output resistance output current and electro-bridge sensitivity are all given and the results is compared with connected argument .

    基于A参数,利用 网络分析法导出了 平衡电桥的输入、输出电阻和输出电流表达式,同时给出了电桥灵敏度的表达式,并将结果与相关讨论进行了比较。

  • The main existing questions included the psychology indifference unbalanced development of participation the disordering network participation and the soaring cost of participation and the disordering participation behavior .

    存在的主要问题表现在参与心理冷漠化、参与发展 失衡化、 网络参与无序化、参与成本高昂化和参与行为无序化。

  • Unbalanced strategy of Mesh network can trigger zone congestion easily during the network is under high level load .

    当网络负载水平很高时,系统的 平衡使得 网络局部区域非常容易出现拥塞。

  • With the new method the unbalanced loss is attributed to the redundant PWM state and an improved PWM is presented . The Effect of Loss Caused by Unbalanced Operation of Distribution Network

    在此基础上,分析了发热不均衡的原因,并提出了改进的脉宽调制(PWM)方案。配电 三相 平衡运行对线损的影响

  • Control Strategy for Current-source Converters Under Unbalanced Network Voltage Conditions

    电流型变流器在 电网电压 平衡时的控制

  • By use of unbalanced voltage and the current passing through the capacitor the capacitive current of high-tension network can be calculated .

    三相与地之间依次接入一辅助电容ΔC,利用该电容器中所流过的电流及 电网 平衡电压计算出 电网的电容电流。

  • Unbalanced throe phase currents widely exist in rural electric network and low-voltage power supply for urban buildings .

    农网或城 民用低压供电系统中,三相间 平衡电流普遍存在。

  • The response characteristics of unit under different parameters settings are discussed when the isolated network was formed with large unbalanced power and parameter setting value which beneficial to stable operation of isolated network are given .

    分析了在较大 平衡功率下形成孤网时,不同参数设置下的机组响应特性,并给出了有利于孤 稳定运行的参数整定值。