under protest

[ˈʌndɚ ˈprotɛst][ˈʌndə ˈprəutest]


  • What is more certain as Nobel week gets under way is that whoever wins there will be protest celebration and disappointment .

    更加确定的是随着诺贝尔奖这 周照常颁布,无论谁获奖都会有 抗议、庆祝和失望。

  • If I have to do it I shall do it under protest . We don 't have and never had and could not have a voluntary tax system .

    如果非要我做这 事不可,我是干得不 心甘情愿的。一种心甘情愿的税收制度从前没有,现在未有,将来也不可能拥有。

  • She paid the fine under protest .


  • They agreed to the proposal only under protest .

    抗议的情况 ,他们才应允了建议。

  • In1913 a woman called Emily wilding Davidson threw herself under the hooves of the king 's horse during a race to protest about not being able to vote .

    1913年,一位名叫埃米莉瓦尔丁戴维森的妇女在一场马赛中将身体投 国王的马蹄 ,以 抗议无选举权。

  • Under the Leadership of American Citizens for Justice they launched a protest and support movement seeking justice for Vincent Chin which pushed the Asian American Civil Rights Movement to a climax .

    他们 美国公民伸张正义联合会为领导中心,掀起了为陈果仁争取司法公正的 抗议和声援运动,将亚美民权运动推向一个高潮。

  • In our country Criminal Procedure and related judicial interpretation provide that the parties and their legal representatives close relatives can apply according to the new evidence the prosecution also under the new evidence apply for retrial protest .

    在我国,《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释规定当事人及其法定代理人、近亲属可以根据新证据提出申诉,检察机关也可以 根据新证据提起再审 抗诉

  • The children will go to bed on Christmas Eve under protest .

    圣诞节前夕孩子们极不 乐意睡觉。

  • I 'm only here under protest 'Jenna said shortly .

    “我是被迫来的,” 詹纳不耐烦地说。

  • He paid the tax demand under protest .

    被迫 如数缴纳了税款。

  • Under the present system procuratorial organs filed forthe use of the right to protest very restrained .

    现行制度 检察机关对于运用提起 抗诉权非常克制。

  • I went to the party under protest .

    我很不 情愿地去参加了那 聚会。

  • He signed the document under protest .


  • She wrote a letter of apology but lonely under protest .

    她无奈 之下写了一封 致歉信。

  • All right I 'll go to the meeting but only under protest .

    好吧,我会去开会的,可是我很不 情愿