When the Chinese and Brazilian economies were booming and when companies and markets were still relatively under-developed entrepreneurs and businesses found they had little need for the capital or advice offered by private equity .
在中国和巴西经济高速增长、企业和市场仍相对 欠 发达 的 时期,企业家和企业发现,他们几乎不需要私人股本的资本和建议。
Once in a while robbers and hijackers are conversational topics perhaps because in under-developed or third-world countries the law or enforcement thereof can be recognizably corrupt .
偶尔人们也会谈论盗贼和劫匪的事,可能因为在 不 发达 地区或所谓的第三世界国家里,腐败的政府的“法律”或强制根本不起作用已经是司空见惯的事了。
Article 37 The State shall support and promote the development of foreign trade in national autonomous areas and economically under-developed areas .
第三十七条国家扶持和促进民族自治地方和经济 不 发达地区发展对外贸易。
The social science methodology of comparative studies is surprisingly under-developed .
比较研究的社会科学方法 出奇 不 完善。
Institutional Barriers in the Development of Education in Under-developed Areas
贫困地区 农村 义务教育发展的制度障碍
Internally China will not boom again but nor is it likely to bust ; an unbalanced economy and under-developed financial markets limit domestic investment opportunities .
就国内来说,中国经济不会再次高速增长,但也不太可能陷入衰退;不平衡的经济结构和 不 成熟的金融市场限制了中国国内的投资机会。
Or by finding a balance between targeting the wealthier but more mature south-east and the faster-growing but under-developed north-east .
或者在把目标对准较为富有、但更为成熟的东南部和增长较快、但 欠 发达的东北地区之间找到平衡点。
Asian bond markets remain under-developed despite 20 years of talk .
尽管讨论了20年,但亚洲债券市场仍 不 发达。
China is a developing country with low labour costs but suffers from capital constraint and relatively under-developed scientific and technological development .
中国是发展中国家,劳动成本低,但资金短缺,科技相对 落后。
Investigation on the Need of the Key Mathematics Teachers in the Under-developed Areas and Analysis on the Present Situation
欠 发达地区骨干教师(数学)需求调查与现状分析
Caffeine crosses through the placenta to the fetus but can be difficult for the fetus to metabolize because of the under-developed metabolic system .
咖啡因可以通过胎盘对进入胎儿的体内,但胎儿不能代谢咖啡因,因为胎儿没有 发达对咖啡因的代谢系统。
They will help the under-developed capital markets develop faster .
它们将帮助 欠 发达的资本市场加快发展速度。
China is the most populous nation with vulnerable environment and under-developed productivity .
是中国人口众多, 底子 薄,生产力 不 发达。
Research on Professional Qualities of Middle School Information Technology Teachers in Under-Developed Areas
欠 发达地区中学信息技术教师专业素质现状调查研究
China is no longer a ' fellow under-developed economy ' he writes .
中国不再是一个‘同 级别 的 欠 发达经济体’,他写道。
We just want to protect our companies with new technologies because we face growing challenges from under-developed countries as well as advanced ones regarding our cutting-edge technology and management strategies says Lee Choon-sang an adviser to Ms Park .
我们只是要保护拥有新技术的本国公司,因为在我们的前沿技术和管理战略方面,我们面临着来自 不 发达国家和发达国家日益加剧的挑战。
These vagrant children are from impoverished families in the under-developed remote rural areas .
这些流浪儿童来自 经济 欠 发达的偏远农村地区的贫困家庭。
He analysed the relationship between multinational corporations and under-developed countries .
他分析了跨国公司和 不 发达国家之间的关系。
It struggled for years with a skimpy product line and an under-developed dealer network .
产品线不足、经销网络 落后的铃木苦苦挣扎了多年。
But they suffer from political instability a poor investment climate under-developed infrastructure and restrictive labour laws .
但这些国家存在诸多问题:政局不稳、投资环境恶劣、基础设施 发展 滞后、劳动法规限制 多多。
People have to be extremely creative in managing when infrastructure is under-developed .
当基础设施 欠 发达时,人们需要在管理方面极具创造力。
This paper gives the definition of under-developed regions which include under-developed or stagnant counties or their adjacencies .
“ 欠 发展区域”是指发展不够或发展滞后的县域或县域毗邻区,即一个以上的欠发展县或欠 发展地区。
Secondly aids to the under-developed countries in turn benefit the donators .
第二,援助 欠 发达的国家对帮助国也有好处。
These are used at a later stage for investment in under-developed areas of countries .
这些将在以后用于对 某些国家 落后地区的投资。
Difficulties of New Rural Construction in Under-developed Areas and its Countermeasures
后 发达地区新农村建设的难点及对策
The country 's $ 232 billion travel market is mainly domestic and hugely under-developed .
这个价值2320亿美元的旅游市场主要在中国国内,而且非常 不 发达。
Issues and Policies of Regional Cooperation of under-Developed Provinces ' Neighboring Areas
欠 发达省区毗邻地区区域协作的问题及对策
It also says that the Third World refers to the economically under-developed or developing nations in Africa Asia and Latin America pointing out that some countries in it are more developed than others .
指南里还说第三世界指的是非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的经济 欠 发达国家或发展中国家,并指出其中部分国家更发达一些。
[法] 未充分发展的,落后的